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I Have Had a Good Life

Let me tell you my story...

By AnnaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Florence, February, 1947

The time has come for me to decide what to do with my estate. I have given up hope that my only grandson will find me, and I have seen enough excitement and pain these past few years to last a lifetime. I cannot take any more, especially after the division of this family. I have decided what I will do. I will write a note for the sum of my estate and hide it where the right person will find it, and hope that it falls into good hands……

Alessandro, if you should ever read this, you must know that you were in my thoughts until the end and I dearly hope you are living a good life, wherever you may be.


Master has died. And so, I have been packed away with his possessions, and moved to the attic of our old Florentine home, to live amongst the mice and dust. Luckily, I am in good company, neatly squashed between Dante and Vasari… they had the good sense to put Machiavelli at the bottom of the pile, so I don’t have to listen to the chatterings of that unscrupulous know-all. I guess there’s nothing to do now but wait… and sleep. Ah yes, sleep.

New York, December, 1963

I have found this book amongst my late grandfather’s possessions. I must say, it was a long journey, travelling all the way to Florence, but I went as soon as they found me and sent word of his death many years before. It is a shame I never knew the house while he was alive. But how kind of the new occupants to store his possessions in the attic of the old house in case myself or someone similar should come along, one day, and want them. I have brought what was salvageable back to New York. I have not been able to find where Giovanni has hidden the remainder of his money, but it’s of little importance, really – I am grateful to have this heirloom and to be able to read his final thoughts, and write a few of my own, to, perhaps, add a page or two to his story.

Well, that was a nice break, but I must say, it is lovely to feel the ink in my pages again. I would like to tell Alessandro where Master has left his money, but I am, of course, sworn to secrecy. I suppose secrecy is just part of my nature!

It seems Alessandro has taken me on a voyage – how exciting! I felt myself lifted from the house as he cleared me into a bag with a few other of his favorite things, and I have been airborne – I remember feeling a similar exhilaration when my Master got very angry, scribbled in my pages and threw me across the room. Oh what fun it was! That flying sensation! Anyway, we have arrived in a strange land I don’t recognize, but I am happy to be with Alessandro.

Right, so now I have become a scrapbook. I do understand Alessandro’s daughter needs to exercise her artistic talents, but really, am I the best place? Surely a useless piece of scrap paper…? Admittedly, she is rather sweet. Rosa. What a lovely name. And such sweet cheeks! Her drawing talents have yet to develop, but I can’t help seeing her potential. That is such a nice horse she has drawn, when I do think of it. I wonder what she will draw next. Did you know Rosa is Italian for Rose? Beautiful. How I miss the Florentine countryside, pink roses blooming in the orange dusk glow. Oh! I am homesick. Oh, how I long to go back!

November 5, 1997

Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! Mom went to the CUTEST little yard sale today and found the CUTEST little black notebook (you!). I told her I wanted a new diary and she LISTENED for once (omg, she is like, the worst sometimes). But today she is the best! I love her so much! I am going to write in you every day, and tell you all my deepest darkest secrets and you can’t tell ANYONE. It’s like having a best friend, I am SO. HAPPY. !!!

Anyway, so many people have written in here! I wonder who they all were. Giovanni is such a nice name, and the picture is so funny! I wonder who Alessandro was. I could make up stories about them for hours! Maybe I could even find them and tell them I have their notebook. Oh my gosh, that would be so crazy!

Well anyway, I have written my name in the front, so you’re all mine now.


Giovanni Giuseppe

Bianca Roberts

Mom says the book must have come from Italy, because Giovanni is an Italian name, and she said that because my name is also Italian (Bianca), it means the book was meant for me. It’s so old and worn out, but there are still some pages left, so I’m gonna write in it until you’re all used up. Anyway, I have to go to sleep now, because it’s a school night. I will write in you tomorrow.

Goodnight diary!

Bianca xoxox

Well well, this is an unexpected twist, but one I’ll have to go with. Bianca, Bianca. Hmm. I suppose I do support writing in all its forms, even if there is excessive use of exclamation points and capitalisation… and I’m sure we can agree she is just a little fervent in her expression... But perhaps she is young, perhaps we can work with thi--


YOU WON’T BELIEVE WHAT HAS HAPPENED. I was looking through all your cute little pockets, all your little nooks and crannies in your covers, and I found a note for $20,000!!! Well, it was in Euros, but Mom took it to the bank and they said it was real and would equal $20,000 and I GET TO KEEP IT. Omgomgomgomgomg. Mom said she will put it in a fund for me for when I am older and I can use it for my studies. I am going to study literature, I am going to write in you every day and be a famous writer, rich and famous and everyone will know who I am. I can’t believe this has happened!!! I never win anything!!! Omg!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!

I love you diaryyyyyy talk to you very sooooon

Bianca xoxox

P.S. it’s November 6, 1997.

P.P.S. Mom said maybe I can buy a NEW notebook since I have money now, and this one is really old. I am going to keep your forever though, even if I do buy a new notebook, but she said in Italy they just made a brand new little notebook called “Moleskine”, and it is Italian and you are Italian and my name is Italian and it’s all perfect!!! But first I will finish you because you are so cute and historic, I love you. My first and favorite little black book!!

So, Bianca has found Master’s money. Well, at least it sounds as though she will use it for a good cause. As a man of letters himself, I am sure Master Giovanni won’t mind too much that she keeps it. I only wonder what happened to Alessandro and Rosa. Sweet Rosa.

Of course, my only other hope is that Bianca learns to write with a little more… finesse. Time will tell. It sounds like, for now, my own days may be numbered, if she is to buy this… Moleskine. At least it’s Italian.

And so, I suppose I will end in the same way as Giovanni did: old age. I can live with that. I have had a good life. I have listened well, served as an impartial confidant, heard interesting stories. I have kept my secrets. Met kind people. Travelled. Not all notebooks can say the same. I have served my purpose – with a certain level of dignity, I might add. I have seen history – the whims and changes of the winds… Yes. If this is how it must be, so be it. I shall retire, a little black notebook, spent.

That is, until the next lucky person opens these pages…


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