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Mystery or Science?

Newborn twin saves his brother by a simple hug.

By Tatty ArlyssePublished 10 months ago 4 min read

There is a commonly heard belief that twins share an unexplained and invisible connection, which science has yet to fully understand. However, some experts dismiss this idea as mere fiction. Nevertheless, a compelling story from 2018 serves as strong evidence that miracles can occur. Today, I would like to introduce you to Dylan and Daniel, two adorable babies, and share their remarkable story.

When Hannah and her husband received the news that they were expecting twins, their joy knew no bounds. They eagerly made preparations for their arrival and eagerly awaited the due date. However, fate had different plans in store for them. Despite Hannah's pregnancy progressing well, an unexpected event occurred on a day in October. Hannah, who was only 28 years old at the time, went into premature labor. Naturally, the mother was overwhelmed with fear, as it was too early to welcome her babies—she was only 25 weeks into her pregnancy. Without wasting a moment, Hannah's devoted husband rushed her to the hospital. The medical staff made every effort for two days to halt the contractions, but unfortunately, their attempts proved unsuccessful. Eventually, the doctor informed them that they had to prepare for a surgical procedure for the sake of the mother and the babies. Throughout this challenging time, Hannah's husband remained by her side at the hospital, providing unwavering support.

After a tense period, the babies were finally born. Dylan weighed 900 grams, while his brother Daniel was even smaller, weighing only 700 grams. Despite the doctors' continuous reassurances and expressions of love for the babies, there was an underlying sense of concern. Dylan showed promising progress, gaining weight rapidly and fully recovering within a month. However, the situation was far more challenging for Daniel. His small size and frailty led the doctors to give him little chance of survival. While Dylan was discharged from the hospital and went home, Daniel remained in the emergency room for two months, unable to breathe on his own.

The odds were heavily stacked against Daniel's survival, and the family faced the grim reality. Despite having three other children and residing 60 kilometers away from the hospital, Hannah made it a point to be physically present in the neonatal department almost around the clock, refusing to give up. However, their hopes were shattered when one fateful day, the doctors delivered devastating news. Hannah distinctly remembers arriving at the hospital as usual, only to notice an unusual demeanor among the nursing staff, which, in hindsight, seemed rather peculiar.

As Hannah entered the head doctor's office and heard his words, she was overcome with shock, nearly fainting. In a hushed tone, the doctor advised the grieving parents to bid farewell to Daniel, as there seemed to be no improvement in his condition. There was a significant possibility that their son might not survive. The devastated couple found themselves at a loss, grappling with the heart-wrenching news.

The following day, they decided to bring Dylan, Daniel's older twin, to say his final goodbye. Placed alongside Daniel in the incubator, it was assumed that this would be their last interaction. However, what unfolded next was beyond anyone's expectations. Dylan, the older brother, instinctively reached out and wrapped his tiny arm around his dying twin. The embrace between the twin brothers endured for approximately five minutes, which, astonishingly, had a profound impact on Daniel's condition.

It may sound incredible, but within a few hours, Daniel's condition in the incubator remarkably improved. The doctors made the decision to decrease the forced oxygen supply from 100 percent to 50 percent, offering a glimmer of hope to the parents. Regrettably, the joy was short-lived, as they received a disheartening call from the hospital the following day, informing them that Daniel's condition had worsened once again.

However, this time, the parents knew what they needed to do. Hannah and her husband took Dylan back to the hospital, where he was placed with his brother once more. Miraculously, the baby's condition improved yet again. Although no one could assert with certainty that it was Dylan's embrace that aided his little brother's recovery, the possibility that the baby responded positively to his twin's touch was not dismissed. The doctors themselves, astonished by the turn of events, referred to it as nothing short of a miracle.

After just five days of these extraordinary interactions, Daniel was taken off the ventilator entirely and was able to breathe independently. The close proximity to his twin played a crucial role in his full recovery, and a few weeks later, Daniel finally went home. In October 2019, the twins joyously celebrated their first birthday.

The incredible story was shared on television, where British scientists discussed the significance of twins remaining together. While there is currently no scientific evidence to support this notion, the case of Dylan and Daniel serves as a compelling example of the strong connection between twins. However, scientists worldwide admit that there is still much to be learned and understood, acknowledging the vast gaps in our knowledge. Whether this incident was merely a coincidence or there exists an underlying phenomenon yet to be comprehended, it remains an intriguing topic for further exploration.


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