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How to Wake up Early Morning Daily? (and Not be Miserable)

If you wake up late and are less energetic or you are tired of snoozing the alarm then in this article, I’m going to share with you some of the most practical ways to wake up early in the morning daily, Hassle-free, and full of energetic. Let's get started.

By TestPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Let's first quickly discuss why you should wake up early.

Because when you focused on the benefits you will receive it becomes much easier for actual development and strict to the habit. One thing is certain, Early morning is the time of least distractions. Our minds are also the ceramist making it a time of absolute focus and productivity.

The environment is undisturbed and pure and the ideal time for yoga, meditation, and workout. The power of creating something done by lunch which was hard to achieve otherwise by the end of the day is something you would want to miss.

No, wonder there are so many successful people who swear from the benefits of waking up early in the morning. But let's face it, we need some concrete and practical steps that will actually make us wake up not once, not twice, but daily and with ease and energy.

1. Sleep Early

Let's accept to sleeping early is actually a bigger challenge than wake-up early. But if you do so, Be sure that half of your job is done. Obviously, it’s easier for a person to wake up at 6 am who goes to sleep at 10 pm.

Then who goes to sleep at midnight, do you know that the melatonin levels begin to rise after sunset? This is your body signal that is now looking for rest. Studies have shown that it is much easier to sleep by 10 pm than at 1 pm in the night as the melatonin levels begin to drop.

The higher the melatonin levels, the easier it is to sleep and the better will be sleep quality. So even nature wants you to sleep early, but you could argue, if that it’s true why don’t I feel sleepy at 10 pm?

Well, that’s because these gadgets interfere with our natural sleep tendency. Once turn off your gadgets, switch off the lights of your room and see how your body will fall into slumber.

The idea is not to stimulate but to calm your mind so that you can sleep early. It can be done by reading a light book, or you can fill your room with calming fragrance using essential oil.

You can take a cold shower, or you can massage your feet with sesame oil, you can meditate, or do anything that calms your mind is conducive.

2. Early to Bed

Now, to sleep early it is important to go to bed early, and for that to happen you have to have your dinner early and keep it light. If you overeat or eat unhealthy food you are reducing your chances to wake up early.

Have you noticed when you overeat at a party even though your sleep time will be similar but you will feel much more resistant to waking up the next day? This is because a lot of energy goes into digesting heavy food and as a result the next day you just wish that your boss is on leave.

There are some foods that will help you sleep better and faster Lukewarm cow milk 30 minutes before sleeping, You can add sleep-promoting herbs like Ashwagandha, Saffron, Nutmeg, Turmeric, or cinnamon to milk.

To enhance the effect as per your liking. Avoid stimulating drinks like tea and coffee after 5 pm. Even you should avoid working out late at the night. They can disturb your sleep cycle.

3. Prepare your mind to wake up early

Remember how when you had to catch a flight at 6 am you were already up 5 minutes before the alarm can go off. How does this happen? It’s because consciously or unconsciously you were preparing your mind to wake you up at 4 am.

Else you would have missed the flight. Our grandmothers would say what time do you want to wake up just tell that to your pillow and sleep, It will wake you up. What they mean is to consciously feel your mind that I have to wake up tomorrow at 5 am.

You can warbly speak it 5 to 10 times before sleeping. If you think it is a bit silly you are underestimating the power of the subconscious mind. But then there was a flight to catch what’s here to miss.

4. Give yourself a good reason to wake up

By good reason, I don’t mean that you have to drink water or brush your teeth for a really good reason. Let’s say I will focus on my health now. So I will go to the park daily for a walk.

I will start practicing yoga so that I remain calm and focused throughout the day, I will study in the morning so that I have more free time in the evening, I love reading books but I don’t get time in the day so I will do that early in the morning. I will focus on my hobby of writing it can be anything.

It’s simple if someone asks you to wake up early to play cricket you will wake up but if they ask you to wake up for no good reason you will keep sleeping. So consciously feed your brain with a strong reason.

Now in the morning when you actually hear the alarm all those preparations go for a toss. The world seems unreal at 5 am and you just want to abandon everything that you had decided and go back to sleep. But wait the fact is that it's those first 10 minutes that are the most difficult.

5. Conquer the First 10 Minutes

If you somehow Conquer them you will wake up. It’s like when opening a tightly closed cap of a bottle the initial effort is the most difficult. After that, it is a cakewalk. So to open the cap with ease you just need to find ways to somehow pass the first 10 minutes.

One thing that you can do is to keep your alarm clock away from your bed so that when it rings you have to get up from your bed to turn it off, Don’t snooze.

As our sleep cycles work there is no possibility of you making a pressure after 10 minutes. In fact, you are making it even more difficult than it actually is then you can drink warm water go to the kitchen warm up the water, and then drink it slowly.

It will not only activate your system but also 10 minutes will pass and you will feel up and fresh, or you can go to the balcony so that the cool breeze wakes you up, or you can go to the washroom and straightaway wash your face, you can even walk on the grass if possible.

While anything that helps you to withstand the first 10 minutes gets the job done. When you wake up early definitely you will feel a little out of energy on the first day. But don’t give in, and definitely not sleep in the afternoon.

In fact, it will help you automatically sleep early the next day, and then in a few days, your body will get used to the new routine.

One thing that you can notice about the people who wake up early is that they have a fixed schedule, they are not tempted by one more episode, social media, or just random browsing. So try to sleep at a fixed time every day.

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