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8 Lessons I learned in the 1st month of my college life.

For all my college-going folks.

By Anushka ChavanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

College is something people don't prepare you for. And that's why I'm sharing my experience so that others don't the same mistakes as I did.

1. You will feel like an outsider-

College is lonely sometimes. You will feel lost. You will feel like an outsider, especially students who moved to a different city. The start of any journey is always rough. In the beginning, everything is new and often hard. But you need to give yourself some time to get used to everything. You will be alright.

2. Don't get into any group for some time-

Groupism is a big thing in colleges but no one seems to talk about it. Getting into a group early on can have some bad effects on you. You will have to alter some parts of youRSELF to fit in a group. Peer pressure is really a thing.

The best thing about college is that we get to meet such a diverse crowd. Different people with perspectives come together. Getting into a group early on can block your possibility of meeting different people and learning from them.

3. Talk less, listen more-

It is reallyyyyy important to listen more. College is the best place to learn not only academics but also different hard and soft skills too. There is always going to be someone better than you. So learning from them can give you many insights into how they work or how they study. Don't show- off your knowledge. You always have some scope to learn from everyone. Talk to people, but don't be the only one talking.

4. You will feel insecure-

You will feel insecure. The way you look will matter. The way you present yourself will matter. Just remember everyone will look their best in the 1st few weeks. It's okay if you're insecure because of your acne. It's okay if that t-shirt does not look good on you. Everyone has their own insecurities. Basic hygiene is important but aside from that, no one cares how we look after a certain point.

5. Be yourself-

You attract what you are. Don't try to change yourself for anyone. It's okay if you're lonely for a few days, you'll learn a lot from that experience too. We all have a flaw and that's fine. Most friends you make now might not be with you forever. So why change yourself for something temporary validation of others?

6. Treat people with respect and kindness-

Kindness doesn't even cost two cents. It is one of the most underrated values taught nowadays. Respecting others doesn't equals to trying to please someone. Nowadays, being cool equals to disrespecting or making fun of someone. Try not to be that person.

Especially when you're having a one-on-one interaction, simple gestures like paying attention to what they're talking about can make them trust you. You get what you give. Remember, people remember how you made them feel, so pay attention to your body language and attitude. Simple stuff like these can take you a long way.

7. You will feel stressed-

Feeling stressed or anxious is part of growing up. The sad thing is we are not taught how to regulate or manage it. Join clubs. Play your favorite sports. Exercise as frequently as you can. Eat healthy as often as you can. Some things like these matter. At the end of the day, if can't enjoy your day, does all of this really matter?

8. Find your crowd-

Finding the right is really crucial in anyone's life. The people you'll spend your time around, with help you develop yourself. But finding them takes time. Interact with people, and see whose vibes align with you.

That's all I have for now. College can be hard but still really fun. It's time when you can take on new adventures and explore yourself. Don't be too serious about everything and celebrate little moments and memories. Enjoy the journey.

Here's a video on college mistakes to learn from Ankur Warikoo-

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About the Creator

Anushka Chavan

"Document, don't create."

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