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Human Civilization

From the Beginning till the End

By Chua Yuan HengPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Human Civilization
Photo by Luis Domenech on Unsplash

For years, I have been pondering about the meaning of life and what I seems to find out is that it is all about the advancement of the human civilization. From getting a meal to bicycling in the park, nothing seems to evade the fact that everything here we could see is made to move us further up in the advancement of the human civilization. An example that I could provide about getting a meal, is that McDonald's now could be ordered through an app on the mobile phone, while if you would bicycle down a park, you will be enthralled with the concept on how much you want to preserve nature, especially the trees in it, which provide us with our much needed oxygen.

Towards an end, nobody seems to be aware of what it means to be alive, which is to provide substantial usefulness to what we have collectively known as the humankind. What it means for us is that we must gather, invent, and thrive on knowledge. With knowledge, we will be able to build bigger, faster, and stronger. For this to happen, everyone involved as a part of the human civilization must contribute whatever services they could render and then we would be able to come out successful.

At first, the Aztecs found out that they must pray to the gods through their Steppe pyramids. Then, through the collective consciousness, the Egyptians also build their own version of pyramids. Eventually, this leads to marvels being build in the name of religion. Do you know how much math and geometry is involved in building those pyramids? It is fun to know that one thing being done simply leads to another being formed, in ponderation, in research, or even merely in fantasy. One man's fantasy is another's greatness, if those ideas are executed well. Heck, it is even fortune in the making.

A lot of people feels despair because they couldn't contribute greatly to the advancement of the human civilization. However if they would look at their small contributions, it all seems add up to become something bigger. For example, if you are a cleaner at an office, then your work becomes a cleaner and brighter office, which in turns brings in business through the works of a good image or impression. Though you might feel small, remember that everything is made out of smaller components. An atom wouldn't complain that it is merely an atom, although there are bigger things out there which are actually composed of many atoms, which then form molecules and so on.

By knowing our place, we could act in symphony with others who could brings in better usefulness by not being an obstacles, hindrance, or even a challenge to progress. Just do our work well, and watches how our works play out in assisting others to bring in more successes and victories. In this world, a useful piece is always a handy piece. Be useful and be desired everywhere.

If today you could contribute a success in inventing, building, or crafting something basic, tomorrow someone will use what you have provided to make even better things. All we must do is to share what we have got with others and see if they could innovate or improvise based on those things we have shared. In other words, if we keep things to ourselves, it would only be of advantage to ourselves, but not humankind as a whole.

It is imperative to know that anyone must do his or her utmost in finding the best vocation he or she can do, then do it with all his or her heart. Then in doing so, we find survival for ourselves and at the same time contributes to the survival of our species, the humankind.


About the Creator

Chua Yuan Heng

IT Support | Melaka | Malaysia

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