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Hard work

Never give up

By ARSYPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Hard work
Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the foothills of a great mountain range, there lived a young boy named Ali. He was a hardworking and ambitious child, always eager to learn and grow. His parents were simple farmers who taught him the value of hard work from a young age. They would tell him stories of how their ancestors had worked hard to make the barren land fertile and how they had prospered through their efforts.

Ali grew up with the same spirit of hard work and determination. He would wake up early in the morning, even before the roosters crowed, and would work hard in the fields with his parents. He would tend to the crops, milk the cows, and take care of the goats. He would also help his parents with household chores like cooking, cleaning, and fetching water from the nearby stream.

Despite his busy schedule, Ali never neglected his studies. He would attend the village school, where he would eagerly learn new things. He was a quick learner and would always finish his homework on time. His teachers were impressed with his dedication and hard work, and they knew he had a bright future ahead of him.

One day, as Ali was tending to the crops, he noticed that some of the plants were withering away. He tried everything he could to revive them, but nothing seemed to work. He then decided to seek the advice of the village elder, who was known for his wisdom and knowledge.

The elder listened patiently to Ali's problem and then asked him, "Have you tried everything you can think of?"

Ali nodded and replied, "Yes, I have tried everything I know, but nothing seems to work."

The elder smiled and said, "Sometimes, we need to think outside the box and try something new. Have you ever thought of talking to the plants?"

Ali was surprised and a little skeptical. "Talking to the plants? How can that help?"

The elder explained, "Plants are living beings, just like us. They have feelings and emotions, and they respond to love and care. When you talk to them, you create a positive energy that helps them grow."

Ali was not sure if he believed the elder's words, but he decided to give it a try. He started talking to the plants every day, telling them how much he cared for them and how he wanted them to grow strong and healthy. To his amazement, the plants started responding. They started growing faster and stronger, and soon, they were flourishing.

This incident taught Ali a valuable lesson - that hard work alone is not enough. Sometimes, we need to think creatively and try something new to achieve our goals. He continued to work hard in the fields and at school, but he also started exploring new ways of doing things.

Years went by, and Ali grew up to be a successful and respected man. He became a renowned scholar, a skilled farmer, and a wise leader. People from far and wide would seek his advice, and he would always offer them his wisdom with a smile.

As he looked back on his life, Ali realized that it was his hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn new things that had brought him success. He knew that there were no shortcuts in life, and that the only way to achieve greatness was through hard work.

And so, Ali continued to work hard every day, never forgetting the lessons he had learned as a young boy. He knew that hard work was not just a means to an end, but a way of life - a path to self-improvement and success.

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    AWritten by ARSY

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