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Helping a friend cope

How important is help

By ARSYPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Helping a friend cope
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

It was a cloudy and dreary day, and Emily had just received some devastating news. Her father had been diagnosed with a serious illness, and the prognosis was not good. She was overwhelmed with emotions, and didn't know how she was going to handle everything that was about to come her way. As she sat on the couch in her living room, tears streaming down her face, she heard a knock at the door.

Reluctantly, Emily made her way to the door, not really wanting to see anyone. But when she opened the door, she was surprised to see her best friend, Sarah, standing there with a sympathetic look on her face. Without a word, Sarah wrapped Emily in a tight hug, and Emily finally allowed herself to cry.

Over the next few days, Sarah was there for Emily every step of the way. She went with her to doctor's appointments, made meals for her family, and even helped her take care of her father when he was too weak to do things on his own. Emily didn't know how she could ever repay Sarah for all that she had done for her.

As the days turned into weeks, Emily's father's condition continued to worsen. The stress and sadness of the situation was taking a toll on her, and she was having a hard time coping. One afternoon, Sarah called her and said, "I have an idea that might make you feel better. Why don't we go volunteer at the local soup kitchen tonight?"

Emily was hesitant at first, not sure if she had the energy to do something like that. But Sarah persisted, saying that it would be a good way to take her mind off of things and do something positive for someone else.

Reluctantly, Emily agreed, and they made their way to the soup kitchen that evening. As they walked in, they were greeted by a sea of people, all looking for a warm meal and a kind word. Emily was surprised by the variety of people that were there. There were families with young children, elderly individuals who had fallen on hard times, and even some young adults who were struggling to make ends meet.

As they worked, serving meals and chatting with the people who had come in, Emily felt a sense of peace wash over her. She realized that her problems, while significant, were not the only problems in the world. She was humbled by the strength and resilience of the people she met that evening, and grateful for the opportunity to help in some small way.

As the evening wound down, and the last of the patrons left the soup kitchen, Emily felt a sense of hope that she hadn't felt in weeks. She realized that the act of helping others had not only helped those in need, but had also helped her to heal in some small way. She hugged Sarah tightly, grateful for her friend's persistence in bringing her to the soup kitchen that night.

Over the next few weeks, as Emily continued to care for her father, she found herself volunteering more and more. She started to see that helping others was not just a way to make a difference in the world, but also a way to heal herself. And while she couldn't fix everything that was going on in her life, she could make a small difference in the lives of those around her.

In the end, Emily's father lost his battle with his illness. But Emily was not alone in her grief. She had a community of people around her who had helped her through the difficult times, and who continued to support her after her father's passing. And she knew that, no matter what life threw her way, she would always have the memory of the help she had received, and the knowledge that she could make a difference in the lives of others.

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    AWritten by ARSY

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