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Fun and creatives things to the with your dogs

Fun and creative activities to do indoors with my dog who has a lot of energy

By Abdulrahman OlamilekanPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Fun and creatives things to the with your dogs
Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Spending quality time with your furry friend is not only beneficial for their physical health but also strengthens your bond. Whether your dog is bursting with energy or just looking for some leisurely fun, there's a variety of activities you can enjoy together indoors. Here are numerous ideas to keep your dog engaged, entertained, and happy.

1. Indoor Obstacle Course: Set up a makeshift obstacle course using cushions, chairs, and hula hoops. Guide your dog through tunnels, jumps, and weaving poles, rewarding them with treats for completing each task. This not only engages their body but also stimulates their mind.

2. Hide-and-Seek: Hide treats or toys around different rooms and encourage your dog to find them using their keen sense of smell. Start with easy hiding spots and gradually make it more challenging. This taps into their natural instincts and provides mental stimulation.

3. Tug-of-War:Engage in a friendly game of tug-of-war using a sturdy rope or toy. This game channels their energy and is a great way for them to release any pent-up excitement. Remember to teach them the "drop it" command to ensure safe play.

4.Interactive Puzzle Toys:Invest in puzzle toys or treat-dispensing gadgets designed to challenge your dog's problem-solving skills. These toys require them to work for their treats, keeping them occupied and mentally sharp.

5.DIY Agility Course:If you have some space, set up a DIY agility course using items like cones, boxes, and hoops. Teach your dog to go through tunnels, jump over obstacles, and navigate through the course. This can be both physically demanding and mentally stimulating

6. Training Sessions:Dedicate some time to teaching your dog new tricks or reinforcing commands they already know. Positive reinforcement training not only provides mental stimulation but also enhances your communication with your dog.

7. Scent Games:Play scent-based games where you hide a specific item with a strong scent, like a treat or a favorite toy. Encourage your dog to find it using their sense of smell. This taps into their natural instincts and provides a fun challenge.

8.Balloon Play:Dogs are naturally curious about moving objects. Blow up some balloons and let your dog chase and paw at them. Just make sure the balloons are large enough to prevent accidental ingestion.

9. Homemade Snuffle Mat:Create a snuffle mat by tying fabric strips onto a rubber mat. Hide treats or kibble within the fabric, and watch your dog use their nose to search and find the hidden treasures.

10. Laser Pointer Fun:Use a laser pointer to create an engaging chase game. However, always ensure you're using a pet-safe laser and never shine it directly into your dog's eyes.

11. Cuddle and Relaxation Time:Not every activity needs to be high-energy. Spend some time just cuddling and petting your dog. This bonding time is essential for their emotional well-being.

12. Music Time:Play calming music and see how your dog reacts. Some dogs enjoy the soothing sounds, while others might be curious about the source of the music.

13. Pampering Session: Give your dog a spa day by brushing their coat, cleaning their ears, and trimming their nails. This not only helps maintain their grooming but also provides a relaxing experience.

14. Sock Puppets:Put old socks to use by creating sock puppets and using them for interactive playtime. Dogs often find these movements amusing and engaging.

15. DIY Treats:Make homemade dog treats together. There are plenty of easy recipes online using dog-friendly ingredients like peanut butter, carrots, and oats. Baking treats can be a fun and rewarding activity for both of you.

Remember, the key is to tailor the activities to your dog's preferences and energy level. Whether you're looking for a stimulating challenge or a cozy bonding session, there's a world of indoor activities waiting for you and your canine companion to explore together.

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    AOWritten by Abdulrahman Olamilekan

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