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No Matter What You Are Going Through...You Are Not Alone.

By Alan Firmin

By Alan FirminPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
No Matter What You Are Going Through...You Are Not Alone.
Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

We can often find ourselves isolated and alone through many circumstances. Regardless of these circumstances, because there are as many as there are different people in this world, we can find ourselves in a dark place, wondering where the light may come if it will come at all.

We see on the news how human beings treat each other in our world today, and it sickens us to our very core, yet there are hidden tragedies of people facing turmoil alone, often without help or guidance on how to resolve their demons.

The list is endless, but from eating disorders, self-harm, bullying, depression, substance abuse and unfortunately, the list goes on and on. We call ourselves civilized, but often society turns its back on people, blames them for their problems or walks past them consumed with their daily troubles of paying bills and meeting deadlines.

I have been spending a lot of time over the last year exploring various issues and almost started a non-profit organisation to help parents and children. The idea was to help parents and children understand or find information about what to do when a child is bullied, as I felt not enough was being done.

I know it will not change the world, but I only needed to change one child's world for all the effort to be worthwhile. Unfortunately, I returned to the UK before seeing it through, although I still plan to do it. However, what I found in the UK only highlighted the number of troubles facing people in our world.

I have found in all my research that there are many courageous people, some children, creating blogs that are trying to share their experiences. The hope is that they come to terms with what they are going through, but most importantly, that someone out there may see a post, a blog or a word that truly does connect.

They do not feel so isolated, so alone and even so abandoned. Profound, heartfelt messages, quotes, and even incredible illustrations show a glimpse of the pain in people's lives; these people are what you might call 'real comic book heroes in a digital world.'

So, whatever you are facing, don't give up, don't sleep thinking no one cares because many people in this world care about you. More importantly, please don't blame yourself for anything that has happened as we all carry baggage with us through life, and it defines who you are, the good, the bad and the ugly. We do not understand why we are here I this world, and the answers you are looking for are simply not available. We must accept that these trials we face maybe some kind of karmic lesson we were supposed to endure to learn and grow. But whatever the reasons, it is out of your control and therefore try not to spend your time worrying about what you can't change.

Those that love you will accept that; it doesn't matter about the ones that don't. Just search for whatever you are going through online. I guarantee you will find help and, importantly, not be alone through the journey you are on. The challenge is understanding where you are and knowing that you need assistance. It is the same with a person who has an addiction. Unless they confront the truth, no amount of outside help will change their course of action, but that doesn't mean support isn't available. When you open your heart to those around you, I'm sure you will find that most people in this world will try to help; you have to be brave in accepting that help.

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About the Creator

Alan Firmin

Award winning Creative Director: GREY, FCB, Y&R, & VML 20 years. CMO for 10 years. Founder of Tribalheart. Lectured at University of London. Speak at conferences all over the world on emerging media. Love poetry & photography

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    Alan FirminWritten by Alan Firmin

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