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Peace and Tranquillity

By Regina BrooksPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read

To my Mom....

Can you handle it? If I knew I was going to be now but knew it before, what would you tell yourself? Could I handle it before or I guess I was just getting ready? Have you ever been in a situation where you lost your belongings? In any situation, lost your belongings? It’s awful. It makes a mark on you. You would probably like to know how this would come up in my head while I was folding clothes. Of all the different times of the day, and different things we do during the day, folding clothes was just what helped me remember.

Well, I was remembering when my daughter and I lost our clothes in a move. Actually, both of us did. The move was hard for both of us. We couldn’t take our furniture or our clothes with us. It was very difficult and strenuous. I hate moving and oh my, this move was the worst! It was just a long and hard move that wasn't planned very well.

So, when I buy us clothes, I buy them at thrift stores at a discount price. I love discount prices and I love thrift stores. I have had the tendency to buy her and myself clothes to replace the ones we lost. We have collected lots and lots of clothing back into our lives. Our closets are overrun with clothes.

My daughter has a lot of clothes. Now, I have bought both of us clothes. I have loads and loads of clothes that need to be folded after every wash. I’m sure a lot of households are the same way. I have been happy to buy my daughter clothes at thrift stores when I can. I am probably like most moms...I love shopping.

Has anyone been able to buy the expensive clothes at the discount thrift stores? Talking about the clothes that I am folding are not just regular clothes, they are expensive high-priced clothes and of good quality. I have found them at thrift stores which is great. I always get so excited when I go shopping and find great deals too. So, she may have lost a lot of clothes coming here but she has gained a lot of clothes being here. It's awesome!

I recognized that my daughter has more high-priced discount clothing clothes than I do in the laundry basket. I have to do something about that and go shopping more. I guess I do tend to shop more for her than me. I tend to spoil her as much as possible.

I took my daughter to acting class and fell asleep while I was waiting for her. I was so embarrassed. I don’t know why I was so tired. If any of the other parents did as much as I do, we all would be falling asleep as we were waiting. I kept trying to keep myself busy while I was waiting, but I kept falling asleep during my daughter’s acting class. I was so embarrassed. It was crazy.

Then a few weeks later…..

I lost my mom. It was unexpected and unforeseen. My family is still grappling with it. It is weird how life will turn everything around. Today was a good day. But not every day is the same. I wish every day was a good day. My mom’s passing away was a big surprise to my whole family.

It was empty at first after my mom passed away. Now I feel her peace and that she is without pain. I know she is happy. I feel she is in a better place. I feel she is happy in the place she is at which most people call “Heaven” or a “Higher Place”. She was in so much pain and now she isn’t. I know she is at peace. Now I can just remember her good memories and she can live on. She is still living with us.

Now I hope this brings my family closer together. I don’t want craziness or drama. I don’t want hate or ugliness. All I want is love and happiness. I want togetherness and closeness. I want this loss to bring my family closer together with love and happiness.

I am in a part of my life where we need to appreciate everything we have, even when it comes down to the smallest. I want everyone to appreciate even clothing that can be lost even if it’s our shoes. I can look up into the stars and see my mom feel her peace. I wear my clothes with pride a smile. I hug my family because I love them. My family has grown closer and loves each other stronger now.


About the Creator

Regina Brooks

Freelance writer, dog lover, and working on my bachelor's degree in Psych at Uni of Phoenix. I love recycling. I try to make the environment a better place. I believe in positivity and showing others a smile instead of negativity.

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