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The boy

By ARSYPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a boy named Ram who was known for his honesty. He was so honest that people used to say that he could not even tell a white lie. Ram used to live with his parents and help them in their farm work.

One day, while he was working in the fields, he found a bag filled with money. The bag seemed to have been lost by someone passing through the village. Ram was very excited to have found the bag and immediately thought about all the things he could buy with the money.

However, his honesty got the better of him, and he decided to take the bag to the village headman. The headman was very pleased with Ram's honesty and rewarded him for his honesty.

Ram did not think much about the reward, as he was just happy that he did the right thing. The headman asked him to wait for a while, and he left the room. After a few minutes, he returned with a bag of his own and handed it over to Ram. The bag was not as big as the one Ram had found, but it had a few gold coins and some other valuable items.

Ram was very happy and thanked the headman for the gift. He then went home and showed the bag to his parents. They were very proud of their son and praised him for his honesty.

A few days later, a traveler passing through the village came to know about Ram's honesty. He was impressed and decided to reward him. He gave Ram a job as his assistant and took him on a journey to various parts of the country.

During the journey, Ram learned a lot about the world and saw many new things. He also learned about the value of honesty and how it could help him in life. He was very grateful to the traveler for giving him the opportunity to learn so much.

After a few months, the traveler decided to return to his home. He offered Ram a lot of money and asked him to stay with him, but Ram declined. He told the traveler that he wanted to go back to his village and help his parents with their farm work.

The traveler was surprised by Ram's decision and asked him why he did not want to stay with him. Ram replied that he had learned a lot during his journey, but his parents were his priority, and he wanted to be with them. The traveler was very impressed with Ram's dedication and gave him a small gift as a token of appreciation.

When Ram returned to his village, he was welcomed with open arms. Everyone was proud of him, and they praised him for his honesty. Ram felt very happy, and he knew that his honesty had earned him respect and admiration in the eyes of the villagers.

From that day on, Ram became a role model for the young people in the village. He told them about the importance of honesty and how it could change their lives. He also encouraged them to follow their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals.

Years passed, and Ram grew old. He became a wise man and was respected by everyone in the village. People came to him for advice, and he was always ready to help them. He knew that his honesty had given him a good life, and he was grateful for it.

In the end, Ram realized that honesty was the best policy. He knew that it could be difficult to be honest at times, but it was always worth it in the end. He hoped that his story would inspire others to be honest and truthful in their lives, just like he had been.

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    AWritten by ARSY

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