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I Hit My Husband and Now He Wants A Divorce (What Do You Do When Your Husband Says He Wants A Divorce)

Are you in a panic right now thinking I hit my husband and now he wants a divorce and don't know what to do about it? You're not alone, it's happened to many women before you. If you're in a situation where you're saying what do you do when your husband says he wants a divorce, then this might be the most important thing you've ever read.

By Zoey MilaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Conflicts can be heart-breaking in a marriage relationship. Both the spouses exchange unkind words, saying things that they regret later. At times, unintentionally cruel words are used and those words are plain hurtful. When words are spoken, they are not easy to "take back". How to find ways to save your marriage from that constant conflicts, quarrels and arguments which just tend to pull the marriage apart?

It is strange in a relationship. People are continually changing. And when both changes, the effort to cope with those changes, affect the marriage relationship. Yet, the stability of the marriage can only be found amidst continuous changes in the marriage. This adds the dynamism in any marriage which is vital to keep it growing and fresh.

Why do we go through changes? Well, in your first to third year of marriage, do you feel that it is a "Honeymoon" period with little disagreements? Starting from your 2nd year to 7th year, the couple tend to compromise. This is the "compromise stage". And, in the compromise stage, if disappointments and conflicts are not handled carefully, resentment would set in, which would lead to large disagreements and which could lead ultimately to divorce if we are not careful! Let us find ways to save a marriage in the midst of conflict.

Attitudes in dealing with conflicts

1. Respect one another - Both husband and wife have equal rights and should try to meet each other's needs. No one is superior or inferior than the other. We should adopt a "I am open to resolve the conflict in a loving way" attitude.

2. Be Flexible to compromise with one another - When you are with someone who really dislike what we like, the overall enjoyment is lowered. Happiness is a combination of personal happiness and the other person's happiness as well. Therefore, to save your marriage try being flexible. Trade off with one another. The couple take turns, making exchanges.

3. Listen objectively to one another - Conflicts arises when one spouse constantly talks more than the other and dominates the conversation. One good way of resolving it is to have a more structured communication.

4. Accept one another - Always strive to accept one another. You may not accept his actions but try to accept the person for who he is. Remember your first love with your spouse to ignite and fan that flame once again.

Six Steps That Keep a Couple Away From Divorce

The contract you signed on the day you exchanged vows entails a lifetime commitment. When you promise the other death is the only thing that can set you apart, you give yourself as your ultimate manifestation of love. But broadcasting your promises on the most photographed day of your life is no difficult task. As years pass by, when you go through the fear of the real roller-coaster ride, you sometimes forget that a marriage in crisis can still be resolved.

If you're facing this kind of situation, here are five suggested activities that will keep your union intact.

Talk and stay positive.

Have a heart-to-heart talk about your marriage. If you can, list all the good points you, your partner and your relationship possess and always make room for appreciation. Don't throw it away as the list can get longer as you discover more about yourselves. Point out tactfully your weaknesses as well. However, you don't need to jot them down since they are meant to be forgiven and forgotten. What is not visible will be easily forgotten.

Work together in the kitchen.

Cooking loses its main purpose when the food isn't shared with the people around you. Moreover, even the tastiest recipe of Martha Stewart gets bland when you're eating it with a foe. With these facts, experimenting at the kitchen together might be a perfect chance for you to enjoy each other's company. It will ignite lighthearted conversations that will ease up the mood. It will encourage teamwork too. After all, your stomachs are at stake.

Catch a glimpse of your wedding photos.

Bring out your wedding album and smile as you turn over the pages. How ravishing did she look that day? Did he tickle you when he took off the garter? How many times did your guests clink their glasses so they could witness the prelude to your honeymoon? The wedding photos are your concrete evidence of how happy you used to be and your basis for a fantastic future together. Are you willing to let go of that memory and possibility?


A marriage in crisis can also be overcome by sacrifice. Giving up your football playoff game tickets for window shopping or canceling a belly dancing session at the gym for an eat-all-you-can meal may mean willingness to go an extra mile. These moves will affect your relationship positively. Loyalty is cultivated as you spend more quality time together. It begets satisfaction in your married life.

Strengthen your bond in bed.

Inside the room, you can behave without pretensions. In that sense, it's a perfect place to intensify your love for each other. Sleep at the same time. Cuddle each other under the same blanket, do your tête-à-tête conversations more often and play some sappy music. Explore and satisfy the sensual needs of your spouse. Explore your wild self. You are on your own.

Communicate the love.

Referring to Charles Noble's famous quote, "First we make our habits, then our habits make us," saying "I love you" every day is not being abusive to the magic words at all. In fact, it shapes the way you treat your spouse. Don't reserve your affectionate words on special occasions only. Your partner needs to feel he/she is well-loved all the time.

Your story doesn't need to have a sad ending to make it sound realistic. If both of you give your best shot to save the marriage in crisis, time promises a successful union. Instead of focusing on the negative aspect, engage yourselves in activities that will keep the love alive. Definitely, every couple has the right to live happily every after.

Do you want to reawaken a committed and loving relationship in your marriage? There are proven steps that are amazingly powerful that will help you overcome conflicts and breathe life back into your marriage. This is a plan you do not want to pass by. Click here to see the proven steps on how to save your marriage.

Divorce does not have to be your only option. Even if it feels as though your relationship can't be saved because of the ongoing conflicts between you and your spouse, it can be. There are techniques that you can begin using today that will not only stop a divorce, but will help also you build a stronger and more loving marriage. To learn more visit: Steps to Save Your Marriage


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    ZMWritten by Zoey Mila

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