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Don't eat breakfast later than this time! Otherwise, diabetes may knock on the door...

The Secrets to Aging Well: Establish Beneficial Practices for Mind and Body

By wangbinghuaPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

What time do you eat breakfast? 7am? 9am? Or you simply don't eat?

A new study from Tel Aviv University in Israel points out that eating breakfast before 9:30am can help prevent obesity and diabetes. The research results were published in the journal Diabetes Care.

The time of eating breakfast can affect a "circadian clock gene" that regulates post-meal blood glucose and insulin responses, thus linking to obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

Professor Qi Ming, an expert in human genetic diseases from Zhejiang University School of Medicine, said that the human body has 9-12 groups of genes that control rhythms, under whose actions the secretion of hormones in the human body is rhythmic. The time point of 9:30 should be the rhythm gene of modern people, and everyone needs to slowly form their own time node.

Healthy Living Tips

▍ Sleep a Little Longer Between 5-6am

Many middle-aged and elderly people "can't fall asleep at night and wake up early in the morning." If you wake up as early as five or six in the morning, you can try to sleep a little longer. If you really can't fall back asleep, you can close your eyes and rest, or lie in bed and massage your abdomen or rub your hands, which helps to ensure you have plenty of energy during the day.

▍ Do Stretching Exercises at 6:30am

Middle-aged and elderly people only need to exercise lightly for 10-20 minutes in the morning. It is recommended to do gentle and slow exercises such as stretching, walking, yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

▍ Eat a Nutritious Breakfast Between 7-8am

Buns, fried dough sticks, and fried bread are the main forces on the breakfast table for most people. However, in addition to starchy foods, drinking a glass of milk or soy milk, eating an egg, and having a small portion of fruit would be healthier.

▍ Eat a Small Handful of Nuts at 10am

Middle-aged and elderly people should eat a small handful of nuts around 10am, which is good for cardiovascular health. Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, and pine nuts are all good options.

▍ Enjoy a "Mixed" Lunch Between 11am-12:30pm

The food for lunch must have variety. When elderly people make lunch, it must be "mixed", and they should put several ingredients when stir-frying vegetables. For example, put some mushrooms when stir-frying bok choy, and put some carrot and cucumber dices when cooking meat dishes. The amount of each ingredient is not large, but the variety and colors should be as rich as possible.

▍ Take a 30-Minute Nap at 1pm

Half an hour after lunch, fatigue sets in. At this time, you can have a small glass of water first, and then take a nap. Napping is good for lowering blood pressure, protecting the heart, enhancing memory, and boosting immunity, etc. However, the nap time should not be too long, 20-30 minutes is enough.

▍ Drink a Cup of Green Tea at 2pm

After waking up from the nap, people often feel lethargic. At this time, a cup of green tea is very good for the body. Research shows that green tea can reduce the risk of cancer.

▍ Get Some Sun Between 3-4pm

If the weather is nice, middle-aged and elderly people can go outdoors for exercise. The sunlight at this time is mild and good for sunbathing. If it's raining or the sun is too strong, you can do some calisthenics or stretching exercises at home.

▍ Drink a Yogurt at 4pm

At 4pm in the afternoon, people's blood sugar starts to rise. At this time, middle-aged and elderly people can have another meal, drinking a yogurt or eating two slices of whole wheat bread.

▍ Share a "Slow" Dinner With Family Between 6-8pm

Dinner must be light, to make up for nutrition throughout the day. Dinner should not be eaten too late, otherwise it will affect sleep. Dinner time is usually more leisurely, and you can slowly enjoy it with family, chewing slowly and chatting - undoubtedly a blissful family moment.

▍ Stand for 15 Minutes After Dinner

Many people immediately nestle on the couch to watch TV after dinner, which can badly damage the stomach. It's best to stand for 15 minutes after dinner, or walk around while making a long-due phone call to friends, or water some flowers, do the dishes, etc.

▍ Brush Teeth by 9pm

It's best to brush your teeth in the evening at 9pm, so you don't eat anything after 9pm. You can also use this time to do something you enjoy, like reading a book.

▍ Lower Bedroom Temperature by 10pm

People's best sleep time is 10pm, no later than 11pm. Scientific research shows that keeping the bedroom cool can reduce the risk of diabetes and other metabolic diseases. Maintaining a slightly lower temperature in the room before bedtime is best.


About the Creator


Hello! I specialize in health and TCM writing. With years of health management experience, I offer valuable insights. Check out my book on Amazon: "Mastering Healthy Eating and Wellness: A Comprehensive Annual" - https://a.co/d/gIprE3C.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 8 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic😃

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