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Life Balance

Learn to value each individuals, not just for yourself but also for the things around you.

By John Lloyd PolicarpioPublished 12 months ago 2 min read
Family over work.

John had always been an ambitious person. Growing up, he always had a clear vision of what he wanted to achieve in life, and worked endlessly to pursue his dreams. After achieving financial success in his late twenties, John threw himself into his work, putting in long hours at the office and dedicating his free time to networking and expanding his business.

As a successful executive, John had everything he could ever want - a luxurious home, expensive cars, extravagant vacations, and a thriving social life. However, John soon found that all the success he had achieved came at a great cost.

Despite his steep career trajectory, John's personal life was lacking. He often missed important family events, like his nieces' birthdays and his parents' anniversary, all while neglecting his own physical health and well-being. John was always tired, irritable, and never had time to pursue hobbies or interests outside of work.

One day, while traveling abroad on a business trip, John met a wise old woman. She saw how unhappy John was despite all his material wealth and success, and offered him some advice. "Life," she said, "is like a balancing scale. You may have all the success in the world, but without balance, it's worthless."

These words stuck with John, and he returned home feeling restless and unsure about his life. He knew he had to make a change but didn't know where to start. So, he began by taking small steps towards finding balance in his life. He started by setting aside time each day for exercise, something he had neglected for years.

As he became more mindful of his health, John realized that he needed to take more time for himself and pursue other interests outside of work. He spent time volunteering at a local community center and even took up painting, something he had always wanted to try but never had the time for.

As he found fulfillment in his personal life, John began to enjoy work once again. He set realistic goals for himself and learned to delegate tasks to his team members so that he could maintain a reasonable work schedule. By prioritizing his personal wellbeing and learning to say no to unnecessary projects and requests, John found more time for the things that really mattered.

What John learned was that finding balance isn't about dividing up your time equally between work and play. It's about recognizing what's important in life and making intentional choices that align with your values. It's about setting aside time for self-care, spending quality time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies and interests that bring you joy, and learning to say no when things become too overwhelming.

John soon found that by prioritizing balance in his life, he achieved not only happiness and fulfillment but also greater success in his career. He was far more productive and creative, and his team members respected him for his ability to make time for both work and personal pursuits.

In the end, John realized that true success isn't just about how much money you make, how many promotions you receive, or the number of awards you win. It's about living a life that's meaningful and fulfilling, one that brings you happiness and allows you to make a positive impact on the world around you.

Picture by: Insider



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