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Nature Villa

How I solve my in-house Global-Warming

By Palash RaghuwanshiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Nature Villa
Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Once upon a time when I was feeling too hot at my house and wanted to turn on the Fan and cooler to get rid of that uncomfortable heat that keeps me feel very annoying and once I turn on the fan, then I realize the importance of cool air that breezes every morning to refresh our minds at no cost. When I have realized the importance of cool air than I have decided to do some research on how could I make my environment cool and at least save my family members from the Global-warming. Then I have found that we have cut the millions of trees for our needs and wants and after several years, it leads to Deforestation. Then Deforestation leads to Global-Warming and we end up having more warm summer-days and some of the states and provinces face the issues like climate change and overtime it leads to a Droughts, Tsunami's and other Global issues and now also government in most of the cities and countries does not imposed heavy rules and regulations towards Global-Warming. To be honest, Government will not only responsible for this climate change or Global-Warming issues but we Humans are also. So we all have to take some measures to fight against this Global issue and if we all grow plant some of the plants in our House's Terrace or wherever we find little space for those little plants then we can surely get rid of hot summer seasons and Breathe everyday good quality of air for our survival and our future one's. It only takes 10-15 minutes a day to water those little plants for a maximum impact on our lives and others as well. Please it's my humble request to plant at least a 2-5 plants in your terrace. So we all could live a good and healthy life.

Beauty of the Nature Seen Here...

Whenever I see those Big factories then my mind automatically imagine how we as a humans have destroyed the our Mother Earth and now we Humans are suffering to Breathe those clean air .Our Mother Earth has provided all the necessary elements to live well our life like water, air, sunlight, trees, fruits, vegetables and animals but our demands our increasing day by day so we started to cut down those trees, polluted our rivers and we have made the greatest invention "Plastic" of all times that had harmed our Mother Earth and will continue to harm in the near future until we get the good alternative source of "Plastic" that will decompose easily in the Nature.

By Marc Newberry on Unsplash

At the End I wanted to tell you how I solved my in-house Global-Warming and here’s you can also get those clean air and get rid of those hot summer season. They are listed below:-

Villa is Surrounded by a Nature
  • I have planted some of the trees at my terrace and water it daily and when they grow, the rising temperature of our in-house environment shifts down and make the little bit air clean and have more greenery around me and it will help me to get those mental peace.
  • Tell in your nearest friends and relationship s people's to plant some trees to get some good quality air so that they can breathe easily and have some good healthy life.
  • Garden some of the flowers to attract some of the bees to pollinate as Bees are the most important species of insects for Nature.
  • Garden some of the vegetables at your terrace so that you can get chemical-free foods to eat and have a safe life.
  • Garden different types of plants so that we can feel Grateful every morning or whenever we or others see them and enjoy the great day with self respect and positivity.
  • Post on your social media accounts about your own Nature Villa and how it could be save yours and others life as well.


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    PRWritten by Palash Raghuwanshi

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