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Vendetta -(Get Rich Or Die Trying) Part 2

By: Essence

By Essence VenturaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

"Another thing I learned from my father was to never show emotion and to always have a backup plan for mistakes or problems you run in to". I just didn't know if I was able to fix this problem.

What...what is it

"The FBI is on us they just took down five of our men and 2 others are dead in France".

" What how"

" It was a inside sale going on and we were suppose to receive 30 bricks of CE's back in return but FBI was on the inside the entire time".

" Are You Freaking Kidding Me!! 30 bricks are in the FBI's HANDS!"

" I told you this would happen. We just lost 20,000 dollars in dirty money to the FBI. We cannot travel to Las Vegas our guards aren't up enough".

" We're sending out a hit towards them so whoever caused this delay I don't want them breathing, I don't want them to ever see they're families again do you understand me".

" Yes boss I'll get right to it".

" Wait...Victoria if we send a hit out towards FBI agents chances are the C.I.A is gonna be right there with they're full protection".

"As much protection as they have we have also. I will not stand here and allow them to keep finishing off our dealers I made a promise to father that I will put lives on the line for my family and my mafia and I mean't it".

"We're sending the hit make sure to get as much information".

" If we're finishing them off why not finish they're families off to less witnesses and stories and most of all sorrow".

"Ma'am would you like me to...

" Yes send the hit on his entire family demolish them off the face of this earth".

" Yes Boss".

" I gotta go make a phone call".

I knew the decisions I made keeps my brother worrying about am I gonna keep the vendetta mafia protected and anonymous and I was. Though I was not gonna allow a single person to get between me and my money. Drugs and Money moved around country to country and state to state so many movements that you gotta keep up with to show your responsibility as a "Diosa".

" This is Luther"

" I need to send hits out on 3 different police departments and I need you to hold 30,000 bricks of CE's for 2 days while I clear this situation".

" 30,000 bricks of cocaine for 2 days why do you need me to do that?

" FBI is on to our vendetta's and you are in Las Vegas right now and I need a covering for the drugs until I clear these hits".

" Okay the 30,000 bricks of CE's I can handle no problem I'll have a buddy pick it up and drop it over to a secure location once you send a tracking for the drugs. Now the hit I'm not so sure that I can do that".

" Why Not?

"Baby you are asking me to send out 3 different hits on federal departments and a family. I never said I couldn't do it but this is a big risk if we take action into doing this chances are we're looking on a return hit".

"How bad is a return hit?

" Your looking at FBI swat teams, C.I.A , D.O.D and the governor himself. You won't survive that hit and this hit is weeks long if they don't catch you. You might even have civilians themselves".

" Well I don't care send the hit and I'll find a way to get out of the country once they send it back".

" This is why your my girl. Fine I'll send a hit towards the family first to get rid of questioning and news reports and then I'll take out the 2 other ones. I'll see what I can do to get you over hear towards me and we'll take a flight to Australia until things die down does that sound okay for you?

" That sounds perfect. I'll speak to you later with any updates".

" Until then my sweets".

" Until Then"

" You don't need a man to prove your a "Diosa" because your father will always be here to prove to them your a "Diosa". they bow down to you not you bow down to them".

being a "Diosa" Mean't knowing your worth as a women and when your part of the Vendetta mafia and you are crowned a "Diosa" that means you know your worth and responsibility to take charge.

My father said that I would take over the world by controlling the biggest drug cartel ever and I did. I'd just hope I will be able to give that same advice to my children and to just use the mafia as an advantage to become better than a "Dios" or a "Diosa". All I want my children to know is that they're mother did the best she can to keep a silver spoon in they're mouth and make sure they stay protected at all times.

Truthfully I don't know if I was going to heaven or hell but that was the least of my worries. My worries was about surviving the system itself. It's the way the world works that makes me sin. No I can't apologize to god because what I did was no mistake it was for my own good and it was the only way to steer myself for better no matter how much danger I put myself into.

Sometimes I do wish I die....



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