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The Enigmatic Homicide of a Wealthy Canadian Couple

Criminal finance

By Gut Health NutritionPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Barry and Honey Sherman were found dead in their Toronto home on December 15, 2017. The investigation revolves around the mysterious deaths of the wealthy pharmaceutical magnate and his wife. It's rare for people of their financial status to be murdered, making their case particularly astonishing. In fact, Barry and Honey Sherman are among the richest individuals to have been murdered. But the main question of who is responsible for these crimes remains unanswered.

In 2018, I read a comprehensive story in Bloomberg Businessweek about a particular case. The article was authored by an individual from Toronto who had connections within the influential Jewish community, where the Shermans were well-known. This personal connection served as motivation for the writer to delve into the case. Subsequently, the author revisited the case in light of new information that had surfaced, providing them with a deeper understanding than what they had in 2018. However, despite these efforts, the key question of who committed the acts remains unanswered for the author.

Barry Sherman was the founder of Apotex, a big generic pharmaceutical manufacturer that provided a significant portion of prescriptions in Canada. The Shermans were wealthy and prominent in the community, known for their charitable work. Honey Sherman managed community service projects, while Barry focused on earning money for their philanthropic efforts. Despite their wealth, they led simple lives, choosing economy class flights and modest cars. They were open and welcoming to anyone who approached them. There was no reason for them to fear until tragedy struck.

The discovery of Barry and Honey Sherman's bodies in their basement, near their indoor pool, was surrounded by eerie circumstances. Their bodies were suspended by belts around their necks. This disturbing scene led to forensic investigation to find out who might have done this. At first, it seemed like a possible murder-suicide, with Barry allegedly killing his wife before himself. However, many who knew them well found this hard to believe.

The Sherman children, motivated by their parents' deaths, took action. They hired a private investigator and the first thing they did was a second autopsy, which showed strong evidence of a double homicide. This contradicted the initial theory of self-inflicted harm. The police's delay in engaging with the private investigator's pathologist raised concerns. Eventually, it was confirmed that both Barry and Honey Sherman were deliberately targeted and murdered.

Numerous people were considered as possible suspects. Barry Sherman's cousin, Kerry Winter, had a bitter legal battle with him, which had been recently dismissed. The timing of this resolution raised suspicions, but there was no concrete evidence linking Winter to the crime. The Sherman children, inheriting their parents' wealth, also came under scrutiny, but there was no evidence suggesting their involvement in the murders.

As the Sherman children took over the family business, changes were made. Barry had been focused on expanding, but the children wanted to reduce investments and eventually sell the business to a private equity firm. With their inheritance, the children felt a strong sense of privilege and responsibility.

Barry Sherman's unique financial connections, like his support for Frank D'Angelo's projects, raised questions. D'Angelo, a comedic figure in low-budget entertainment, received significant funding from Sherman, which confused those around him. These complex financial ties, along with Sherman's rivals in the pharmaceutical industry, added complexity to the investigation. However, despite thorough efforts, no arrests or prosecutions have taken place.

After years of limited public communication, the police released security footage of an unidentified person known as the "walking man." This individual's presence around the time of the murders made them a suspect. People criticized the police for waiting to release this footage, highlighting the secretive nature of law enforcement in this case.

As time has passed, the case remains unsolved, with no arrests or charges made. The motive behind targeting both Barry and Honey Sherman and the method used in the crime continue to baffle investigators. This leaves the community and those close to the Shermans seeking answers and closure.


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