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How To Write A Cause & Effect Essay Step By Step Guide

How To Write A Cause & Effect Essay Step By Step Guide

By James AndrewPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

You will breathe a sigh of relief if your instructor gives you a cause and effect essay. With exception of "What did you do for your summer holiday," one of the best essay templates you would ever have to compose is cause and effect essays.

What Is a Cause and Effect Essay?

It is an analytical paper that looks at a condition and explores its causes or consequences. Let's say your topic, for instance, is climate change. You could either speak about the potential causes of climate change (industrialization, ozone layer depletion or a natural planetary process) Or you might speak about consequences of global warming (polar ice cap melting, increasing sea levels, starving polar bears, etc.)

One of most popular means of arranging and debating ideas is cause and effect. Not only is it seen in scholarly articles, but also in daily life. For instance, a professional would typically use cause and effect organisation when giving a presentation at work to illustrate why the current success metrics of the business are the way they are and what outcomes they will bring. Thus, it is important to master the writing of cause and effect essays.

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

When selecting a subject, the key thing to note is that it should reflect a situation in which a specific fact, occurrence, or behavior contributes to another. In other terms, you need to make sure that even in your document there is still a cause and effect chain which you can reveal.

Your choice of subject is very limitless, as long as it keeps the one key tip in mind. You are free to write about something that feels interesting and essential to you. Bear in mind that the key features of essay topics of reasonable cause and effect are:






To find your favorite essay subject, there are 4 easy steps:

Start by brainstorming. Thinking of general thoughts that come in and read them aloud in your head.

Choose the concept that you would like but that's in your field of interests.

Narrow down the overall notion to something more unique.

For instance, if your general concept was "The Mental and Physical Health Connection," you can limit it down to anything like "The Impact of Stress on Colleges Students' Immune Systems." Now, if you contrast these two subjects, it is obvious that they concentrate on the similar problem, but the secondary one is far more detailed and thus more manageable.

Create a concise, clear, and engaging title, right to the point.

You could choose the correct subject for your essay after these tips and steps. Because you still lack new ideas, nevertheless, let us send you some ideas for essay topics from various fields, to begin with:


How does fast food affect the energy levels of a person?

The effect of high blood pressure on the human heart

Why can social media and the expectations of appearance that it produces contribute to adolescent eating disorders?

Divorce 's effect on the mental health of children

Air concentrations of ozone encourage respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma


The effect of Australia's natural disasters on the wildlife population in the region

How does the rise in pollution of water affect marine life?

The effect of global temperature rises on the increasing prevalence of cholera and malaria

How is climate change encouraged by human behaviour?

Results of potential endangered species extinctions


How will cognitive capacity and memory be improved by learning Mandarin?

Social media's effect on modern society

How does brand perception affect advertising?

The role of pop-music in a personality development

How do movies affect the actions of teens?


The outcomes in college papers of cheating

How do new methodologies for teaching improve the success of students?

Gamified learning experiences have an effect on early education

How can your attitude be affected by the choice of college?

The effect of one's first instructor on the future educational outcomes of an individual


Optimism will improve immunity and a positive attitude

How does a growing movement towards bicycles help handle traffic jams?

Playing video games can lead to a higher IQ

How can a single video on YouTube make you famous?

The impact of having a pet on a person's wellbeing

Cause and Effect Essay Outline

We can move along to the next step, developing an outline for your article, now that you know the meaning of the cause and effect essay and have a few subject ideas in mind. We will soon send you some examples of the outlines of the cause and effect essay, but let's begin by identifying the necessary structure for such a document.

You may use two types of structures here: a block or a chain structure. At the start of your essay writing, the block structure means preserving all the causes, accompanied by the consequences.

Cause and Effect Essay in 5 Steps

1. Get Familiar With Instructions

First and foremost, please ensure you are well acquainted with the needs of your instructor. Read the directions that you will be given closely and keep it in mind when writing.

2. Choose Your Topic

Selecting a subject is the next step to take. There is no need to reiterate how to choose a good subject, so follow the tips previously provided. Most notably, pick what you are interested in.


Take some time to write on paper all of your thoughts. It will help you see what you have to work with, help you to find a point of departure, and help you determine how to implement each of your points fluently.

4. Define Relevant Causes and Effects

Look at your subject and ideas once more before you can start writing an outline and answer the following questions:

What has caused these unique incidents to happen? -- the concept of your causes;

What are the consequences of this? -in order to describe the impact.

5. Create an Outline

Following the above-given guide, create a detailed outline.

6. Create a Thesis Statement

Create a strong thesis that presents your primary concept. Also, note whether you will concentrate on reporting triggers, consequences, or both.

7. Collect Supporting Facts

Try and find valid and substantial supporting arguments for your causes and consequences to make your cause and effect assignment faultless.

If you examine the causes and consequences of bullying, for instance, good supporting facts will be bullying figures, the views of expert counselors, real-life examples, etc.

8. Write Your Cause and Effect Essay

Following the outline you have, write an essay. Keep it short and straightforward. Using vocabulary that is suitable and simple to understand. Don't forget to stick to the structure chosen and use seamless transitions between various sections of your paper as well.

Now that you learned how to write a cause and effect essay, it's time to look at some more suggestions. Not only is it about writing an outstanding essay, the true craft lies in proofreading and editing. Lets hope, this tutorial has been beneficial, and you can compose a cause and effect essay easily now.

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James Andrew

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