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The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Dark energy or Storm clouds?

By Aqeela ArnoldPublished 9 months ago 6 min read
The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle
Photo by Kino on Unsplash

The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle

Let's go back in time roughly 600 years to learn more about one of the few mysteries we haven't solved: the Bermuda Triangle mythology. The story begins with an Italian man who wanted to sail across the ocean to reach Asia, a continent rich in spices, silk, and minerals. He realized that traveling there by land would take an absurdly long time, so he thought why not build some sturdy ships, gather some sailors, and set off for Asia? That man was Christopher Columbus, and in 1492, with a little assistance from Spain's royal family, he began his journey. Everything was going according to plan.

But as he neared the end of his journey, he became aware of something very odd; he was sailing through the notorious Bermuda Triangle, the point of no return, the ominous region between Bermuda. Florida and Puerto Rico There are several accounts of ships, boats, and planes vanishing into this enigmatic space; some were eventually discovered, while others vanished entirely, only to be rediscovered years later at the bottom of the ocean. The only thing we can be certain of is that we have no idea what is happening over there. People have been trying to figure it out for years, but to no avail. What did Christopher Columbus see that fateful night that alarmed him?

Scientists now believe they have the answer: an asteroid crashed into the ocean but wait what about that stuff with the compass? According to Columbus' logs, he witnessed a tremendous flash, a thunderstorm, but he never mentioned any enormous waves, heavy rain, or strong winds. Instead, he only mentioned a single flash in the sky. What does that have to do with asteroids, which come in a variety of sizes and shapes but are best when compared to chocolate eggs since they contain a wealth of metals and minerals on the inside? According to scientists, some asteroids' magnetic fields can persist for millions of years.

That could actually explain several other unusual things. One of these bizarre incidents occurred in 1948 while a passenger plane was flying from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Miami. The plane vanished in the same location as the Cotopaxi, and the 32 passengers on board vanished without a trace. Although the weather was clear the entire time, experts believe that when the plane was about 50 miles from the coast, it may have been struck by a strong wind that caused it to veer off course. Years later, a similar plane was discovered in the vicinity of the Bermuda Triangle, but it was impossible to determine for sure whether it was the same one because no one could figure out the registration.

Soon after, in 1945, several planes mysteriously vanished at the same time as some trainee pilots were honing their navigational skills. Although it appears likely that they ran out of fuel, the circumstances surrounding the incident were extremely strange as the trainees were being supervised by an experienced pilot with 2,500 hours of flight time, who would never have led them. Some claim that the pilots encountered a supernatural being in the Bermuda Triangle.

On the morning of December 4, 1970, the Beechcraft Bonanza single-engine aircraft carrying pilot Bruce Gerneon, his father, and his business partner took off from Andros Island in the Bahamas and flew northwest toward the Florida coast. trace a line from Bermuda to the island if you drop a map. What do you get if you combine Bermuda, Baxter, and Miami? Yes, the triangle is a sinister polygon that over the years has mysteriously swallowed almost 2,000 ships and 200 aircraft. It had Bruce Gerneon's jet in its grasp, but this was just another routine flight that Bruce had taken countless times.

The men were no more worried than you would be during your normal journey to work, but this time would be different since they would encounter quite strange circumstances indeed. The trip typically took around an hour and a half with no glitches or mysterious phenomena of any kind. As soon as Bruce took off and began climbing, strange things began to happen. At a height of about 1,000 feet, he noticed a small cloud ahead, but it kept growing—not because the plane was getting closer, but because it was actually growing larger. Bruce had to fly through it, but he made it out unscathed. At 11,500 feet, a second strange cloud appeared.

This one was enormous, and Bruce had no choice but to fly through it as well, so he focused, took a deep breath, and in they went. At that moment, the area around the aircraft turned pitch-black; not a sliver of sunlight could be seen. However, this wasn't a storm cloud, and it wasn't raining. Bruce was beginning to become concerned when, suddenly, he saw white flashes that would appear and disappear quickly like lightning, but the pilot knew that this was Bruce discovered this was the same Cloud he had passed through earlier after continuing to fly for another 30 minutes.

The cloud was cylindrical when he started to climb, and when the plane passed through its center, it appeared to be unending and nearly a mile wide. Bruce believed he would never be able to escape that trap, but a moment later he noticed a light at the end of the tunnel. He decided to keep the yoke. He was about out of this nightmare when all of a sudden strange things started happening once more. The plane's navigational instruments began to wig out, the compass started spinning counterclockwise, and all of the electronic equipment started to malfunction as the cloud tunnel's walls started to close in on it.

Bruce kept flying through that tunnel determined to escape this thing as the walls kept getting smaller and smaller, rapping like a vortex, and it seemed as though the plane was being controlled by something else or that it was moving inside some kind of current. As Bruce later recalled, he felt weightless for five seconds as his plane left the tunnel and the clouds dispersed, and now the aircraft was in a greyish sky. Bruce was running out of time and had to get out of this place quickly. The next 20 seconds were the most intense of his life. Haze

The men breathed a sigh of relief, and he grabbed the radio and called Ground Control right away. Bruce wanted them to find him, but when they saw the green screen, the dispatcher's face twisted in perplexity. Bruce's plane appeared to be invisible on the radar when it was actually in Miami airspace, according to the dispatcher. This information completely astounded Bruce; the beachcraft was meant to travel a distance of around 250 miles, and he remembered that the entire trip often took about 90 minutes, but this time it only took 47 minutes to arrive at the destination.

When the clouds parted, Bruce realized that he was actually over Miami. The plane landed safely, and it was time to try to figure out what happened on that flight. Bruce checked the amount of fuel left in his watch after a quick calculation, but was only left more perplexed because the plane hadn't gone through it. This model of aircraft can only cruise at about 180 miles per hour, so anyone would understand that this was physically impossible. The dispatcher must have made a mistake.

All the evidence seemed to indicate that Bruce's plane just skipped over almost half of the entire distance. The man thought about this strange occurrence for a long time. He even consulted with professors and experts but none of them could give an exact answer to what happened that day so he came up with his own Theory. By the time he was in his early twenties, he had already logged 600 hours of flight time and was all too familiar with this airspace. He had flown it numerous times. Bruce believed that this electric fog with white sparkles was the only thing left.


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