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The Heart of the Woods

Love is the truest power

By Virginia McGuirePublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Then it all stopped. It was as if it never happened. The trees were quiet and still, the birds were singing and then, there she was, walking toward me. There was something n her hand. I had not seen her in so long.

The last time I saw here was before it all began. Before the meteor shower that sparked the whole chain of events. I remember exactly where I was sitting and how the night sky had changed to a strange blue-green color at almost midnight just 4 weeks ago.

The reports were that there would be a meteor show in the evening. We, my husband and myself enjoy the night sky so much. It helps us open to a more vast awareness of life, something different from the day to day. So were set with telescope and snacks for the night sky show!

Just 30 minutes before the shower was to begin a warning came over our phones stating that something had happen in out space. This event shifted the movement pattern of several of the larger meteor's. This could mean nothing , yet could also cause anything from fires to tsunami's if the meteors skimmed or landed on the earth.

We remained calm yet began to be aware of what might be needed. We always say a prayer at times when we feel we need to feel a connection to God and get centered, so we said a prayer and kept about organizing for what might happen in the best way we could. We prayed for our children and family that lived elsewhere. We prayed for our planet and peoples to somehow be kept safe. We live in the country in an old family home, yet could see some neighbors and they were doing the same.

The reports on computer and tv were already starting to add drama to the events to follow. People in the cities around the world were looking for underground shelters. There were areas that were already panicking and some offering help, and setting up shelters. Within an hour it seemed a whole world was mobilizing to see how this could be survived. Fortunately we were surrounded by some of the best of humanity in our small country town.

Then without any further notice one meteor landed in the ocean off the coast and this set off a response in what is called the ring of fire. Volcanic activity immediately began happening at countless locations. And soon smoke filled the air at various locations inland that sent people into a panic. The warnings were to say indoors and wait.

We began organizing the house to then head out, through the woods to the barn. There, we have a large root cellar that has good ventilation and the whole barn is build on a hill. We took a few valuable things, gathered up the cat and headed out though the woods. On the way, there was a large trimmer. The earth herself was shaking as we were trying to make our way to shelter.

I remember then touching the heart shaped locket I wear that is a gift from my grandmother. It always helps me connect to what feels sacred in life or perhaps the ancestors that are somehow here and beyond all at once. In any case before we got the barn I felt in it usual comfortable place at my collar bone, once we got to the barn it was gone. I searched through the things we had with us and though my clothes, it was not to be found.

We made it to the root cellar and began setting up for a stay of at least a few days. We had called our children and said we love you and are holding you close in prayer. It was a relief to hear their voices and hear they were safe and sheltered with supplies at their homes. Another family had joined our sons family in their basement.

The evens that followed were water levels rising and at several locations tsunami's were approaching coastlines. The early alert systems were helping, yet people were scurrying to find safe shelter and higher ground. The challenges wee the busy roads. Those with trail bicycles, four wheel drive and motorcycles were having the best luck getting though.

At some point our cell phones became sporadic so we turned them off and listened only to the radio. We had lanterns and flash lights and also had plugged in a small cook stove. There was room for small air mattress, so we had that set with a couple of camp chairs. We had extra water with us and canned goods. we had a small cooler with a few items in hopes that would hold us for awhile. We were in a root cellar so there were pickled veggies in jars, lots of potatoes and some other root veggies.

We tried to relax, yet found ourselves talking and organizing until we were exhausted and needed to sleep. By this time it was still only 2 AM. It seemed like days had already passed since the beginning of the meteor shower.

The next morning we awoke at 6:30 and headed outdoors to see a sunrise mingled with smoke and ash floating in the air. We wore bandanas to cover our faces yet had better masks in the shop in the barn, so went to get those. All of nature seemed to have an extra level of quiet. We noticed there were very few birds communicating that morning. As we walked I looked for the locket and did not see it.

It was a surreal time. We spent the day organizing for what we guessed might be several weeks of living frugally. We made lists of what we had, what we needed and what we could share with neighbors. We had a good supply of food and water and so decided not to venture out. We listened to the shortages on the radio and hoped for the best.

The radio was running on electricity which we had, though we had no Wi-Fi for some reason. Our cell phones wee not working for calls. I heard on the radio of the generous nature of some humans helping other humans. I thought about how love is the truest power.

I missed talking with our children and hoped they were helping and also surrounded by caring people. I tried not to worry about them and could at times focus on creating beauty with watercolors and writing while waiting for the air to clear. Thanks to the early warning systems and peoples awareness there had been few casualties and it sounded as though we would make it through. Our dear planet might have shifted yet we were so far handling the powerful shift.

And so that is how the next several weeks went. The radio would give us updates. We did not drive anywhere or go to work. We listened to the birds slowly return, we felt gratitude for our root cellar that housed root veggies and canned good enough for us and to share. We exercised by taking walks with masks on and doing yoga in the barn. We listened to music , prayed and waited.

Sometimes when you have to change you do. My art became finer, I began singing and humming tunes I had not brought to mind for years. My husband and I began to have new conversations about creating a new life. We wondered what the next new normal would be for the world, and all the creatures and people on it.

Our neighbors came by with honey and we had some bread and almond butter. We rinsed off wild black berries and added those to the top. So the four of us sat and shared the treat together. While we were waiting times like this helped us to be reminded of the natural kindness of humans and nature.

While there were shortages and our supplies were becoming more closely rationed we took hope because the air was beginning to clear and more birds were returning, even squirrels and deer were beginning to show up in the field. As the world came to it's new normal there was talk on the radio of things beginning to be delivered to local stores again.

We started to move back into the house, electricity was still working and it was nice to not have to use the outhouse near the barn. Lights and an oven become such beautiful things. We were glad to be breathing better and hoping the same for others on our small dear planet.

Times like this remind us of what a treasure life is, and of what it is to be a kind human. I still had not heard from my children and wondered daily how they were. When I heard the areas affected on the radio, their had each been mildly affected, so I hoped they were feeling resilient and strong.

The days were beginning to have a lighter feeling. This was welcome after weeks of the transitioning back and forth from barn to house. We felt very grateful, very blessed and were ready to settle into the house. I was teary on some days wondering about the children. It is so true, even when your child is 30, they are still the children of the parents.

One day 4 weeks after the event, I was watering plants on the front porch and a small deer walked down the line of field toward the barn. I followed from a distance and saw the young deer meet up with it's mother. As I turned to go back to the house, something caught my attention at the barn.

There was a quiet in the trees, the birds though were singing. It as as though all the earths shaking had stopped. Then there she was, it felt as though I had not seen her for so long. She was walking toward me and in her hands was my golden heart shaped locket. What a gift it is to have a daughter.


About the Creator

Virginia McGuire

I was born in Charlotte, NC and moved to the country an hour from Charlotte 24 years ago. I create mixed media art, write and am also a counselor. I find music adds to inspiration daily, while celebrating our beautiful planet with the arts.

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    VMWritten by Virginia McGuire

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