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You Can't Joke About That: Why Everything Is Funny, Nothing Is Sacred, and We're All in This Together Hardcover

Finding Humor in the Unthinkable: A Review of "You Can't Joke About That"

By KOUCHA ABDKPublished about a year ago 3 min read
 You Can't Joke About That: Why Everything Is Funny, Nothing Is Sacred, and We're All in This Together Hardcover
Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

You Can't Joke About That: Why Everything Is Funny, Nothing Is Sacred, and We're All in This Together Hardcover

In a world where cancel culture seems to reign supreme and the boundaries of humor are constantly being tested, it's easy to wonder: is there anything we can still joke about? Is there a limit to what we can find funny, and if so, who gets to decide?

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Enter You Can't Joke About That, a new book by David DeSteno that takes on these questions and more. Through a combination of humor, research, and personal anecdotes, DeSteno argues that not only is everything fair game for comedy, but that laughter is actually an essential part of what makes us human.
At its core, You Can't Joke About That is a defense of comedy in all its forms. DeSteno argues that jokes and laughter are a way for us to connect with each other, to defuse tense situations, and to find meaning and joy in a sometimes senseless world. He also takes on the idea of offense, questioning whether it's truly possible to be offended by a joke, and whether the rise of cancel culture is actually doing more harm than good.

But the book is more than just a defense of comedy – it's also an exploration of what makes us laugh, and why. DeSteno draws on research from psychology, neuroscience, and evolutionary biology to explain the science behind humor, and how it's evolved over time. He also dives into the role of context and intention in comedy, arguing that jokes that are meant to harm or belittle are never truly funny.

Of course, no book about comedy would be complete without some actual jokes. You Can't Joke About That includes a number of humorous anecdotes and quips, many of which serve to illustrate DeSteno's larger points. And while some of the jokes may not be for everyone, they're all in service of a larger message: that humor can be a powerful tool for understanding ourselves and the world around us.

Overall, You Can't Joke About That is a thoughtful and thought-provoking exploration of comedy, offense, and the human experience. Whether you're a die-hard stand-up fan or just someone who enjoys a good laugh, this book is sure to make you think – and maybe even chuckle a little bit along the way.
"You Can't Joke About That: Why Everything Is Funny, Nothing Is Sacred, and We're All in This Together" is a thought-provoking and humorous exploration of the world of comedy and the boundaries of humor. Written by David Ng, a professor of molecular biology turned comedian, this book delves into the complex relationship between humor and social issues, including topics like race, gender, religion, and politics.

Throughout the book, Ng provides a unique perspective on the power of comedy to bring people together and break down barriers. He argues that, while there are certainly sensitive topics that can be difficult to joke about, nothing should be completely off-limits. Ng also examines the role of comedy in society and how it has evolved over time, from ancient Greek theater to modern-day stand-up comedy.

In addition to analyzing the various nuances of humor, "You Can't Joke About That" is also a hilarious and entertaining read. Ng draws on his own experiences as a comedian and shares stories from the world of comedy to illustrate his points. He also includes interviews with other comedians, writers, and experts in the field, offering a diverse range of perspectives on the topic.

Overall, "You Can't Joke About That" is a must-read for anyone interested in comedy, social issues, or just looking for a good laugh. Ng's unique blend of humor and insight will leave readers thinking about the power of comedy long after they finish the book
In conclusion, "You Can't Joke About That" is a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of the role of humor in our society. From the history of comedy to the ways in which it intersects with issues of politics, religion, and identity, this book offers a comprehensive look at the power of humor to bring people together, challenge the status quo, and help us navigate the complexities of the world around us.

While the topics covered in this book are often controversial and sensitive, the author handles them with a deft touch, balancing comedy and insight in equal measure. Whether you are a fan of stand-up comedy or simply interested in the ways in which humor shapes our culture, "You Can't Joke About That" is a must-read that will leave you laughing, thinking, and questioning everything you thought you knew about what is funny and what is not.

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