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Ten Sports Stars Who Suddenly Vanished and Were Never Seen Again

Ten Sports Stars Who Suddenly Vanished and Were Never Seen Again

By Paul SmithPublished 2 years ago 13 min read

Ten Sports Stars Who Suddenly Vanished and Were Never Seen Again

When someone goes missing, it's really unsettling. Family members are forced to deal with fear and confusion as they try to piece together what transpired. Detectives and police officers search for solutions constantly. The missing person is simply gone during this time. Best-case scenarios involve the individual being miraculously discovered and brought back to their loved ones. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that that. The emotional turmoil is heightened when the missing person is well-known. Many people were shocked when pro athletes and amateur sports stars like those on this list vanished. Fans who were used to watching them compete valiantly were left in the dark regarding their whereabouts. Sadly, after going missing, the famous athletes on this list were never found. Family members may still have optimism, but no solutions have appeared. Maybe we'll never know what transpired following their last known moments.

By Paul Smith


10 Bison Dele

Bison Although Dele was given the name Brian Williams when he entered the NBA, he requested that people use that name instead. Although Dele's basketball career got off to a rocky start, he persevered through the 1990s. He played for several different teams, including a championship in 1997 with the Chicago Bulls. The Detroit Pistons extended him a $35 million contract two years later. It was supposed to be the pinnacle of his protracted journeyman career, but he declined it. Dele really stopped playing the sport entirely that year. In life, he was looking for something else. So, after purchasing a yacht, he travelled halfway across the globe. In 2002, Dele was sailing in the South Pacific Ocean with Serena Karlan, his girlfriend, Miles Dabord, his older brother, and Bertrand Saldo, the captain Dele had hired. Near Tahiti, a terrible incident took place in the deep water. Saldo, Karlan, and Dele vanished. Months later, Dabord returned with the yacht, but the other three were nowhere to be found. People started to question if Dabord had slain the gang right away. In search of answers, journalists flocked to Tahiti. Although there were rumours of possible issues between the brothers, nothing concrete was revealed.

In the case of the deep water disappearance, the FBI had scant supporting evidence. They discovered that they had little time to pursue justice either. Dabord passed away less than three months later from an insulin overdose. Whatever wisdom somebody may have possessed, he carried with him when he died. Saldo, Karlan, and Dele were never heard from again.


9 Mamie Konneh Lahun

The best distance runner in Sierra Leone was Mamie Konneh Lahun. In reality, she was becoming one of the top marathon runners in the world as a 24-year-old in 2014. Her crowning moment came when she placed 20th at the London Marathon that year. The little runner's amazing finish thrilled the running community. Lahun, in the opinion of analysts, had a promising future in the game. But after the race, she abruptly vanished. The authorities were astounded. She didn't have any money, possessions, or a passport. She was only wearing her jogging suit. But rather of enjoying what ought to have been a fantastic marathon finish, she simply disappeared. Officials in Sierra Leone initially feared the worst had happened to her. Police in London looked into it, but they never found anything. Sports executives started to question whether Lahun had left the competition to seek political refuge. If she did, she never approached anyone to ask for immigration. She simply vanished. When it was later reported that Lahun had been recovered "safe and well," it gave her loved ones some cause for optimism. These reports, nevertheless, were eventually denied. Without any new information, the search for her was at a standstill for the investigators. Her friends back in Sierra Leone were horrified by the circumstances and upset that her potential running career was coming to an end. Her outcome was "simply so amazing," Lahun's boss told The Guardian, "and it's heartbreaking. She is unaware of her abilities. A different athlete from Sierra Leone concurred. Following Lahun's disappearance, runner Idrissa Kargbo commented, "If she comes [home], it's good for her career." If not, her career will be done. She'll have to give up on running. Lahun has never been located and never will be.


8 John Brisker

Basketball player John Brisker was a fierce competitor. In the 1970s, the strong forward was a star for the Seattle SuperSonics. Fans adored his aggressive play. He was gifted and unpredictable—a challenging court combination, but one that worked. However, after years of tussles with rivals, Brisker grew weary of basketball. He quit the NBA in 1975. He quickly became a parent, and in order to support his family, he was lured to new business objectives. He started an import-export company in 1978. He had to go to Uganda because of the new business. The dictator Idi Amin was in charge of the African country at the time. Dissident politicians came under attack. A group in authority was brutal and tyrannical. In that year, Brisker spoke to his girlfriend on the phone while visiting Uganda's capital, Kampala. It was his final communication with anyone. Soon, ludicrous (and almost certainly untrue) rumors about Brisker's passing began to circulate. Some claimed he was murdered by Amin's supporters and given to the dictator "banquet style." He was allegedly shot at a dinner party after defaming a local leader, according to another version. According to a particularly absurd conspiracy, Brisker traveled from Uganda to South America and perished there during the Jonestown Massacre. Although those arguments were never supported by facts, Brisker's disappearance remained a mystery. His family was unaware of his whereabouts. One of his brothers speculated that he may have traveled to Nigeria rather than Uganda. Even mainstream media sources joined in on the baseless charges. The Associated Press reported that he had been shot in 1980. Also never verified was that report. Brisker was ruled to be legally dead in 1985. No one is aware of the former NBA star's current whereabouts.


7 Trevor Moore

When he vanished on the open sea, Trevor Moore was one of the best young sailors in America. He had played a significant role in the 2012 US Olympic sailing team. He finished 15th in the skiff competition that year, which for a man only 27 years old competing against top international athletes was outstanding. His future in the game appeared to be very promising. He started putting all of his effort into his preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games after that early success. Sadly, he never arrived at the gathering. Moore rented a boat and headed out onto Biscayne Bay in South Florida on a quiet day in June 2015. Otherwise, it was a typical day. It was a nice day outside. Moore was familiar with the bay. Since he was just seven years old, he had been sailing in the neighborhood. But Moore disappeared when something happened in the ocean. He was missing for days, so the Coast Guard was brought in. Sadly, they failed to discover any remnants of the sailor. After they abandoned the search, Moore's loved ones experienced heartbreak. Family members immediately started to question what had transpired. Being only 30 years old, the Olympian was unlikely to experience a medical issue while in flight. However, nobody had any solutions. The college sailing coach for the promising athlete said to The Washington Post that an unforeseen incident must have occurred on the boat. According to Scott Iklé, who spoke to the newspaper, "the more time you spend around the sea, the more you come to appreciate and respect the powers of the ocean." "I believe that something happened to all of us, but we will never know what.



6 Urgel Wintermute

"Slim" Urgel The most gifted player on the dominant 1939 basketball squad for the University of Oregon was Wintermute. The star of the "Tall Firs" was the lanky, trim center. The group was recognised by that name because of their towering stature and the fact that their home arena was in the Pacific Northwest, which was covered in trees. In the NCAA Basketball Tournament that year, Wintermute also guided them to victory. In 1939, Ducks coach Howard Hobson referred to him as "the best center in the country." Hobson continued, "I've always maintained he was the best defensive center I've ever taught. He's actually the best defensive center I've ever seen in a collegiate setting. Before the NBA was created, Slim had a long professional career. So, regrettably, his options were few after Oregon. He spent a few years playing for a professional team in Detroit before going on to coach one in Portland. Wintermute's on-court triumphs, however, quickly vanished from his life as basketball, and he stopped playing. In the 1950s, the tall celebrity accepted a position at Boeing. He proudly worked and raised a family for many years while reflecting on his better days. But he disappeared in 1977. Slim and a friend had been on a small lake in a boat. When his friend awoke from his siesta, the basketball legend had vanished. Detectives and family members did not think the acquaintance was involved in Slim's disappearance. However, they were at a loss as to why he had vanished. Police questioned whether the former Oregon star, who had had a heart attack seven years previously, had experienced another medical issue and gone overboard. But even after the lake had been dug up, Slim's body was never discovered. Nobody is aware of the hoop legend's fate to this day.


5 3 Congolese Handball Players

It was expected that the 2014 World Junior Handball Championships will be a fantastic experience for athletes. The competition, which was held in Zagreb, Croatia, included hundreds of participants from numerous nations. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was one of the nations invited. With high expectations, the nation of war-torn central Africa dispatched a team of female handball players to Croatia. Sadly, three of their athletes went missing during the competition. Laetitia Mumbala Mayunga, 18, Julie Betu Mvita, 19, and Mirnelle Kele Mazenga, 20, are all said to have vanished from the DRC team hotel, according to local press sources. Leaders in Croatia initially anticipated that they would arrive shortly and request asylum. Given the DRC's serious internal issues, it is likely that the political appeal would have been successful. But when tournament organizers went to the hotel to look into it, they were perplexed by what they found. The passports that the three women would have required to apply for asylum were all missing. Additionally, their motel had all of their personal stuff. An investigation was started by the police, but nothing came of it. The women were missing for several weeks. They also never showed up to submit an asylum request. Police declared the young women had simply disappeared into thin air after six weeks and no answers.


4 Jim Robinson

In 61 matches throughout his boxing career, Muhammad Ali faced 50 different opponents. Numerous of those fights are regarded as classics, and Ali's legacy has lasted the test of time. Extreme measures have been taken by ardent admirers to collect the boxer's career mementos. Stephen Singer, an enthusiast, made the decision to go above and above in 1999. All 50 of Ali's opponents had to sign the petition, in his opinion. He therefore embarked on a search for autographed items throughout the following four years. He sought out retired boxers and purchased artwork and photographs at auctions. He had spent around $35,000 by 2003. He had been able to secure the signatures of 49 of Ali's opponents in exchange for the money. A little-known fighter by the name of Jim Robinson was the only person missing. And despite his best efforts, Singer was unable to track down the former combatant. In his fourth fight, Ali—then known as Cassius Clay—fought Robinson in Miami in February 1961. Jim came in as a last-minute sub for another combatant. Although Ali hadn't yet achieved superstardom, his skill was obvious. During the opening round, Robinson was outmatched and eliminated. While Ali's career took off, Jim struggled in amateur fights in Miami. In the end, he only prevailed in 14 of his 46 fights. After his moment in the spotlight, Jimmy disappeared. When his boxing career ended, "he just kind of went into the sunset," Singer told ESPN during his quest. "He was a man with limited abilities and knowledge." He was similar to the many fighters who seek boxing to fulfill their American dream, but when they stumble, there is no safety net to catch them. Numerous Jimmy Robinsons exist. By the start of the new millennium, Singer was so perplexed by Robinson's disappearance that he got in touch with writer Wright Thompson. The sportswriter looked for Jimmy for six years, but he was unsuccessful. After his match with Ali, Robinson's whereabouts are unknown.


3 Angelo Cruz

Streetball icon in New York City was Angelo Cruz. Cruz established a reputation on playground courts all around the city as a child growing up in the Bronx in the 1980s. Despite being only 5'7", he was lightning quick and endowed with excellent court vision. Puerto Rican immigrants in the region related to his gritty street tale. As he developed into a teenager, the community took pride in his basketball accomplishments. Cruz had a diverse basketball affiliations career. He participated in high school athletics and tried to succeed in college, but nothing took. He moved to Puerto Rico to pursue his basketball goals despite being too short for the NBA. On the island, everything came together, and he rose to fame. On the professional level in Puerto Rico, he won two league championships. He even competed for the island in the Olympics in 1988. But unavoidably, time passed. Cruz had stopped playing basketball by 1994 and had moved back to New York City. After the game, he had trouble adjusting to life, nevertheless. Friends observed as he started abusing drugs. He would go on long drinking binges and disappear. But he always showed up. And even though his loved ones were concerned about him, the former street ball legend pretended that nothing was wrong. Then, in 1998, he vanished once more. This time, he vanished into thin air. The possibility that he would return decreased with each month that went by, but family members still held out hope that he would. Nobody has ever discovered Cruz's final destination. In 2011, a basketball charity game was played in memory of him.


2 The Cameroon Olympic Disappearance

London has the opportunity to showcase the world's cosmopolitan beauty during the 2012 Olympic Games. London also represented freedom for several athletes who had journeyed thousands of miles. Seven Cameroonian competitors ran away from their team house during the competition. The nation's boxing squad included five of the region's top athletes. They arrived at a London boxing facility shortly after leaving Cameroon's quarters. All five of them requested political asylum and were admitted to Britain without delay. Although their Olympic careers were cut off early, they were desperate for a fresh start in a secure environment. That motivation was shared by other Cameroonians. At the time, one of them told The Guardian that "things are quite hard in Cameroon." "There are no opportunities here, therefore it makes sense that you would want to stay in the UK if you have the chance to do so." Sadly, two more competitors from Cameroon's team vanished and were never found. Paul Edingue Ekane, a male swimmer, and Drusille Ngako, a goalkeeper for women's soccer, were eventually revealed to be the two missing celebrities. They were allowed entry to the UK through November 2012 thanks to their Olympic visas. After that, if they wished to stay, they had to submit an asylum request. However, the BBC claims that never took place. In actuality, Ngako and Ekane disappeared forever. Nobody is aware of the whereabouts of the two athletes ten years after they abandoned their Olympic aspirations.


1 Rico Harris

As an amateur basketball player in Los Angeles, Rico Harris possessed all the potential in the world. His illustrious high school career in the early 1990s rose to legendary status. Years later, a former teammate who had known Harris at the time lavishly lauded him. The teammate told Fox Sports that "he could do it all." In the beginning, he was Lamar Odom. Harris' name appeared on nearly every list of the top young basketball players on the west coast throughout his amateur career. Rico's life was less straightforward off the court, though. The unpredictable celebrity overstayed his welcome at multiple college locations. He lost his scholarship and lost the coaches' favor. Rico resorted to other leagues as his NBA hopes vanished before they even got started. He gave the short-lived International Basketball League a shot. He agreed to "a brief spell" in 2000 with the Harlem Globetrotters. Harris didn't fit in either place, so the ostentatious team fired him. Harris struggled once more on the streets of Los Angeles. Harris was struck over the head with a baseball bat while arguing with another man. Even though he was only 24 years old, the attack caused traumatic brain damage in him. Basketball's chances of making a comeback were over. Harris was attempting to go on with his life ten years later. Then, in 2014, he was granted a Washington job interview. After a quick visit with his mother, he was in constant contact with both his mother and girlfriend during the drive from Los Angeles to Seattle. In a conversation with the former, he declared that he would pause and take a break. To sleep, Harris pulled off the road. He was never seen again. Hours later, his automobile was discovered with no gas and a dead battery. There were no indicators of wrongdoing. A ground and aerial search of the region produced no results. Police and family members were perplexed, but they were in the dark. Rico Harris had simply disappeared, just as it had done with his unfulfilled talent years earlier.


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Paul Smith

I love writing stories on things that inspire me, I love to travel explore

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    Paul SmithWritten by Paul Smith

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