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I'd like to get that out of my head, but I can't.

By Jagadish YerraguntaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, in the heart of a dense forest, stood two towering trees named Willow and Oak. They were inseparable companions, their branches entwined like loving arms. They had witnessed the changing seasons, shared secrets, and provided shelter to countless woodland creatures.

One day, a new visitor arrived in the forest. It was an axe with a gleaming silver blade, carried by a woodcutter named Jack. The axe caught Willow's attention, who whispered to Oak, "Have you seen that shiny tool? It seems so dangerous."

Oak, with his wise old voice, replied, "Fear not, dear Willow. Let us not judge it hastily. We must wait and observe."

Days turned into weeks, and Jack visited the forest regularly. He would swing the axe at different trees, but never at Willow and Oak. Gradually, a sense of relief replaced the initial apprehension in the hearts of the two friends.

As the seasons changed, the leaves on Willow and Oak's branches transformed from vibrant green to fiery hues of red and gold. Their laughter echoed through the forest, spreading joy to all who heard. But their happiness was not destined to last.

One fateful morning, as the sun painted the sky with its warm glow, Willow noticed a strange sadness in Jack's eyes. She whispered worriedly to Oak, "Something is amiss. Jack seems troubled today."

Oak, always the empathetic listener, murmured, "Let us approach him with kindness and offer our support."

Willow and Oak approached Jack cautiously, their branches reaching out in a gentle invitation. Sensing their presence, Jack turned toward them, tears streaming down his face.

"What troubles you, dear friend?" Oak asked, his voice filled with concern.

Jack's voice quivered as he revealed his sorrowful tale. "I have lost my family's home, and we have no place to stay. I have no choice but to cut down the trees and sell the wood to survive."

Willow and Oak felt a profound sadness for Jack, understanding the desperate situation he faced. In that moment, they knew what they had to do.

"Jack," Willow said, her voice trembling, "we cannot bear to see you suffer, nor can we stand by as our fellow creatures lose their homes. Take your axe and use it on us, so that you may find solace for your family."

Jack was stunned, his eyes wide with disbelief. "But you have been my friends, my protectors!"

Oak replied, his voice heavy with sorrow, "True friendship means sacrifice. We will give up our lives so that you and your family may have a chance at a better future."

A tear escaped from Jack's eye, mingling with the dew on the forest floor. He raised the axe, his hand trembling, and swung it with a heavy heart. The blade sliced through Willow's trunk, followed by the echoing sound of Oak's fall.

As the trees crumbled, the forest mourned the loss of its guardians. Willow and Oak had given up their lives, believing in the power of friendship and the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Jack, burdened with guilt, dropped the axe and fell to his knees. He had gained shelter for his family but lost something far more precious—the companionship and love of two loyal friends.

From that day forward, a sad stillness settled upon the forest. The creatures mourned the loss of Willow and Oak, their laughter replaced by silent whispers of grief.

And so, the tale of two trees and an axe became a somber reminder that friendship, though beautiful, could sometimes end in heartache, leaving behind only memories etched in the hearts of those who remained.


About the Creator

Jagadish Yerragunta

I like anime a lot , reading books , that inspired me to write .

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    JYWritten by Jagadish Yerragunta

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