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Thoughts on College

You deserve to know what you're getting yourself into.

By j. lovePublished 5 years ago 4 min read
Picture taken by me at Prairie View at A&M University.

Moving Out

August 19th, 2018: It was move in day for college. So many emotions were rushing through me that day. I was so excited and nervous at the same time. I was happy to be moving out of my house. However, I was also sad to leave my family. Once I said my "see you laters" (I don’t like saying goodbye. It implies I’ll never see that person again) I sat in my room awkwardly. That day was the start of a new chapter. How exhilarating!

For those who “can’t wait” to move out or grow up: I will tell you the same thing my dad told me, yes, you can. You can wait and you’ll want to wait. My first semester was fun and all but, there is always ups and downs. When you’re in college, every day is a challenge. You have to motivate yourself and keep moving forward all at once. Your parents or teachers are not going to be there to hold your hand. If you really want to do this, you have to be determined. You cannot let the mental things hold you back. As for drama… I do not condone that in my life or even let it bother me. You have to constantly remind yourself why you are there and it’s not for the thing you WANT to do. It’s for the things you NEED. So set priorities now because it’s really now or never.


I have a total of three roommates, all girls with different personalities. I am just going to say to be straightforward. You do not have to be mean with what you say but, you do need to be serious about the things you do or don’t want or like. Also the first week of the semester, you need to physically sit down and talk about dorm rules. This will alleviate any possible misunderstandings in the future. You do not have to be friends with your roommate(s). With that being said, if you like your personal space like me that is something you would want to let your roommates know beforehand. I advise that if you like your own stuff, then get your own separate things that you would like to keep for yourself. From my personal experience, get plastic silverware and plates, etc. Not everyone is the same amount of clean as you are and people do lie on roommate applications. And that’s the tea on that.


Sorry mom and dad but if I’m keeping it real, I have skipped classes before. But I do not advise that. On the first day of class, it’s always boring unless you have an energetic professor. Luckily, I’m used to having classes that are more than an hour long thanks to DoDDS schooling (Shoutout to Kaiserslautern High School!) Always establish some type of communication between you and your professor. I cannot stress enough how important that is. Also, sit in the front. Not only does this make you seem like you care but, if you’re like me you’ll want to be able to see the board (especially for those times when your rushing out the door and you forget your glasses). If you have to buy books, I would say wait a couple of weeks depending on the class. I spent a hundred something renting books that I did not need AND don’t read. Don’t waste your money kids.


Okay so, my school is a party. With that being said, I don’t party here that often. The music is all the same, it always gets shut down quick, too crowded. It’s just not the type of parties you see in the movies. But here are some important rules:

  1. If you come with someone or a group, you need to leave with the same people or at least make sure your friend(s) is in the right mindset if they want to leave without you.
  2. If you have a drink do not leave it anywhere. I don’t care if you left it with your homies. Throw the whole cup away! It will be your own kind…
  3. Keep your weapons on you (knife, pepper spray, key, etc). Anything can turn into a weapon at a moments notice.
  4. If you go somewhere tell someone where you are headed. Someone needs to know where you are. Anything can happen. I advise making a group chat with the people you are going with.
  5. Lastly, you and your friends need to have a safe spot to go just in case anything happens.

Boys (or Girls)

Like my mom always says, “books and boys don’t mix.” Same goes for the other way around. Grade and girls don’t mix. Stay focused.


Make friends. But most importantly, make connections. It will take you a long way. Make sure you keep positive people near you. There are important people walking around my campus all the time and the last thing you would want is to be associated with the wrong people.

School Events/Activities

There are so many opportunities in college. Get involved. Join a club. Marvin Sapp, Fred Hammond, Beto O’Rourke, Nev from Catfish, Charlemagne, Boosie, Gunna, and so many more people have come to MY school (my school is obviously the best). You don’t have to go to every event but, I think it is cool to try to go to as many as you can while staying on track with school work. Bottom line, make as many memories as possible.


About the Creator

j. love

enjoy reading my mind :)

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    j.  loveWritten by j. love

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