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The Horrifying Case of Vince Li: The Greyhound Bus Beheading Case

One of the most disturbing crime case in Canadian history

By JojoPublished 5 days ago 5 min read

The story of Vince Li, also known as the Greyhound bus tragedy, is a haunting and tragic event in Canadian history. In 2008, a man named Vince Li committed a terrifying crime on a Greyhound bus traveling through Manitoba, he stabbed, beheaded & canabalized a fellow bus passenger. This article will recount the details of that fateful day, the aftermath, and the ongoing discussions about mental health and public safety. The goal is to present this complex story in normal & simple terms so that everyone can understand it.

[Recommendation: please listen to the episode while reading for better experience]

The Incident:

On July 30, 2008, Vince Li boarded a Greyhound bus in Edmonton, Alberta, heading to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Among the passengers was Tim McLean, a 22-year-old man who had been working at a carnival and was now on his way home. Tim was known for being cheerful and friendly.

The journey began normally. Passengers were engaged in their activities, such as chatting, listening to music, and watching the scenery. Tim sat near the back of the bus, listening to music on his headphones while sleeping. Vince Li initially took a seat near the front but later moved to sit next to Tim, despite there being plenty of empty seats available.

Around 8:30 PM, as the bus traveled along a quiet stretch of the Trans-Canada Highway near Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Vince Li suddenly pulled out a large knife and began stabbing Tim McLean without warning. The attack was brutal and completely unexpected. The passengers and the bus driver, all were horrified. They quickly stopped the bus and evacuated, seeking safety outside.

After the bus was evacuated, the passengers and driver tried to prevent Vince Li from escaping. They used whatever they could find to block the doors, effectively trapping Li inside the bus. Inside the bus Vince Li continued his horrifying action, he beheaded and cannibalized Tim McLean. The police were called and arrived at the scene shortly afterward.

A tense standoff between Vince Li and the police ensued, lasting for several hours. During this time, Li continued his horrific actions inside the bus, further mutilating Tim's body. The passengers and police were deeply traumatized by what they witnessed. Eventually, Vince Li attempted to escape by breaking a window, but he was quickly apprehended by the police and taken into custody.

The Investigation:

The police investigation revealed that the culprit, Vince Li had no prior connection to Tim McLean. The attack was completely random and unprovoked. Further investigation into Li's background showed that he had been struggling with severe mental health issues for years. He had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, a serious mental illness that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

Vince Li had been experiencing hallucinations and delusions. He believed that he was hearing voices that told him to attack Tim McLean. These voices convinced him that Tim was a threat and that he needed to kill him to protect himself and others. This tragic event highlighted the severe consequences that can occur when mental health issues are not properly addressed.

The Trial:

In March 2009, Vince Li went to trial. The court had to determine whether he was criminally responsible for his actions. During the trial, mental health experts testified that Li was suffering from severe schizophrenia at the time of the attack and was not aware of the nature of his actions. They explained that his mental illness made it impossible for him to understand that what he was doing was wrong.

The court agreed with the experts and found Vince Li not criminally responsible (NCR) for Tim McLean's murder. This meant that instead of going to prison, Vince Li would be sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. The decision sparked a lot of controversy & debates. Some people believed that justice had not been served, while others felt that the decision was appropriate given Li's severe mental illness.

Mental Health and Public Safety:

The case of Vince Li brought attention to the importance of mental health care and the challenges of balancing treatment with public safety. It raised questions about how society can better support individuals with severe mental illnesses and prevent such tragic events from happening in the future.

In Canada, the not criminally responsible (NCR) verdict means that a person is sent to a psychiatric facility instead of prison. The primary goal is to provide better treatment and rehabilitation rather than punishment. Patients found NCR are regularly assessed to determine if they still pose a risk to society. If they are deemed no longer dangerous, they may be gradually reintegrated into the community under strict supervision.

Vince Li, now known as Will Baker, spent several years in a psychiatric hospital receiving proper treatment. Over time, his condition improved significantly with the help of medication and therapy. In 2017, he was granted an absolute discharge, meaning he was no longer subject to any restrictions or monitoring. This decision was based on the assessments that he no longer posed a threat to public safety.

The Impact on Tim McLean's Family:

The murder of Tim McLean was a devastating loss for his family and friends. They had to cope with the unimaginable grief of losing a loved one in such a horrific way. Tim's mother, Carol de Delley, became a vocal advocate for changes in the mental health and criminal justice systems. She called for stricter measures to ensure that individuals with severe mental illnesses are properly monitored and treated to prevent such tragedies.

The McLean family also faced the difficult task of coming to terms with the court's decision to find Vince Li not criminally responsible. They struggled with the idea that Tim's killer would not serve time in prison but would instead receive treatment in a psychiatric facility. Despite their grief and anger, they continued to advocate for changes that might prevent other families from experiencing similar pain.


The case of Vince Li, or the Greyhound bus murder, is a tragic and complex story that highlights the intersection of mental health and public safety. On July 30, 2008, Vince Li committed a horrific act of violence on a Greyhound bus, resulting in the death of Tim McLean. The investigation revealed that Li was suffering from severe schizophrenia and was not aware of the nature of his actions.

The court's decision to find Vince Li not criminally responsible sparked debate and controversy. It brought attention to the importance of mental health care and the challenges of balancing treatment with public safety. The case had a profound impact on Canadian society, raising awareness about mental health issues and the need for better support and intervention.

While the case remains a painful memory for Tim McLean's family and friends, it also serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion, understanding, and early intervention in mental health care. By learning from this tragedy, we can work towards a society that better supports individuals with mental illnesses and protects public safety.


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  • Shisui4 days ago


JojoWritten by Jojo

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