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That's pretty much it

That's pretty much it

By 283milhajPublished about a year ago 3 min read
That's pretty much it
Photo by Catherine Kay Greenup on Unsplash

"That's pretty much it," he agreed, nodding. He bent to

scoop his drink up off the marble topped table, then

straightened to lean against the mantel again, the snifter

cradled in one hand. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, a trust fund for Larry, I think. And one for Susan.

Separate trust funds in case they split up because, like

Naomi always said, you never know where a person's life

path is going to lead. I'm not sure just how much. I know

they're both grown-ups and should be able to take care of

themselves, but I'd like to know that they'll never have to

worry about things."

She frowned and chewed on her lower lip while she

thought about it. Luke's fingers tightened around the

snifter as he forced himself to resist the urge to offer to

chew on her lip for her.

When she finally named a figure, it was much lower than

he'd expected. She must have seen his surprise and

misinterpreted it, because her teeth immediately began to

worry her lip again.

"Is that too much, do you think?" she asked anxiously.

Luke took a moment to consider his answer. Either she was

incredibly naive or she was one hell of an actress. Devon

had driven a shrewd bargain, though he hadn't given her

any more than he thought her name on a marriage license

was worth. How likely was it that Cat had spent what?

seven, eight years living with her and could still be as ...

Well, the only word that came to mind was innocent, which

was ridiculous in this day and age, even if she hadn't been

living in the same house with Devon. Which left the

possibility that he was being treated to an Oscar-worthy


"No," he said finally. "I think we could work with that


"Oh, good." She gave him a bright, relieved smile that lit

up her whole face. "I know it probably seems silly, since

they're fully functioning adults―well, mostly functioning,"

she said with a smile that held a trace of mischief.

"As long as you don't mind roast cat for dinner?"

Luke asked, arching one brow, and she laughed, a deep,

earthy sound that did things to his gut that had nothing to

do with humor.

"Exactly. I just want to know they'll be okay."

"Seems like a lot of concern for two people you aren't

even related to," Luke commented.

Something flickered in her eyes, as if the comment had

touched a nerve, but she shrugged. "Family isn't always a

matter of birth or marriage. They've both been good to me

and could have turned me over to Social Services when

Naomi didn't come back. No one would have blamed him,

but he didn't. He let me stay with him." She frowned

slightly. "Of course, it's possible he forgot I was there." She

ignored Luke's choked laughter. "Either way, the end result

was the same. And when he and Susan got together, she

didn't think it was odd his former girlfriend's daughter was

living with him. She paused and then with scrupulous

honesty, added, "I'm not totally sure she's grasped that,


Well if he married, he could be reasonably sure he

wouldn't be bored, Luke thought grinning. That certainly

hadn't been the case with Devon. Boredom had been a

given with her. He'd just decided that was the price he d

have to pay― along with a considerable sum of money for

an undemanding wife and a painless divorce, when the time


"What about you?" he asked. "What do you want?'

"Want?" Cat gave him a confused look

"You just offered to marry me for money," he pointed out.

"I assume you want something besides a trust fund for your


Again, there was that flash of emotion he couldn't quite

read, a guarded look that was there and gone before he

could interpret it.

"I...I'm sure whatever arrangement you had with Devon

will be fine," Cat said vaguely.

Luke considered the bargain Devon had driven and

thought it would probably be plenty for anyone short of a

rock star's ex-wife, but he couldn't resist the urge to prod

further. "That's rather trusting of you don't you think? What

if she had made a lousy bargain?"

"Devon?" Cat looked surprised. "Devon lives to bargain.

I'm sure whatever your agreement with her was, it will just

be fine for me.

how to

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