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My Husband Is Not The Same Person I Married (My Husband Is Not The Man I Married)

Are you thinking my husband is not the same person I married, and wondering why that is? Well you're certainly not alone. This actually happens quite often. Many wives go through this. If you're in a situation where you're saying my husband is not the man I married, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Ron CollinsPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

When you first marry it is so easy to just gloss over what you know are differences. So you begin your marriage full of hope and with the belief that whatever problems may arise will be handled as a couple. You perceive your spouse to be a certain kind of person who will act a certain way. You begin your life together and just deal with the day to day issues the best you can.

As time goes by many couples discover they are not as compatible as they thought when first married. During the early years of the marriage most couples work hard to make the relationship work. A man and woman are more tolerant of each other's peculiarities. You come to expect your spouse to act a certain way and can even get to the point where you are able to predict behavior.

No one stays exactly the same as the years go by. Priorities and needs change. It is not so much that the person changes, but it is what the person requires to satisfy particular needs that changes. This can be difficult for a spouse to understand sometimes. As a result a husband or wife may come to believe their spouse has changed in ways they can't understand and it causes problems in the marriage.

Seeking Harmony

If you perceive distance growing between you and your spouse it may be because the two of you have not spent time nurturing your relationship. Those compatibility issues that were glossed over in the early years of the marriage are bound to eventually come to light. It's easy to say, "Oh...he's changed!" and not really take the time to evaluate if he's changed or if you are just not reading the situation correctly.

There are many different areas where you need to maintain compatibility. There is not a marriage in the world where a couple is perfectly compatible. For example, you may not agree on how much time to spend on social activities or you may have different opinions about religious issues. On the other hand, you may have started with the same views and those views have changed over time.

When a spouse is perceived as having changed, it can cause problems if the couple does not talk about the perceived changes. Silence can cause more problems in a marriage than anything else. If a spouse begins to act differently it probably has nothing to do with you or the marriage. It is just a sign of maturing and of changing priorities. Chances are you appear to be changing also, yet you would swear you are exactly the way you have always been.

Unlike having a major argument, perceived changes in a spouse is an intangible that can be difficult to pinpoint in many ways. A spouse can become sullen, more critical, less sociable, desire less sex or become more resistant to change. Dealing with these kinds of changes means having open and honest discussions so you can have a good understanding of what your spouse is thinking and feeling. The goal is to maintain harmony and equilibrium in the marriage and not just tell yourself your spouse has changed and its his or her problem.

Finding Common Ground

A marriage is always a work in progress. It is never static because it is made of humans with changing needs and issues. When you come to believe your spouse has changed over time, it's time to explore your relationship with your spouse. Honest and open communication is the cornerstone of every successful marriage. You should explain your perceptions to your spouse and then let him or her respond. If you listen carefully, you will probably discover it is the same person you married but his or her needs have changed and are not being met.

From the point of discussion you and your spouse can then begin to seek ways to blend your new needs into the framework of your marriage. These needs can include the desire for more sexual relations or the desire to spend time on more community involvement. You may want to see more signs of affection or appreciation or would like to revamp financial goals. When people feel frustrated because they can't meet the most important needs in their lives, it can appear they have changed. It's amazing how often people live together for years and are reluctant to bring up important topics out of fear the conversation will just turn into an argument.

Has your spouse changed? The answer is he or she probably has not changed, but the needs have changed. Changing your perception can lead to a stronger and healthier marriage.

Habits To Watch Out For In Your Marriage

Life is unpredictable and so is marriage. And so you sometimes get surprised to know that the married couples you thought were going to last for their lifetime have separated or divorced. It's sad to think that the relatives and friends you know who have been married for long years and who have given you inspiration have split up and for good. This then gives you a little fear as to how your marriage will fare moving forward.

Fear not, however, and take the effort to review your married life. Experts point out that there are habits you have in the past that can signal the future of your relationship. Scientists have identified certain indicators that can assist married couples in determining the problem areas in their relationship before the worse things can happen.

Did you know that how you describe your relationship in the past such as your good and not-so-good times can predict the status of your marriage in the future? The prediction is said to be 90 percent accurate so you might want to analyze this part. And the next time you share your love story many years ago with friends and colleagues, you should know better how to tell it in a way that shows your togetherness.

Another thing you should avoid is to misjudge your marital relationship. You might be surprised to know that it's not always right to say that couples who have less fights will last longer than those who often argue.

While earlier studies covering newlywed couples have found that those who rarely argued were satisfied and happy in their relationship, the findings of recent research have reversed. What researchers have found years later is that couples who were often engaged in bickering successfully settled their issues and had a greater chance of enjoying stable marriages. On the other hand, those who avoided conflict early on their marriage were found to be having problems or were already divorced.

Conflicts do happen in marriage and they're normal. But what matters is how couples handle their issues and sit down to talk and find solutions. Communication is always essential as this paves the way for spouses to understand each other's views and sentiments. It has to be two-way communication and one that is done in an honest and sincere manner.

Tolerance is another trait that couples should learn to develop. Without this, it's easy to just give up on your marriage. But if you have this and you are committed to saving your marital bond, you will learn to understand your partner and find ways to make your relationship better moving forward.

Marriage is not a trial and error thing that when you don't like what you're experiencing, you can just quit and leave. It takes effort from both spouses to work out problems and to strengthen the bond. Sure, there will be problems along the way but you are capable of finding solutions if you strive hard to discuss things without having to fight.

Thinking about regaining the status of "Happily Married"? It is possible, and is not difficult if you think it is not. But exactly how you do so? If you would like the source most couples used to revive their relationship, strengthened their marriage, regain trust and love in the marriage and not giving up then visit Secrets To A Happy Marriage

Now you can stop your divorce or lover's rejection…even if your situation seems hopeless! There are specific techniques that will show you exactly what to do and what to say to get your spouse back in your arms- Especially if you are the only one trying… Visit this Helpful Site to find out more.


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