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The unseen pain of single parenthood.

The untold stories of maternal suffering at he hands of aunties and grand parents

By Sarah AwotwePublished 2 days ago 3 min read
Me and you against he world child.

Single parenthood is a challenging and often stigmatized experience, especially for mothers who bear the brunt of societal judgment and familial criticism. While the struggles of single mothers are well-documented, there is a lesser-known narrative that remains hidden in the shadows - the pain inflicted by aunties and grandparents. This document sheds light on the untold story of maternal suffering at the hands of those expected to provide love, support, and understanding.

The Weight of Expectations

Aunties and grandparents often hold high expectations for their nieces and granddaughters, particularly when it comes to marriage and family. When these expectations are not met, they may view single parenthood as a personal failure, rather than a circumstance beyond the mother's control. This can lead to criticism, blame, and emotional distancing, exacerbating the mother's feelings of guilt and shame.

The Sting of Judgment

Aunties and grandparents may vocalize their disapproval through hurtful comments, comparisons to others, and constant questioning about the father's absence. These verbal jabs can pierce the mother's soul, making her feel inadequate, unworthy, and unloved. The constant scrutiny can lead to anxiety, depression, and a loss of self-worth.

The Burden of Caregiving

Aunties and grandparents may offer to help with childcare, but often with strings attached. They may use this as leverage to control the mother's decisions, dictating how she should raise her child. This can lead to feelings of resentment, frustration, and helplessness, as the mother struggles to maintain her autonomy and parenting choices.

The Pain of Exclusion

Aunties and grandparents may exclude the mother from family gatherings, events, and discussions, further isolating her from the support system she desperately needs. This exclusion can be a constant reminder of her perceived failures, making her feel like an outcast within her own family.

The Power of Support

In contrast, supportive aunties and grandparents can be a lifeline for single mothers. They can offer emotional validation, practical help, and a safe haven for both mother and child. Their unwavering support can empower the mother to break free from the shackles of guilt and shame, allowing her to flourish as a parent and individual.

Single mothers may face judgment and criticism from their extended family members, who may view their situation as a personal failure or a reflection of their own shortcomings.

Extended family members may not provide the emotional or practical support that single mothers need, leaving them feeling isolated and alone.

Single mothers may be compared unfavorably to other family members who are in two-parent households, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Extended family members may pressure the single mother to reconcile with the absent parent, which can be painful and stressful.

Single mothers may struggle to set boundaries with extended family members who may overstep their bounds or try to control their lives.

Single mothers may feel like a burden to their extended family members, who may resent them for their situation.

Single mothers may be the subject of gossip and rumors within the extended family, which can be hurtful and damaging.

Limited financial support: Extended family members may not provide financial support, leaving single mothers to struggle to make ends meet.

Extended family members may emotionally distance themselves from the single mother and her child, leading to feelings of rejection and abandonment.

It's important to note that not all extended families will exhibit these behaviors, and some may be incredibly supportive and loving. However, for those who do face these challenges, it's essential to seek out support from other sources, such as friends, support groups, or therapy.

The pain of single parenthood caused by aunties and grandparents is a real and devastating experience for many mothers. It is essential to acknowledge and address this hidden suffering, working towards creating a more supportive and inclusive family environment. By doing so, we can empower single mothers to heal, grow, and thrive, free from the weight of judgment and expectation.


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    SAWritten by Sarah Awotwe

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