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What Causes People to Become Criminals

Socioeconomic Factors and Poverty

By ramen malikPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

This article explores the factors that contribute to individuals becoming criminals. It discusses three key factors: socioeconomic factors and poverty, early childhood experiences and trauma, and the influence of peer groups and social environment. It explains how poverty can lead to desperation and resorting to illegal activities, how childhood trauma can impact psychological development and lead to criminal behavior, and how peer pressure and the desire to fit in can influence individuals to engage in criminal activities. The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of addressing these underlying factors in order to reduce the prevalence of criminal behavior.

The reasons of crime are multifaceted. Poverty, parental maltreatment, low self-esteem, and alcohol and drug misuse are all factors that might contribute to persons breaking the law. Because of their birth circumstances, some people are more likely to become criminals.

Socioeconomic Factors and Poverty

One of the major contributors to criminal behavior is the impact of socioeconomic factors, particularly poverty. Research has shown a strong correlation between poverty and an increased likelihood of engaging in criminal activities. Poverty often limits access to resources and opportunities, leaving individuals feeling desperate and resorting to illegal means to meet their basic needs. Lack of education, limited job prospects, and economic inequality can create a breeding ground for criminal behavior as individuals seek alternative ways to survive or achieve financial stability.

Early Childhood Experiences and Trauma

Another crucial factor in understanding the mind of a criminal is examining their early childhood experiences and trauma. Many criminals have experienced adverse events during their formative years, such as neglect, abuse, or exposure to violence. These traumatic experiences can have long-lasting effects on their psychological development, leading to a distorted worldview and difficulty in forming healthy relationships. Such individuals may resort to criminal behavior as a coping mechanism or a manifestation of their unresolved trauma.

Influence of Peer Groups and Social Environment

The influence of peer groups and the social environment cannot be underestimated when it comes to criminal behavior. Research has consistently shown that individuals are heavily influenced by their social circles. If an individual is surrounded by peers involved in criminal activities, they are more likely to adopt similar behaviors. This influence can be a result of seeking acceptance, belonging, or even as a means of protection. Peer pressure and the desire to fit in can lead individuals down a path of criminality, especially if they lack positive role models or alternative support networks.


Another contentious aspect of this world is religion. Nobody can deny that people continue to fight in society over racial and sectarian boundaries. Even though following one's own religion is a fundamental human right, many uneducated and illiterate people are unaware of it. In a number of criminal cases, religious fanatics have been accused of murdering innocent individuals because of their religious beliefs. It is usual for people to chop off the heads of their people if they catch them discussing the modern world, especially in deeply religious groups. However, the crime rate due to religion is quite low in sophisticated and secular countries.


In conclusion, the mind of a criminal is shaped by a combination of factors, including socioeconomic factors and poverty, early childhood experiences and trauma, and the influence of peer groups and social environment. It is important to consider these factors when seeking to understand criminal behavior and to work towards addressing the root causes rather than simply punishing individuals. By addressing these underlying factors, we can strive towards creating a society that supports individuals in making positive choices and ultimately reducing the prevalence of criminal activity.

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