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I Have A Dream Too

Tragedy Leads to New Hope

By Auntie KayPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

I sit back and think about what provides "hope". What is it that makes someone get up and DO SOMETHING about the acts that makes us question the worlds integrity of humanity? Hmmm, I guess the best way to find an answer is to ask "myself" this same question. What would make "me" get up and do something that help restore our faith in humanity? Instantly, an answer pops into my head. Is the the right answer, I don't know, but it's my answer.

"I'm going to help someone who I can empathize with due to my own tragedies in life."

Right after this thought popped into my head, follow up questions came seconds behind it. "Why for someone you can empathize with?", "Why because of your own tragedies?"


It didn't take me very long to come up with answers for the follow up questionable thoughts that were entertaining my mind. The number one reason why I chose to help someone I can empathize with is because:

  • I can feel their pain
  • I don't have to try to imagine it because I have already felt their pain
  • I know what they're going through
  • I know what they're thinking, how they're thinking and why they're thinking what they are thinking
  • I've actually walked many miles in their shoes, slippers, sandals and boot
  • I know what helps and what they need


I have a dream that includes helping others that I can empathize with and empower through a new found strength and sense of purpose. I have a dream to help victims of domestic abuse to survive, thrive, heal and fight back. My dream is to help others find the voice that used to shine but have since been silenced. I have a dream that one day no person, male or female, would ever have to live in fear and intimidation of a spouse or partner. No person should ever feel as if their purpose depends on the actions of another. No person should ever think that they need permission to laugh, cry, eat, breath, sleep, or live their life as they see fit. I have a dream that one day domestic violence will only be remembered as a horrible nightmare, but never anyone's reality.

By Caleb George on Unsplash

Why this dream? Where did this dream come from? Why me? Why is this my dream? I've already stated because of empathy. My empathy comes from past pain and trauma that no human being should have to feel. I am a domestic violence survivor who endured 25 years of experiencing the sense of losing yourself while still breathing. In my situation, I wasn't the only victim, and many other situations one life is not the only life affected by domestic violence. I have 5 kids that went through this storm with me, 5 kids who watched their mom terrorized, physically hurt, mentally and emotionally damaged, verbally, financially, socially, and sexually abused on the regular. 5 beautiful kids, who had to be a witness to inequality of sexes in the home. 2 girls, 3 boys...1 wife and mother, that almost left them as orphans, because the acts of one narcissistic male who lacked major self control, empathy, and love for anyone else other than himself and his dreams.

By Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

I have been physically delivered from my 25 year storm, however, I am still healing from the inner most residue that was left in my soul after my courage to leave. A part of my healing includes me reaching back to pull someone else out of this same storm that is festering over a different house. How? How will I do this?

I have made myself an advocate supporting the fight against domestic violence. I will make myself available for anyone who wants to get out but doesn't know how or doesn't have the means to. I will speak up and speak out about the importance of ending domestic violence. I will strive to have more survivors than victims until there are not victims left. I have a dream of opening a safe house for those seeking shelter after finding the courage to leave their situations. I have dream to help children who have witnessed their parent being abused in the home. I plan on providing new safety words that will bring guaranteed help fast, new partnerships with businesses that can help provide transportation and safe places to stay until help arrives, starting a new modernized way of helping victims survive. My first course of action has already begun, I found my voice. Now, I'm ready to help someone else find theirs.

While in the process of creating and supporting my dream, here are 5 random acts of kindness that I do and you could too for victims of domestic violence:

  • Listen whenever they need to talk
  • Always have an encouraging word to share
  • Remind them of their worth and inner strength
  • Pass motivation and wisdom, not judgment and shame
  • Share a smile; smiling holds the same power as a physical hug, it's needed
  • Domestic violence victims need to understand that although they may feel like they're alone...they're not. Domestic violence cuts deeper than your flesh, creates life long memories, and affects more than the life on the receiving end of it.

    If you are in a domestic violence situation, you don't have to be...get out....now. Don't wait on the right time, that time will never come. You have to MAKE the time. Your life is precious and very much needed in this world. Get help, it's there, and live your life.


    About the Creator

    Auntie Kay

    When things go bad or good,

    I write,

    When things don't go as they should,

    I write

    When I want to change the past,

    I write,

    When I want to make moments last,

    I write,

    When I want to claim a loss as a win,

    I write

    It's just what I do my friend,


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