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The start of something criminal

Introducing high tech crime unhinged

By Finding Justice Published 4 years ago 17 min read

There are real problems going in our society that people are either unaware of or they simply close their eyes and pretend they do not affect them or even exist . But these problems only get worse with time . Maybe those who believe as so many do have developed a habit of ignoring social issues and really think they are not directly impacted by the problems that are all around us . But in reality given enough time the same issues that were looked over and discounted as being irrelevant will eventually make their way to their doorstep. Those unaffected will be affected.

In some ways , I was one of those persons and many ways I was not . I was too busy focusing on my future and trying to make a life for myself to notice that several of the strange occurrences that had plagued me over the course of my life was more than sheer conincidences , and instead was linked to something darker than I could have imagined . I was so busy working on improving me that right under my nose a situation that I nor any rational person would have been prepared to handle, or even understand was being set in motion . I could have never imagined that while I worked to establish some traces of a decent life that a group of individuals had singled me out like a pack of wild hyenas preparing to steal a lions kill these wild animals so to speak, scavengers, lacking moral codes, intrinsically caniving beast were prepping me and my life for unimaginable things .

Looking back maybe it was my drive to succeed or idealistic nature or altruistic essence that kept me so focused on what I had to accomplish, so focused that I missed the big boulder that had been waiting to crush my life and every plan and dream I had . Either way, my plans were reduced to ruble and my dreams were wiped out one by one as I watched helplessly . What would happen over the course of the last 12 years would be equivalent to what happens to hundreds of thousands of children and women across the world that are abducted , held captive , exploited , tortured , psychologically and physically abused day after day . Except my situation is hopeless. at least those other victims have hope. The situation imposed upon me did not involve me being physically abducted , or physically held captive , but what happened was quite similar and very different . The outcome however is by far more detrimental to the psyche, life, overall person. This is largely because not only did the individuals that enacted the crime against me go after my body, they attacked my mental state, my career plans, my health, my life plans, my family and my family plans, my legal states, my character and credibility. My oppression , the deprivation of my rights and freedom has yet to end and it won’t, that is until this crime is acknowledged and the individuals responsible for perpuating it are forced out of the shadows that is high tech crime and into prison cells where they can finally be free.

Over time I would come to realize that there was no hero or savior that would come and rescue me , that some how while in the middle of a situation that was bigger than myself that I had to become my own savior . A feat that I continue to work towards today . The crime that I write about continues and the parties responsible for it , though 12 years older , still boldly carry on the same acts with vibrancy and carelessness.

The major difference from my circumstance and those persons that are traditionally abducted is that instead of removing me and the other unfortunate souls that are being forced to live as ongoing victims of a hidden crime , is that rather than holding each of us in some dark dingy basement while we are violated , restrained, sold, traded and exploited , a network of criminals has taken another approach to engaging in human rights abuses. They have craftily adopted the use of some very sophiscated and underground high tech technologies that give these persons - these vile , disgusting beast the means to carry out their crimes wirelessly. Technology has afforded a hidden network of high tech criminals the ability to carry out predatory crimes , major privacy violations, aggravated physical and sexual assault , stalking , conspiracies , to play games with the lives of their victims liberally , entirely remotely while keeping their identities hidden behind technology that is far more advance than many of us are prepared to accept exists. Technology has given these things - criminals masking as normal people in our society, Godlike abilities and lowered their risk to virtually none , allowing them to infiltration of homes , lives, bodies and minds and the ability control outcomes , interactions and events as if they were more than just man all remotely . These persons operate by using technology that allows them to interact , communicate, and engage wirelessly as if they were within feet of their victims . It has also afforded them unlimited opportunities to violate and harm and terrorize and abuse .

This crime has superceded my existence and unless someone finds a voice that is louder than their criminal influence, and screams so loud that that the proverbial glass that has held so many innocent people captive in this crime shatters, this act of humanlessness will never cease. This could happen . Hopefully this will happen . When this happens and it will, you will reflect on my words and know that the tragedy that living as a victim of this crime is one that stains history in a way that it may never recover from .

This hidden crime is what happens when people began to believe that they are more than what they are and become delusional and think that they have the right to control another persons existence . This crime is what happened when criminals are allowed to be criminals and there are no barriers in place to stop them from being who they are are . This crime is what happens when the law stops being efficient and becomes afraid . Victims of this crime is what happens when nothing is done to resolve the problem. The crime simply continues and continues. Since in freespace there are no limitations to how far these things can reach technologies allow these beast to violate their victims in house - in their homes and they enjoy every minute of it. The criminals have made a sport out of predatory crimes and for then its more than just a physical interest . They hoard victims like cattle , selecting them based on vulnerability level and excitability. As long as they are allowed to they will simply continue doing what they know best, being plagues in the lives of innocent people waiting to be cured...or caught.

This crime allows for the individuals - criminals to engage in crimes wirelessly using technology that enables them to violate us within our environments , any environment, while they remain in theirs. Homes are not safe or private . Workplaces are not protected or secure . Personal information is not as private as we think . They listen, they watch , they touch , they alter, they break , they burn, they exploit, they destroy and in some cases they kill. They kill dreams, futures, families , children, hope, homes , good habits , beauty , innocent , silence , peace , opportunities , identities , love , respect , security , safety, sanity and when necessary life. They kill all traces of life with their presence. This not a metaphor . This is not figurative. This is literal. As this crime is different because the individuals responsible for it have approached their human rights abuses by attacking every orifice of that in which makes their victims functial and productive human beings . This is not a metaphor.

We are never removed from our environments . Instead the individuals that make up this criminal network utilize some very sophiscated technologies that permit the criminals to engage in voyeurism , harassment , aggravated physical and sexual assault entirely remotely . This unorthodox form of captivity is unlike any crime you have ever heard about and is certainly the most sickening of all human rights abuses .

This network has developed ways to bug our environment with their presence as they deem themselves important enough to peee into people’s lives , as cliche as that sounds. I am not referring to the use of carefully placed listening contraptions . I am referring to a group of individuals that have instead developed technologies and practices that allow them to wirelessly commit inhumane acts of abuse and violence and sexually predatory acts , remotely. All while their victim still has the responsibility of living in society and participating in a drastically limited remnant of a life . The individuals on this network are “the bugs”. The technology they are using are simply the tools and means of facilitating their actions .

So while a group of individuals engage in criminal acts that are in many ways unspeakable , I and every other victims of this crime still have the responsibility of managing daily tasks, working , bills , interacting with people as if there is nothing going on , staying sane, remaining an antropoid and staying alive while trying to convince law enforcement to enforce the law. Trying to make law enforcement less afraid of what has happened to me , happening to them if they do their jobs.

Meanwhile , it is expected that this crime be ignored. That the menacing harassment perpetuated by individuals on this network by way of transmission of their audio via technology within an earshot, is o b treated like a delusion conjured up by a mentally fragile person rather than acts committed by persons engaging in crime. It is expected to pretend that nothing is heard , or seen, that the mysterious burns made on flesh by the laser like beam they use to carry out violence for sport , though clearly visible on adults and children as young as infants, in some cases newborns are not really there . So when they scar the face , body and intimate areas one is supposed to ignore the clearly visible marks left by their lasers by and acknowledgement of it is treated like part of some are all part of an ongoing delusion. These individuals expect people to live and accept that they are violating them and do nothing , stay free . This is insanity .

What’s strange is that though for most victims in this hell, prior to becoming cognizant of this hidden crime there were no claims of problems with delineating between reality and fiction. In fact, my mental state was my most reliable feature. It is expected that this crime is not to be spoken about, written about or reported. That victims like while these individuals violate them every day and night . While they violate our homes , our privacy , our children , our bodies and simply remain silent. Even if a band of criminals who are dangerous and ruthless predators are at large . Even if they have succeeded at hiding their crimes out in the open and concealing then by setting up the very victims they violate . Even if they have ruined lives , driven people to end their own lives and forced people who would have otherwise been productive into becoming nothings in a world of some thzings.

It is expected that one just accepts this fate until the criminals decide their lives are over and take them . One of the most effective strategies for this network of criminals is emulating features of mental illinesses . If they do not exist they cannot be held accountable for their actions. I am left with the daunting task of not necessarily convincing people but unconvincing them not to be afraid .

This is how my story goes ,and for many other victims that will come after me if no one listens to this warning , a revised version of an experience that must be shared . A new wave of criminal activities has situated itself in our society . Futuristic human rights abuses that are occurring now. Living slavery, peonage , a living death, exploitation , and lawlessness all wrapped into one.

I share an account of what occurs when criminals have the freedom to engage in crimes and are without risks of apprehension, without limitations on how far they can go , have complete autonomy as to what they can do to a persons life , health, finances , body, mind and career . As it stands today their organization and their technology is so well hidden that that they do not exist .

But I am here to tell you that this crime does exist, and it has for quite some time. I have spent 12 years living in the most deplorable circumstances not by choice bu by force. Circumstances that are so far from where I was headed over a decade ago . Where instead of living I have been allowed to merely exist and forced to survive at all cost . I have lived in a circumstance where trival games are played , privacy is nonexistent , where you do not speak about what is going on or mention “the criminals” that are violating you, report or even acknowledge them or their are consequences . Where you ignore your flesh being burned and the scars that are placed all over your body as you are branded daily . Where you are not permitted to shower in silence , where verbal abuse and violation of your body is the norm. Where you are not allowed to work certain places , make more than is necessary to maintain housing and other expenses . Where every day you are forced to remain alone against your while . Where technology is used to cause dreams that are orchestrated to psychologically abuse you as you sleep . Where as you lay in your bed you are violated by unseen sources with technology that has reaches anywhere. Where you are not permitted time to rest , to work out , to date, to make human connections , where you are not allowed to read or write liberally, or dance or smile and every day you are assaulted because that’s what keeps you distracted and allows the animals - the criminals , to maintain some trace of power . So they think.

I have been made to suffer . I am not speaking of mental anguish due to loss and failure , I am speaking about actual physical and psychological pain inflicted on me with the intention to cause my death . For many the very mention of death is unimaginable or not likely but for victims like me , victims of this hidden crime , it’s looms every second of the day . As we are not the guantors of our lives and existence instead a group or dangerous criminals are . I am sure hearing someone speak openly about “death” or in my case events of an experience that was purposed to lead up to my murder is strange .

I understand discussions of human rights abuses and a murder attempt is not the traditional blogging regime . But my truth is my truth and to make sure my truth ceases to be anyone’s reality one day , I have to break my silence , as tacticfully as I can .

After living in oppression and violated , while still holding all the responsiblities that we are all obliged and bounded by , and still having to function in the world, even as I am victimized, you would think telling my story would be easy. Know that it is anything but that . Unlike most victims of crimes that write about their experiences after the crime perpetuated against them has ended, because this crime persist even today , I am writing about it as it continues as virbrant as ever with no end in sight .

I wrote this for many reasons. Mostly because as it exists today the crime that I am a victim of is not acknowledged and many do not even know it exist at all . Many upon finding out may still maintain disbelief that a crime of the nature is even possible . Some will hear my words and know that my account is pure truth, fact with no traces of fiction . I wrote this because it is time to speak out and just as it is time to speak out, one day it will be time for the parties responsible for these acts to face justice .

I woke up today and realized that though I have ranted and raved online about this mysterious crime that I have been so vague about up until now , I have yet to tell my story . This problem that has attached itself to my life like cancer inside the body will not stop until it brings about my demise . But I will not stop until it is isolated and extinguished like the disease it is . I am one of many victims of a hidden crime that has preexisted my life and probably yours . A crime so well well hidden out in open that people look over hints of it as if it does not exist at all . But it does .

Those clouds you see that are too well shaped to be an abstract design by nature , may very well be evidence . As members of this criminal network have been using the same technology that they use violate the homes , workplaces , and all other environments that we venture in , to shape creative designs using their wireless laser like technology . They have also been using it to communicate amongst their network right under our noses. This is just one example . Which would only hold weight if I could prove it and I can . Take a look at the photo attached to this writing. Look closely and if you are honest with yourself you will admit that nature is not that creative.

This crime is the most infectious, heinous , sickening display of the evil that lurks within the most vile human beings . What Jeffery Dahmer did has nothing on this crime. In many ways this is not my story alone but one shared by a class of victims that society does not even know exists and for the most part probably do not care to find out about . For some having the realization that the privacy and freedom that we hold so dear is simply an illusion that can be wiped away in an instant with the click of a keyboard and coordinates to where you live is simply too much to even fathom , for most. To know that there are technologies that exist that allow your home to be violated remotely , that allow your conversations to be heard remotely , that allow your body to be touched and violated and that allow the privacy of your mind to be infiltrated sounds like something out of a science fiction movie . But this is the case . A class of underground black market technologies exist and are so far ahead of where mainstream technology is said to be today . Where lasers, laser like technologies , haptics with interfacing abilities , sound waves and radio waves allow more than just communication capacities, but instead are used as weapons for the purpose of one underground criminal networks human rights abuses of children and young women. This is the reality of living in a society that is dominated by technology with minimal technology regulations and enforcement capabilities .

I am no longer a young woman . At this point , I have no choice but to do whatever I can to get this “problem” addressed and to make sure that I tell my story so that other young women and children will not have to live as I have been forced to . At this point I want justice and I want the men and women that are sitting behind the very sophiscated technology they are using to carry out a class of hidden dark web crimes , who have so flagrantly engages in these crimes, brought to justice . This is the only remedy for a crime of this nature . Where a group of people have elected to take away someone’s rights, freedom and life . I write to share my story so others will not have to.


About the Creator

Finding Justice

I am American. I have a secret. I am a victim of an active& ongoing crime. A hidden network of criminals are terrorizing me. They are going to murder me. This is my story...

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