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Is it worth increasing the mortgage to renovate?

mortgage to renovate

By EasyFinancePublished 11 months ago 6 min read

Is it worth increasing the mortgage to renovate?

There are few things as satisfying as seeing your own home transformed through a successful renovation. Whether you dream of a new kitchen, a modern bathroom, or simply upgrading your home, there is no doubt that renovation projects can breathe new life into your property. However, such transformations often come with a significant price tag. This leads us to the question: How to finance your dream renovation? One of the options many homeowners consider is refinancing their mortgage. But what does that actually entail, and is it a smart move?

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of renovation and mortgage refinancing. We will explore how refinancing works, the potential benefits it can offer, and also look at possible risks and pitfalls. Our goal is to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about whether this is the right financing method for your renovation project.

Whether you are an experienced homeowner or this is your first encounter with the concept of refinancing, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice.

Let's get started!

The purpose of this article is threefold:

Understanding the potential benefits: We will help you understand the potential benefits of refinancing your mortgage to finance renovation projects. This includes how quality renovations can increase the value of your home, improve your quality of life, and offer a high return on your investment.

Reviewing risks and pitfalls: Like any financial decision, refinancing comes with its own set of risks and pitfalls. We will go through what you should be aware of, including how to avoid common mistakes and assess the long-term consequences of increasing your mortgage.

Guidance in decision making: Finally, this article will serve as a guide to help you evaluate whether refinancing your mortgage for renovation is the right choice for you. We will provide tools, questions to ask yourself, and expert tips to assist you in the decision-making process.

By providing you with a comprehensive understanding of both the positive aspects and risks associated with refinancing for renovation, we hope to empower you to make an informed and thoughtful decision that aligns with your unique situation and goals.

So let's embark on this journey together and explore the many aspects of renovation and mortgage refinancing!

What does refinancing a mortgage for renovation entail?

Before diving deeper into the topic, it's important to understand some basic concepts. This will give us a solid foundation for further discussion.

Mortgage refinancing:

Mortgage refinancing involves replacing an existing mortgage with a new loan, often with different terms. This can be done for various reasons, such as obtaining a lower interest rate, changing the loan's duration, or releasing equity in the home. When it comes to renovation, refinancing often revolves around the latter point – releasing equity to finance home improvements.


A mortgage is a loan taken out with the purpose of financing the purchase of a home. The loan is secured against the property, which means that if the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender has the right to take over the property.

Increasing the mortgage for renovation:

Increasing the mortgage for renovation involves taking out a larger loan than the original one with the intention of using the extra funds for renovation projects. In practice, this is a form of refinancing where you borrow more than the remaining amount of the original mortgage. The extra funds are usually earmarked for specific home improvements.

How does the process work?

Equity: First, you need to assess how much equity you have in your home. Equity is the difference between the market value of the property and the remaining loan amount. This will give you an indication of how much you can borrow.

Cost estimate for renovation: Next, you should obtain cost estimates for the renovation project you have in mind. This will help you determine how much additional financing you need.

Apply for refinancing: Once you have a clear understanding of your equity and the cost of renovation, you can apply to the bank to refinance your mortgage. This will often involve a credit check, and you may also need to provide documentation for the purpose of the extra funds.

Carry out the renovation: Once the refinancing is approved and you have access to the extra funds, you can begin the renovation project.

New loan, new terms: Remember that the new loan may have different terms than the original loan. This may include a different interest rate, monthly installments, and loan duration.

It is important to carefully consider whether you can afford the new loan terms and whether the renovation will have a positive impact on the value of your home and your quality of life. In the next section, we will look at the advantages of increasing the mortgage for renovation.

Why do people choose to refinance for renovation?

Considering the potential risks and costs of increasing a mortgage, why do many people choose to refinance to finance renovation? In this section, we will look at statistics, common renovation projects, and hear from a financial expert to gain insight into why this is a popular choice.

Statistics and data

Norwegians invest approximately 100 billion NOK annually in renovation projects, but the expenses often go beyond just paint and roofing tiles. Each year, a large number of projects experience costly disagreements, and there is widespread uncertainty among homeowners when it comes to making solid agreements and effectively managing timelines and budgets.

Common Renovation Projects

There are some renovation projects that are more popular than others when it comes to refinancing. Two of the most common ones are:

Bathroom renovation: The bathroom is one of the rooms in the house that often needs renovation. This is because it is a high-traffic area exposed to a lot of moisture. Renovating the bathroom can also significantly increase the value of the home.

Kitchen modernization: The kitchen is often referred to as the heart of the house. An updated and functional kitchen can improve the quality of life and is also attractive to potential buyers.

Advice from experts:

• Get a valuation of the property before and after renovation: This will help you understand how much value the renovation could potentially add to the property.

• Be aware of the loan terms: Understand the interest rate and repayment period for the increased loan and how it will impact your long-term finances.

• Explore support and grants: It is sometimes possible to obtain grants or support for renovation projects that improve the energy efficiency of the home.

Summary of pros and cons:


• Can increase the value of the home.

• Can improve living conditions and quality of life.

• Potentially lower interest rate than other types of loans.


• Can lead to increased debt burden.

• Poorly planned or unnecessarily expensive renovation projects may not necessarily provide a good return on investment.

• Risk of overinvestment relative to the market appraisal in the area.

By asking yourself these questions and considering the advice from experts, you can make a more informed decision about whether refinancing for renovation is the right choice for you.


Making the decision to refinance your mortgage to fund renovation projects is a significant step that can have both positive and negative consequences for your finances and quality of life. Here is a summary of key points from the article:

• Refinancing for renovation: This involves increasing the mortgage to obtain capital for renovation. The process requires an assessment of your financial situation and the value of the property.

• Why people choose this: Many people choose to refinance to improve or modernize their homes, often including projects such as kitchen and bathroom renovations.

• Potential benefits: Well-planned renovations can increase the value of the home, improve quality of life, and in some cases, provide tax benefits or grants.

• Risks and pitfalls: Increased debt burden, the risk of overinvestment, and the potential for not getting a return on investment are some of the pitfalls to be aware of.

• Evaluating the choice: It is important to carefully consider the decision, evaluate your long-term goals, and understand how it will impact your finances.

Remember that knowledge and preparation are key to making smart financial decisions. We recommend consulting with a local real estate agent to understand the trends and what appeals to buyers in your area. Additionally, feel free to contact a financial advisor, preferably at your current bank, to assess your financial situation and help you determine if refinancing for renovation is the right choice for you.

With thorough planning and wise choices, you can turn your renovation project into a valuable investment in your future.

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About the Creator


EasyFinance is a user-friendly loan comparison website that simplifies the process of finding the right loan for your financial needs.

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