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It's All Gone To Poop

The Rising Popularity of Bathroom DIY Projects and Redesign.

By The Next PlanPublished 9 months ago 6 min read
It's All Gone To Poop
Photo by Francesca Tosolini on Unsplash

A Throne of Our Own

The bathroom, once overlooked as a utilitarian space, has now emerged as a focal point of creativity and relaxation. With an increasing focus on self-care and wellness, homeowners are turning their attention to transforming their bathrooms into personal sanctuaries. This shift has sparked a surge in the popularity of bathroom redesign, DIY projects, and redecorating. In this article, we will explore the trend of bathroom transformation, delving into the factors contributing to its popularity and the growing interest in DIY bathroom projects and redecorating.

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Let's Call It What It Is, Sanctuary

As stress and busy lifestyles take a toll on our well-being, more individuals are seeking just one area in their homes to hide from it all (including from the kids). The bathroom, traditionally viewed as a functional space, is now being reimagined as a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. Homeowners are looking for ways to infuse their bathrooms with spa-like ambiance, creating an oasis within their homes, while debating on if it would be weird to invest in a more sturdy and secure lock system for the bathroom door.

Let's just get it out here in front. The bathroom is the only room in the house that we can hole out in while waiting for the kids to stop looking for you and your partner to forget what they wanted you to do. It provides the best excuse for why you can't help your neighbor and why you're not answering your phone.

Not only that but, typically, we keep at least one speaker in out little home within our home for music, an array of personal belongings, scented and textural sensory enhancers, and our favorite books and magazines. Some have gone so far as to smuggle their yoga mats and special drinks in with them while they, "have to do the laundry." Hey, no judgment here, unless you are seriously thinking about a mini-fridge and snacks, in which case...


The Most Accessible and Inexpensive GetAway Zone For Your Creativity and Personalization

Bathroom redesign allows homeowners to unleash their creativity and express their unique personalities. From choosing stylish fixtures and vanities to incorporating trendy tiles and wallpapers, homeowners relish the opportunity to personalize their bathrooms like never before. DIY projects, in particular, provide a cost-effective way to customize the space according to individual tastes.

DIY bathroom projects have gained immense popularity as homeowners are empowered to take charge of their bathroom transformation. Tutorials and online resources make DIY projects accessible to everyone, regardless of their level of experience. From repainting cabinets to installing new faucets, these projects give homeowners a sense of accomplishment and pride in their home improvements.

Redecorating the bathroom doesn't have to break the bank. Many homeowners are opting for sustainable and budget-friendly solutions to refresh their spaces. From upcycling old furniture to repurposing decorative items, redecorating the bathroom has become a thrifty yet rewarding endeavor.

Everyone in Town is Thinking, You Must Be Amazingly Creative Think that Up

The advent of social media platforms and home improvement shows has fueled the popularity of bathroom redesign and DIY projects. Inspiration is just a click away, and viewers are eager to replicate stunning bathroom makeovers they see on Instagram, Pinterest, and renovation programs. These platforms act as catalysts, encouraging homeowners to embark on their own bathroom transformation journeys.

As the demand for bathroom redesign grows, so does the variety of stylish and functional bathroom products available in the market. Homeowners now have access to a plethora of options, from sleek fixtures to space-saving storage solutions, making it easier than ever to achieve a beautiful and organized bathroom.

What's the Paper on the Roll, Here?

Besides the desire to have a few minutes/hours alone, there are some great benefits to our health about this, also. The wellness and self-care movements have influenced every aspect of our lives, including home design. Creating a tranquil and soothing bathroom space aligns perfectly with these trends, as more people recognize the importance of self-nurturing and mindfulness.

There is something to be said about personal time. It's still necessary despite the increasing evolution of deeper and more constant interaction from working at home or through homeschooling trends. This Get Away area, isn't just appealing to you, but to all the family, probably even the pets. In fact, y0u might have noticed more escalations over the use of the bathroom and how much a person spends in it. Many have gone the way of adding a second half bath to their home because of this.

The Fresh Scent of A Fresh Start

The bathroom, being one of the smallest rooms in the house, offers an ideal space for experimenting with design and décor, offering yet another way to relieve yourself in it. Redesigning this space can be a gateway for homeowners to explore their creative ideas, and the excitement of a fresh start motivates them to embark on the journey of bathroom transformation.

There is no poo-pooing the trend of bathroom redesign. It has captured the hearts of homeowners and renters alike who are seeking to create a personalized and rejuvenating oasis within their homes, or just a place to hide for as long as needed. Once relegated to mere functionality, the bathroom has become a canvas for self-expression and creativity. DIY projects empower homeowners to take charge of their home improvements, while sustainable and budget-friendly redecorating options make bathroom transformation accessible to all.

It's not BS, Social media, home improvement shows, and wellness trends have all significantly influenced the popularity of bathroom redesign. The availability of stylish and functional bathroom products further fuels the desire to create a space that seamlessly merges aesthetics with functionality.

As homeowners increasingly seek solace and relaxation in their homes, the bathroom emerges as the perfect place to transform and reimagine. With this micro-niche trend showing no signs of slowing down, we can expect even more ting bathroom transformations and innovative DIY projects in the future.

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- The Next Plan, July 2023

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