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The Web of Whispers

Unveiling the Secrets of the API Kingdom

By Hope BenjaminPublished 12 months ago 7 min read
The Web of Whispers
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

in the next few minutes you will learn what is an API two methods to make money online with APIS and then i will reveal some secret tips and tricks from my business and what I’m doing to make money with API, this Tips and tricks is so interesting you don't want to miss it keep reading

Hi everyone I’m Hope Benjamin from vocal if it's your first time here on my channel here i share with you real experience real case studies related to digital marketing online business and making money online if you are interested don't forget subscribe now to notifications to get every new update. now to be honest with you this tips and tricks is somehow an advanced level and has some technical concepts but i will try my best to make it super simple so let's start and see what is an API.

API stands for application programming interface but simply forget about these terms and let's give a nice example to make things easy let's go to if you want to post something on Facebook usually we click here on post and you write the post and then simply click post simple now what if you are a developer you are someone who is coding an application and wants to post on Facebook automatically from the application like creating an auto post software for facebook how you are going to do this simply you can use the facebook API so an API is that thing that stands between you as a developer and a service like facebook allows you to interact with the service in our case it allows you to interact with facebook and post from your own software programmatically, to sum things up an API is that thing that allows you to interact with a service let's give you an example from This website, if you go here to a free seo on digital marketing tools platform and let's say you want to search and find difficulty of a certain keyword you go here to seo keyword research tool and search for what is API, search and now the tool will give you these metrics the search volume difficulty and the cpc and whatever you can get this only by using This platform the website itself what if you want to access these metrics from your own application you simply need to ask me about the API so i develop an API to allow you access these metrics i hope you got the idea i tried my best to make it as simple as possible but anyway you can always join our telegram group to chat with me almost every single day i will be more than happy to help you or simply comment your questions below i'll try my best to answer them all so we finished the first part what is an API now how to make money with APIS as i told you i will share with you two methods the first method is to create an API and sell it as an example i can create an API that will give the seo difficulty meter for any metric and i can sell this API to any developer now here we have two problems number one is how to develop it and number two is where to sell it let's solve a second problem fortunately we have a website called rapid API allows you to buy API and sell your API and if you go to similar web extension you will see it has millions of visits per month so it's a trusted popular website where you can sell and buy API

so we Solved the second problem is where to sell the api and now the first problem is how to develop this api now in my case if you are following me you know i am from a programming background so i developed this api believe me in less than one hour it's super easy by the way,

if you have some basics in programming you know what i'm talking about it's super simple one call and one method and if you want me to reveal more secrets about this method go now comment this below and like the video if i get out of engagement i will reveal more and more secrets so i developed this how you can do this you have two choices number one is to learn this believe me you can learn this in less than one week and i can do this i can teach you this in one hour video on zoom or any platform if you want me to do this let me know also in the comments section below or simply can hire someone on websites like upwork or you can ask someone to develop an API for you and sell it on rapid api but the idea here is to find something interesting it will help developers so this is the first method on how to make money with APIS the second method is to use APIS and convert into an online tool if you go back to smallseotools if you are following me i mentioned that one of the best methods is to develop a tools website like this website here and last month i revealed one secret about the instagram hashtag tool i told you that i developed this based on rapid api if you go there to hash tag. i used this api here i got it and translated it or converted it into this tool and now i'm monetizing it with google adsense and you can do the same if you want it's not that hard believe me i always repeat if you want to be successful online number one tip is to learn technical skills coding web hosting anything technical will help you to be successful online so let's reveal now another secret if you go to discover influencers you'll find that i developed this tool where you can find and discover influencer over the internet how i developed this let's go back to rapid api again and if you go here to influencer search you will see this api so i use this api and then i implemented and integrated in my website to develop this tool please i'm revealing a lot of secrets just give me a thumbs up it will help me help more people worldwide so the second method is to use apis from rapid apis or different websites and apis to build a tools website like this like me and monetize with google adsense maybe sell ad spaces affiliate marketing a lot more i talk about in my other videos you can review if you want i will leave some links in the description below if you want to check if you go here to my website you can see i'm getting every month around 300 000 visits on my website this helps me not only to make money out of this website but also to grow my business i can promote anything i can build audience today we have around 80 000 signed up views you can see 80 000 happy users listed in my platform so this is very important to learn and to apply in your business if you want to grow and build something special in your business i know you like to see some numbers earnings and so on let's go to google adsense for example and break down for this month you will see that this month i made around two thousand one hundred dollars from google adsense from this website i talked about this in detail how i do this how much traffic you need how to implement everything in my full free course here on my channel now i want to mention a very important tip that you have to know whenever you work with api especially if you are working with apis from rapid api an example let's go back to hash tag apis let's click on hashtag the one i'm using and go here to pricing please focus very well let's say you got the ten dollars plan for 250 requests per day as a beginner always always always cash the data whatever you get from the api save it in your database for two reasons number one if someone is searching for the same term multiple times in the same period you can get data from your database instead of requesting from the api so it can lower your cost and the other reason is you can develop new tools based on data let's review another secret, please listen very well these are very important information that will help you whenever you are developing a business online so always cache data and save data in your database when you work with api let's now move on to the last part, the general advice the advice for today is simply dedicate some time to learn technical skills we are in 2023. come on instead of scrolling on instagram and facebook all the day watching netflix and wasting your time, go to even youtube go here and start learning we have a lot of free courses that you can learn from dedicate one hour every day to learn technical skills or at least to learn something new so you can develop yourself over time don't waste time if you want a recommendation go here and search for network chuck or codetai this guy is an awesome programmer by the way awesome teacher i'm not promoting him we have a lot of people like him who are really great in teaching programming and technical skills you can learn from on youtube for free you can go to udemy whatever website you want and start learning and if you want me to teach you some technical skills programming development whatever you want please let me know in the comment section below and like the story if i see engagement i can teach you whatever you want i'm here to help you and don't forget to learn more about online tools websites and the power of online tools website in building a passive income you can learn this for free on my channel, see you later.

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About the Creator

Hope Benjamin

Hope Is An Expert When It Comes To Making Books on Educating People in Various Aspects of Life, and experienced author with a successful track record of educating people on various aspects of life through his numerous publications.

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    Hope BenjaminWritten by Hope Benjamin

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