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A father's day reflection

How my dad shaped my identity

By Joy Adibe Published 10 months ago 3 min read
My superhero


I would like to take the time to reflect on the role my dad has played in shaping my identity. Growing up, my dad was my primary source of inspiration and guidance. He taught me the value of hard work, determination, and the importance of looking out for others. His example of how to live a good life and be a good person have had a lasting impact on me, and I am incredibly thankful for all the lessons he has imparted over the years. This is my story of how my dad shaped my identity, and the impact his lessons have had on my life.

My father was not just a figurehead in my life; he was the compass that guided me through the maze of self-discovery. His unwavering support, profound wisdom, and unconditional love shaped the very core of my identity. Looking back on the moments we shared, I am filled with gratitude for the invaluable lessons he imparted, but there is one particular experience that stands out—a journey that left an indelible mark on my heart.

It was the summer of my fifteenth year when my father announced that we would embark on a road trip. The idea excited me, as it promised adventure and quality time with the man I idolized. Little did I know that this journey would be more than just a physical exploration—it would be an expedition of self-discovery and life lessons.

By Derek Thomson on Unsplash

As we set off on our road trip, I watched my father effortlessly navigate the twists and turns of the open road. His calm demeanor and steady grip on the steering wheel mirrored his approach to life. It was during those long hours on the highway that our conversations took on a deeper meaning. He shared stories of his own struggles, victories, and the wisdom he had gained along the way. He encouraged me to reflect on my own aspirations, hopes, and fears, urging me to embrace vulnerability as a means of growth.

With each passing mile, my father's lessons became more profound. He taught me the importance of pursuing my passions, regardless of societal expectations or the opinions of others. His eyes sparkled with genuine enthusiasm as he recounted his own journey of following his dreams. He emphasized the power of perseverance, recounting stories of setbacks he faced and how he overcame them with unwavering determination. In his words, I discovered the true meaning of resilience and understood that success is not measured solely by material wealth, but by the fulfillment and joy one finds in their pursuits.

As we ventured further into unfamiliar territory, I witnessed my father's empathy and compassion in action. Whether it was stopping to help a stranded traveler or engaging in heartfelt conversations with strangers, he taught me the importance of extending kindness to all. He challenged me to see beyond superficial differences and to treat every individual with dignity and respect. In his actions, I learned that true strength lies not in dominance, but in the ability to connect with others on a profound level.

By Caleb Jones on Unsplash

One evening, as the sun painted the sky in hues of gold, we found ourselves on a secluded beach. The waves crashed against the shore, and a gentle breeze whispered tales of the ocean's vastness. Sitting side by side, my father spoke of the importance of personal growth and the transformative power of stepping out of our comfort zones. He urged me to embrace change as an opportunity for growth, to shed the shackles of fear, and to pursue lifelong learning with an open heart and an open mind.

As we concluded our journey and returned home, I felt a newfound sense of self-assurance and clarity. My father's lessons had etched themselves deep within me, becoming an intrinsic part of my identity. I realized that he had not just imparted wisdom; he had provided me with a blueprint for a purposeful life—one that celebrated authenticity, resilience, empathy, and personal growth.

Today, as I navigate the complex terrain of adulthood, I carry my father's teachings with me as guiding principles. I strive to love unconditionally, pursue my passions relentlessly, and approach life with empathy and compassion. The lessons he imparted continue to shape my character, influence my choices, and fuel my desire to make a positive impact on the world.

My father may have been the driver of that road trip, but he was also the compass that steered me towards becoming the person I am today. Through his unwavering support and the lessons he shared, he has forever shaped my identity—a reflection of his love, wisdom, and the light he has cast upon my path.


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