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The Final Thoughts of an Old Home

By D.J. GallacherPublished about a year ago Updated about a year ago 4 min read
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash

"If walls could talk," the construction worker sighed as he closed my door for the last time.

Walking away, he continued, "It feels wrong tearing down a beautiful home after a hundred and eighteen years."

I couldn't agree more as I now stand here, vacated and bare in my final moments. Vacated, but not alone. You see, I've had the privilege of being a home to seven wonderful families. Their experiences have echoed through these walls down the foundation of my being.

All I have to do is recall the infectious laugh of a little baby, and in seconds, waves of laughter from 23 babies flow through every room in my home and, with it, the joy it brings.

I've been around a long time, and as my end nears, I'd like to share with you my favorite and perhaps most meaningful experience. Ironically, it also happens to be the cause of my undoing, but I wouldn't change a thing.

Obviously, I don't see the same way humans do. However, everything in this world vibrates and gives off energy. Being a home, enclosed and connected with everything inside, I learned to manipulate the different vibrations and energies into what I call vision. This gives me the ability to see on levels humans can not.

Learning to see and understand humans was complex at first. Humans vibrate at various frequencies. If a person is generally happy, they vibrate at a higher frequency. If they are usually unhappy, they'll vibrate at a lower frequency. However, a person can emit energy that isn't in sync with their general frequency. It's their in-the-moment emotions that give off energy that can usually be felt by others.

Getting back to the point, I want to share a particular story involving a little girl named Emily. When Emily came home from the hospital seven years ago, I was baffled. Not only did she vibrate at a higher frequency, but she emitted light unseen by her family.

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Okay, this is a fictional story." I get it. It sounds crazy. I second-guessed myself too, but after over 100 years of experience, Emily emitted a light I'd never seen before in anyone else.

This wasn't the first time I found myself second-guessing my "vision."

It wasn't until 1956 that I saw someone die for the first time, but when he passed, I saw a form of energy leave his body.

I was unsure of myself until his wife passed a year later, confirming my previous conclusion. A human's soul or spirit lives on after the body dies.

Circling back to Emily, my best guess was that her spirit was so powerful, I could see it shining through her body.

Emily had two older siblings, both seemingly ordinary children, getting in trouble, acting up, and throwing tantrums, but not Emily. She was always sweet, kind, and obedient. When she smiled, you could see the joy in her eyes. It was enough to melt the coldest of hearts. Not a single person left her presence without feeling better than they did when they arrived. At least, that is, until five months ago.

Out of the blue, Emily suddenly became very ill. It didn't take long for the doctors to diagnose her with brain cancer. Nothing could have prepared the family for the pain they were about to endure.

After a few months in the hospital, knowing nothing else could be done, Emily came home for what would be her last few days. Visibly in pain and weak, she still had a smile that could melt a heart. Unfortunately, the pain of a broken heart became too much for most to bear, and visitors stopped coming.

Her parents didn't think pain like this was possible. Individually, they prayed in private, begging God to take them instead.

Emily's brother and sister weren't handling it much better, especially her sister Hanna who cried almost every night. Her brother, Kaden, tried to be tough, but that sometimes turned his sadness into anger.

Finally, the doctor had to let her parents know Emily only had a few hours left. Emily asked her parents, as well as Kaden and Hanna, if they wouldn't mind staying with her until the end. With that, the nurses and doctors all left the room, and that's when it happened.

One by one, bodies of light began to appear in the room. Soon it became hard to see, as the room was filled with these, for lack of a better word, spirits.

What happened next shocked me to my foundation. Emily, with her parent's heads on her chest, brother and sister holding her hand, looked up at the spirit floating over her father and, without using her mouth, said, "Do I have to leave them?"

Again, to my surprise, the spirit replied, "You have served this family well. Their love for you is pure, and for your mother to change the world, she must endure this pain. Once she does, she will have the strength to fulfill her destiny. This has been your purpose here from the beginning. She is your purpose."

Tears fell down her cheek as Emily said her final words, "Thank you for letting me be part of your family."

Cries turned into wailing as she passed. And with her last breath, I saw Emily's spirit leave her body. That's when it all made sense. Wings. When her spirit came out of her body, for a split second, I saw wings. These were Angels. Emily was an Angel born into a human body to prepare her mom for the future.

After the funeral, Emily's father sold me to a new owner. Sadly, the new owner has plans for a home that doesn't include me. But that's okay. I learned that everything that's created is created to serve a purpose. I've been a home to 7 families. That alone is purpose fulfilled, but to have been lucky enough to serve as a home to an Angel... I don't have words.

It's fitting that at the end of my life, I found the meaning of life. To serve a purpose to someone. You're here to make a difference. You're here to serve a purpose. Being human, you can choose your purpose, but if you're not sure what that purpose is, know you were created for a reason.


About the Creator

D.J. Gallacher

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    D.J. GallacherWritten by D.J. Gallacher

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