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The 🤩 Idealist.

Make it or Break It!

By Lashundra MartinPublished about a year ago • 3 min read

Yeah, I know; stop complaining. It has been awhile, since my last story.

Sometimes people need things; they really don’t have the necessary resources to complete.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, this guy asked me…when was the last time you actually; laid down and rested?

Hmmmm, I don’t know; I answered. I thought back over four or five weeks. Maybe two or almost three months ago. But then, multiple memories of the past entered my mind; like traveling thoughts.

• Trash talking and / or, sabotaging people have been stalking me and trying to ruin my life.

• I never prostituted to the downgrading leaders or anybody within their evil money embezzlement operation.

• They followed me all around town to different locations; and across multiple states.

• What will it take for some peace; and the truth to come out?

• I ain’t never been no downgrader. I normally don’t even socialize with them.

• They are of a completely different ethnic background. And they follow a different culture. (One that I always HATED!)

Stop, looking for BABY!

I honestly don’t care, how you feel. And I don’t care about your unnecessary financial losses. Some people might wonder, what actually happened to me; after I went missing for multiple decades.

Well I normally felt that my body was physically located away from loved ones. But my heart and desires was normally somewhere else. Growing up around people who value the almost opposite things within life; it could have lead to cultural endangerment.

They tried their hardest to teach me awful and corrupt habits within life. These trash talking people are sharing their way of living with everybody.

That is whoever they are. I always knew that I was different. And proud to not be those people.

They often tried to use me as their cover for damaging residential and commercial properties. Like a scapegoat or a blame-person; now they have a new way to express it…a Licking-Person. HaHa; LOL

These people come up with some of the worst titles for people within relationships. But at least they don’t the instructions to their job description; accordingly.

My people finally found me. I wanted them to know that I do care about myself and my job as a leader.

We must first, focus on the real important things within life. We have to come together, according to God’s instructions and fight for what we believe in to live out the remaining time we have left within this home world.

Now if you all continue to be against me as any type of job description person. You will be punished within this world and / or in the afterlife by both good and evil sides. Don’t question me on this subject.

It was they, who sent me back to the world of the living to unite our people for the greater good.

Our people are known for doing some unique and amazing things throughout our history. We must go out of this world legendary and with vast legacies.

Why, Not ?

You are already yourselves; good or evil. Stop crying and do whatever necessary for to live it up again.

No matter what you go through; I feel that we have the greatest chance of making it. We are already ourselves; that is how you know.

Those negative jeopardizing are jealous and trying to help you burn all of your bridges before you lose out on absolutely everything. Haha; they are such lame comedians; and they actually do lie A-LOT. They used their past crimes they actually committed as jokes. They do this to get out of punishment from the legal government.

Be careful, they are normally loud and really outrageous people. I don’t do that stuff. But, my people knew better than to believe that awful nonsense.

Why be like jealous people; financially struggling without nothing.

When you never committed these nonsense actions and stupid outrageous behavioral activities; covered in royal riches with well-known attractive spouses.

BABY normally likes having all clean fun with appropriate reasonable people only.

capital punishment

About the Creator

Lashundra Martin

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