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Really, it doesn't fit me.

Cheating me after we got married.

By Teressa RosallPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Really, it doesn't fit me.
Photo by Sandy Millar on Unsplash

Really, now it doesn't fit me. I think that someone left something that belongs to them.

Image to my surprise when I found it behind our couch. Of all things find a garment that is not my size.

I can't believe my eyes. We have been married for 6 months and you did this to me.

Why did you marry me then? I am wondering when this all started.

Did start before or after we got married?

If it was before we got you should have told me.

All that money for the wedding went to waste because of you.

How I am going to look you in your cheating eyes?

If it happened after our marriage why did you wait a year to divorce me?

I will never know what was going through your mind.

All the things that parents did for us for the wedding.

They gave us a super wedding and you went and did this.

How am I to look them in their eyes when I had to move back into their house because I had nowhere to go?

I had to sleep on the floor because they made my room into their dream den.

I can't believe you did this to me, my family and our friend kept this from me.

You and I were even looking for a new place to live.

I would only find out that you got the place that we would look at.

Was that your love nest to keep her from me?

To break my heart more you told me to leave right after Christmas.

I guess that you couldn't look me in the eyes and lie to me anymore.

I tried my best to forgive you because I didn't know what your dirty little secret was.

I was played for a fool.

Why did you wait for a year after we were married to divorce me?

I will say it again.

Did you know that it would cost you money idiot?

If we got divorced before a year it would be like that marriage never happened.

You are the one that waited for a year to do this.

I had hoped that we would make it but I guess what my mind was thinking.

The money for the divorce I didn't have but I had my parents to help me out on the divorce.

You know what I kept the garment to remind me how dirty you were when you did this to me.

Now I find out that you have been remarried like 5 times. You are the fool, not me.

I am guessing that you like keeping secrets for the people that you love.

I guess that you like to keep secrets from your children that you had with the other wives.

They never knew that you were married before them.

It is like our marriage never happened in the first place.

That is really sad to say.

Hey, it's not my money.

You had used your own money or did you ask family for help that you used for the other divorces from other wives it is your money.

They are fools also for marrying a cheater.

You didn't break my spirit of marriage I am remarried now and I have a son and wonderful husband.

You can say that I have learned from my mistake from you. This marriage has lasted over 20 plus years now.

I never want to go through another divorce.

You are a fool and idiot and you have to live with that all your life.

You are trash to me.


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