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We’re Yet to Make Real Effort to Effectively Curb Climate Change

No matter how deteriorated the planet becomes as a result of human abuses, it’d still outlive humanity.

By Madoc MPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
We’re Yet to Make Real Effort to Effectively Curb Climate Change
Photo by Karsten Würth (➡️ @karsten.wuerth) on Unsplash

We are humans, and we are by default very destructive and abusive. We’d rather make selfish and irrational decisions that work against us than make choices that would benefit everyone. The global economy has grown astronomically in this century. And the planet which shoulders the weight of our existence has suffered unspeakable damages. The atmosphere is heavily polluted. The sea level has gone down. The ozone layer has depleted.

Consequently, the unpleasant results from the severe damages we’ve caused to the climate are gradually making planet earth less inhabitable for humans.

If not for avarice, we won’t be where we are today. And as we continue to consume more without putting a lot more back to the source, the deteriorating planet continues to protest human abuse and negligence in different ways. We’re seeing more ferocious storms, unquenchable wildfires, and heavy floods that are capable of raising the roof of our homes and offices.

We’re perceiving the foul odors from the mountainous heap of our collective misdeeds.

The UN's latest report on climate change is unsettling and chilling. Maybe there’s nothing we can do to halt the deterioration of the climate. Maybe there is a lot we can do to salvage the dire situation. But how can we do anything impactful when we keep widening the vacuum that separates us?

The planet isn’t the only thing that’s burning or getting flooded. The inhabitants are also on fire and drowning in their mess. The mess is getting wider and deeper. It’s bringing us closer to the exit door. It’s a matter of time before it gets to where you are. Yours might be a heavy flood, a ferocious storm, or an earthquake. It might be food scarcity or lack of clean drinking water.

These are some of the challenges that can confront us on a large scale in years to come, yet we make no real effort to address a worrisome situation that’s facing us.

Technology made life simple. It brought us closer to each other, but it also turned life upside down. It destroyed the joy of real connections. It turned us into a different version of humans that don’t know how to live the way a real human should live. Even something as simple as listening to one another and arguing reasonably has become almost nonexistent in our conversations. I’m not allowed to have a say in matters that concern my wellbeing anymore. It’s either I agree with you and comply immediately or I get canceled, denied, and dumped like a waste.

The flame of love and unity is down. While anger, animosity, and hatred build up. It rages and spreads across humanity like an uncontrollable inferno. The rich continue to use their wealth to acquire more power so they can subjugate the poor and surreptitiously present themselves as kind and dependable in times of crisis.

We don’t seem to know what we’re doing anymore. Humanity is getting more divided than united. Our attitudes towards each other have become more inhumane than humane. Social media is now an avenue to devour, oppress and deride each other. We now have many folks that claim to be impeccable and sanctimonious. They wear the crown of sanctimoniousness and place themselves on a moral stool where they sit and dish out directives to others.

The power wielders enjoy seeing how divided we've become because it fastens their leash on us. The more divided we are, the tighter their leash on us.

We’re drowning in our mess and we’re not slowing down in creating more. And the more mess we create from our selfish choices, the more dangerous the world becomes for everyone.

There are noises and cries all around us. It’s everywhere. You can hear it. You feel it. I can hear it. I can feel it. Some people say what we’re hearing is the sound of a dying planet. But what if it’s the cry of dying humanity? What if we’re the ones making the sound that’s announcing the nearness of human extinction?

Life is beginning to look like a cage where many losers continue to struggle and fight themselves to the joy of the few winners who continue to amass wealth, power, and control. They’ve succeeded in pushing losers to a tight partition in the cage where all they do is slam and tear each other apart. While they comfortably occupy a massive space that allows them to continue to grab everything with their abnormal long arms.

We are wrong to think that we’d outlive the planet. Because no matter how deteriorated the planet becomes as a result of our collective abuses, it will outlive humanity. We are the ones that would have to go away if we don’t amend our ways. The planet would gradually recover from the damages caused by humans.

What’s the way out? There has to be a way out. You keep doing what’s right for yourself and others. This isn’t all about you, but about everyone. This is the time to appreciate what you have. This is the time to acknowledge and appreciate the beauty in small things. This is the time to start giving back. This is the time to live a joyful life with less.


About the Creator

Madoc M

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