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My Wonder Woman

A superhero I call mom

By Katelynn Marie Published 2 years ago 3 min read

Today superheroes have become some of the biggest inspirations. They are role models to everyone including myself. However, not all superheroes wear capes. My mother isn't a superhero in the technical sense of the word. She doesn't have superhuman abilities, but all my life she's been my superhero. From my beating to juggling my band events with her schooling and my brother's health she's never ceased to amaze me.

When I was five I was severely beaten by my dad's girlfriend and I never once felt alone because my mom fought for me. She took everyone to task in order to get justice for me. Even when I got cast aside by family members for being a blemish on their "perfect image" my mother was always there. She always made sure I felt noticed. When my brother got diagnosed with an eye disease she put aside her own fear of needles to give him shots just so he wouldn't go blind. She juggled and gave up careers in order to be there for doctor's appointments and surgeries. In the fall of 2010, he went to college and she still drove an hour away every other weekend to give him shots. At the same time, she had started her own journey towards bettering her education and successfully securing her Associate's Degree in Accounting. She had to give my brother a significant amount of attention; however, she never forgot that she had another child. She still managed to attend my band events. From concerts to football games to competitions she was there cheering me on. When I went to college she was there for my choir concerts and my flute recitals. She gave me equal attention in order to ensure I felt just as loved.

During my sophomore year, she started college. This was also when she was driving an hour every other weekend to give my brother his shots. She pushed forward for three years and in the end graduated college. However, when it came to finding a career with her particular degree she struggled but not because of her. She is brilliant and adapts quickly, but she never lets her success outweigh her morals. In the long run, her morals didn't seem to fit the morals or rather lack of morals of others. She wasn't a gossiper. She didn't value break room chit chat and gaining friends wasn't her first priority. She wasn't crooked. She didn't support questionable ethics or bending of laws for personal gain. However, despite the efforts of others, she has never let that stop her. A few years ago, she had to have a biopsy done due to a questionable mammogram, but it was only after she got the good news that she told my brother and me. She chose to wait because I had lost my mamaw from breast cancer back in 2004. She didn't want me to worry. I felt bad because I couldn't imagine the fear she must have felt. She amazes me. Even today she amazes me. She is tough and blunt but gentle. I see that with how she is with our pets. She talks so sweetly to them. She's encouraging and comforting to my cousin while still remaining strict. She's both scary and peaceful. Strong yet gentle. Strict yet loving.

My mother is my Wonder Woman. She may not wear a suit of armor or sport a rope that forces you to tell the truth but she's my hero. She's inspirational and inspiring. Not all heroes wear capes. Not all heroes have superhuman abilities. Some are inspirational and represent home. That's why for Women's History Month I wrote about my mother. She's not a politician or a world-renowned doctor, but she's my biggest cheerleader and truly inspires me to strive for greatness.


About the Creator

Katelynn Marie

Hi, I'm Katie. I'm a 27-year-old musician with a passion for writing and streaming. Aside from writing on Vocal, I stream on twitch. I play a variety of games. In May of 2021, I lost my dearest grandfather and it's forever changed me.

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