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A Whiskey Lullaby

Chapter 2: Cody

By Cassey DalePublished 2 years ago 6 min read
A Whiskey Lullaby
Photo by Ximena Pineda on Unsplash

It was about three weeks after school got out. I'm laying in my bed getting ready to snooze off for the night, when I remembered... D-Loc... My mind starts wandering. Who is D-Loc and what does he want? Is he real? Is it just a mean girl prank? The curiosity is eating at me now. Well it's time to find out. I picked up the phone and punch in the numbers, ***-9999. It rings several times, and I think... it's probably time to hang up now. As I'm about to hang up, a sleepy male voice answers the phone. I panic! He says hello again but this time louder. "Who is this?" He had to of picked up who was calling him by now. He answers, "D-Loc." I said, "I don't know a D-Loc!" He ended the conversation with, "I'm sleeping, can I call you tomorrow?" I agreed and hung up the phone. Well that got me no where. I didn't look forward to talking with him tomorrow. It was a little frustrating. I put it to rest and went to bed.

The following afternoon, I had made plans to go for a cruise with my best friend, Jenn. That's what we did for fun in our high school days, cruise the streets of Garden City. It was the beginning of June, a perfect day to get out and play. I hopped in my car and looking out the windshield, I notice a piece of white paper folded and tucked under my windshield wiper. Again?! I got out and grabbed it to unfold it to read it, way more curious now since I am parked outside my house this time and not the high school. How does D-Loc know where I live?! This time the note read, "My real name is Cody." Cody... that makes sense. I still don't know a Cody though. But for some reason it makes me feel a little safer. On my cruise around the city with Jenn, I was telling her about this fella named Cody and his letters he leaves on my car all the time. We both agreed that it's time to call this Cody and ask what he wants from me.

Later on when we got to my house, I picked up the phone and dialed Codys number a second time. This time he said he was in the middle of mowing his yard but we should meet up later in the evening. Well I'm not about to meet with someone that I don't know. I asked him how he knew where I lived and he said he has been to my house before with his mom several times. That still didn't ring a bell. Being a curious minded teenager, blind to most dangers, I think it's OK to meet this evening since he has been at my house before. After getting off the phone with Cody, Jenn and I start to brainstorm who this guy could be. Jenn comes to the conclusion that she thinks she has seen him before. So that makes it even more safer! My parents have no idea that I'm meeting a guy that claims he has been to my house before with his mom. They will be going to their weekend chill spot this evening down the street. If I told them, they would probably know who it was and have more information for me. I just didn't want them to know I was meeting up with one of their friends sons, if that's how the case really is.

That evening Jenn and I are anxiously waiting for Cody to call so we can find out who he really is. He finally calls around 8pm and says he's just down the street. I tell him that we will come out to his car to meet him. I wouldn't want my parents to come home and be furious over a boy in their house that they don't know about. I see headlights pull up outside the house. I'm a nervous wreck so I bring Jenn and a bowl of Chex Mix with me. It's pouring rain outside, so we run to his car and we get into the back seat. Nervous, wet from the rain, with a bowl of Chex Mix under my sweater to keep from being soaked by rain water, I look around and see that Cody has brought his two friends with him, Landon and Tyler. Cody turns around from the driver seat to introduce himself and his friends. It's dark outside so I can't see much of his face. As he talks I study his face in the shadows. It hits me! Yep, I have seen him before. I once walked out to the back patio of my parents house where they had friends over, to ask my mom if I could go hang out with friends. I was wearing a skirt. In the corner of my eye I see this teenage boy looking me up and down. I didn't really look at him in the face, just from my peripheral vision. That's him! We planned to talk on the phone later and that was that!

Cody and I became almost inseparable after that night. We talked on the phone for hours at night. The skate-park was our chill spot. We would frequently meet at the skate park where I would ride my skateboard and he would ride around on his BMX bike. Cody got grounded from his car once and rose his bike 25 miles to come hang out with me. It was then I realized that he liked me a lot. And I might like him a lot. But I'm not letting my walls down just yet. My heart still needed healing. Cody often came by my house for a little bit after he got off work to see me. I needed my tire changed one time, so I asked him if he would do it for me while he was here. I was sitting on my porch in the front yard watching him change my tire. An overwhelming feeling came over me. I felt blessed. Maybe it was the feeling of my feelings growing. The feeling of my heart being healed. He finished changing my tire and came to sit next to me on the porch. I looked at him, and for the first time I studied his face in the sunlight. The sunset was beaming right into his eyes, giving off a vivid brown color with a hint of green. His cap backwards and his pores full of dirt with black smudges across his face. You could tell he was a hard working man. To me, that is a sexy look. I asked him if he wanted to go grab something to eat. Nothing fancy, not like a date, but in a way to let him know I do like him. McDonald's works.

McDonalds ends up being the worst and best decision that I could make. My ex-boyfriend, the one that just broke my heart, is the one that takes our food order! When we sat down to eat our food at a table, I told Cody who the guy taking our order was. At that moment, the ex goes on lunch break and sits at a table not to far from us to eat his food. I felt like I was in the middle of a decision that I thought was a huge one, but there really was no decision at all to be in the middle of. My ex left me. Why do I feel the site of me and another guy together hurts him? I can't even think clear with this mess going on in my head. So I go over to my ex and sit across from him and ask him if he is OK. He looked up at me as if I was a homeless bum about to beg him for food. Disgusted at the site of me. I glanced over at Cody and seen that he was now not having a good time. He actually tore off the head of a kids meal toy and drowned it in sweet and sour sauce. Maybe this is a little too much for me. I had Cody take me home with a lot to think about on the way. Laying in bed, thinking about that moment at McDonald's seeing Codys reaction, had me feeling terrible. I called Cody to apologize and his response was, "I just want you to be happy." Those words had a huge impact on my heart. Like a force of light shining its brightest ray of healing power right at my heart and bonding all the pieces back together. What ex boyfriend?? This is the man my heart belongs to. My heart decided then and there, this is my future. On the 4th day of July, while watching the fireworks go off in the night sky, Cody asked me to be his girlfriend.

To be continued....


About the Creator

Cassey Dale

I have been traveling through the journey of grief for about 8 years now. Life is not what it used to be. My life is now foreign and I have to rebuild myself.

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