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Is There Really A Bermuda Triangle?

What really happened?

By Dyamond Palms Published about a year ago 4 min read

Can we ascertain the number of ships and airplanes that have been lost in the Bermuda Triangle?

Did these disappearances occur due to human error or adverse weather conditions?

Let's delve into these phenomena and embark on a quest for answers. An intriguing tale unfolds with the SS Cotopaxi as its centerpiece. This vessel vanished in 1925 during its voyage from Charleston, South Carolina, to Havana, Cuba, never reaching its intended destination. Several years later, in the 1980s, a wreck was discovered approximately 40 miles off the coast of St. Augustine, Florida. The exact origin and nature of this wreck remained elusive for quite some time, leading specialists to dub it "Bear Rat." Eventually, after extensive efforts, primarily undertaken by marine biologists, it was conclusively determined in January 2020 that this ship was indeed the long-lost SS Cotopaxi.

How did the ship reappear and end up in a location outside the Bermuda Triangle? The mysterious shipwreck isn't even within the Triangle's recognized boundaries. Speaking of which, can the Bermuda Triangle be precisely located on a map? Surprisingly, no. The Triangle is not officially recognized as a specific area in Bermuda, and it does not appear on any world maps. Its exact boundaries remain disputed, with rough estimates placing its total area between 500,000 and 1.5 million square miles. Generally, it is described as having a vaguely triangular shape. The term "Bermuda Triangle" was first coined by American author Vincent Hayes Gaddis in 1964 when he wrote an article for Argosy magazine, describing a region responsible for the unexplained disappearance of numerous ships and planes.

Determining the exact number of lost ships and planes within the Bermuda Triangle is challenging. Some vessels and aircraft vanished without leaving a trace, and their wreckage remains undiscovered. However, recorded stories provide insights into the Bermuda Triangle's history, dating back to the 15th century. Notably, Italian explorer Christopher Columbus encountered strange phenomena while sailing through the Atlantic waters near the Triangle. He witnessed a massive flame crashing into the ocean, followed by an unusual flashing light at the same location. Additionally, his compass malfunctioned, a common occurrence among sailors in the area. Another famous incident that contributed to the Bermuda Triangle legend was the disappearance of Flight 19 in 1945. This naval flight, led by Lieutenant Charles Taylor, inexplicably got lost in the Triangle. Lacking modern navigational aids, the pilots relied on compasses and estimated flight times. Strangely, their compasses malfunctioned, and Taylor did not have a watch on that fateful day.

Initially attributed to pilot error, the cause of Flight 19's disappearance was eventually labeled as "causes or reasons unknown" due to public dissatisfaction. Surviving pilot Bruce Gernon shared a remarkable account of passing through an electronic fog above the Triangle, which seemingly transported him through time in 1970. Gernon described encountering two massive clouds forming a whirlpool and spiral, during which his navigation devices malfunctioned. Upon exiting the cloud, he discovered that only 35 minutes had passed, despite the expected flight time being 75 minutes. With no other plausible explanation, Gernon believed he had been propelled forward in time.

Apart from unusual cloud formations, sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been reported in the Bermuda Triangle. Pilots have recalled near-collisions with unidentifiable airborne objects, some of which were captured on video. In 2015, passengers on a flight observed a mysterious floating object over the ocean, baffling the pilots. However, not all explanations for the Triangle's mysteries are as unconventional. Oceanographers have proposed theories involving rogue waves, immense walls of water that can suddenly emerge, and hexagonal clouds generating powerful winds and high waves.

The Earth's magnetic force also comes into play within the Bermuda Triangle. Compasses within the Triangle point toward the geographic north pole (true north) rather than the shifting magnetic north pole (magnetic north). The convergence of these two points along the Triangle's location, known as the agonic line, may cause magnetic anomalies leading to navigational instrument malfunctions. However, it should be noted that the agonic line shifts annually, and it is currently located through the Gulf of Mexico, not the Bermuda Triangle. Furthermore, scientists have investigated deep craters off the coast of Norway, potentially caused by methane gas eruptions, which could offer insight into the Bermuda Triangle's ship disappearances.

Despite the mysteries surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, it continues to be heavily traversed by ships and aircraft. The region serves as a vital shipping lane and witnesses frequent air traffic due to its proximity to popular destinations. Additionally, the Bermuda Triangle experiences tropical storms and hurricanes, thanks to its location along the path of the powerful Gulf Stream current. When examining statistical data provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, the number of disappearances within the Bermuda Triangle is not significantly higher than in comparable regions of the Atlantic Ocean. Official records indicate around 50 ships and 20 airplanes have vanished while traveling through this area, making it challenging to determine an exact total.

It is worth mentioning that some reported events within the Bermuda Triangle have been debunked as false or unsubstantiated. For example, a plane crash supposedly occurring off Daytona Beach in 1937 was not supported by local newspaper reports.


About the Creator

Dyamond Palms

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    DPWritten by Dyamond Palms

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