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The Deed is Done. You Can Now Call Yourself a Killer

Every murder needs a victim, and you're my next.

By kayPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

“These people will stop at nothing but to murder you in cold blood.”

The earth shattering words rung through me like a gong. The sound of death strung along the words like melted sugar.

“…You got that? Because in their minds, you betrayed them. You sang lies as your fingers dangerously danced on the Bible when you swore that oath. Of course they’d want to kill you. Words may mean nothing, but your motives in killing their families will-all for a stupid package. Are you even listening?”

“Honestly, I kinda spaced out my friend,” I said, admitting to the taboo crime. I shuffled my feet in distress, not having a clue as to what was the next step.

“You clearly don’t understand how momentous this is,” Dean sighed with his face in his hands, “Not a fucking clue.” He turned around to give his mind a temporary rest.

“Calm down, I know what I’m doing,” I said trying to convince myself, “These are the types of operations I’ve been doing for years. I do appreciate the concern mate, but I’ll take it from here.” I pushed past him on my way out.

“I beg to differ, Elijah. Do you really think that you’ll be protected and cared for just because they’ve sworn to in return for your services?”

“Yes Dean. Yes, I do,” I shut the door behind me.

“Doesn’t he look peaceful there?”

The other woman then turns to glance at her fallen lover lying on the impersonal mattress with a guilt-ridden expression.

“If only we knew who would do such a thing to this pure soul.” After a few seconds of hearing the clock’s hands staccato each beat, a sigh was heard from beside the hospital bed. “Be glad it wasn’t you,” I continued, “He was starting to irritate me with his whole speech about how ‘we should back down from our plan’. How pathetic. He’s going to die a coward. He should have never walked this eart-“

I felt a force pushing me in the direction of the double sided-weapon. The delicate, but sharp blade that was sticking out of its prey. As my breath hitched in surprise, I immediately laced my fingers on the torturous utensil. Before I knew it, I saw red. Oh so much red. But, it wasn’t mine. I look up from the sinking stains to see the expression on the leaking spout’s face.

“Oh look I killed him and now you. Isn’t that ironic. The only other person in power is now dying before my eyes. Well lucky for you there’s only one powerful bitch, and it’s safe to say it’s not you. Who am I kidding? I deceived you into thinking you had the potential to be so much more. Good luck rotting in hell with the rest of your family. At least I’m returning the favor of letting you see them after what I did to them. Oh, oops, I suppose I wanted to keep that last part a surprise.”

The unfortunate assistant hunched over, howling in pain while trying to patch up the leaky spots with her hands. She fell onto her knees, using her hands to hold herself up from the ground, holding a hand out-trying to reach her backpack.

“I’m sure you’d love to know that I was your father’s forbidden mistress. Who knew being a mistress and a killer was so exhilarating.” I said kicking the bag out of her reach.

A cough erupted in the air as the wounded woman sputtered something that soon died in her throat.

“Oh? What was that?” I maniacally cackled in satisfaction.

“You-“ another cough. “Will pay-“

“I’ve heard that one too many times my dear...“

A heart monitor screams with a haunting melody in the background.

“I really do love killing two birds in love with one stone. Or shall I say ‘one knife’? Don’t you?”

She raised her head to look at me with such vigor. A small chuckle escapes my lips as I crouch down to stare longingly into her eyes as I caress her chin. A small whimper of fear comes out of her. My hands travel down her neck then to her chest and lastly, to the affected area. My hands are desperate to latch themselves onto- *gasp* In one swift movement, her body shakes. Craving for a breath of air. A last, shallow, attempt for redemption for the kidneys renders her helpless. A loud clank of sharp steel jumps in a delightful dance onto the floor, escaping my grasp. Her lifeless body swims in its own pool of red despair.

“It's ironic, isn't it? The way you've trained you whole life, to be this heartless killer and yet, it has become your weakness,” I smiled, the smile that brought men to their knees, begging for me to stop. "But I'm a woman Love, a cold hearted bitch of a woman."


I kept readjusting my body on the visitor chair, just a yard away from the glorious red that seeped out of my victim’s host. Oh how beautiful tragedy can be, especially when you were the one who caused it.

A slow loud clap. “Look what you have done. You really are a death reaper in disguise.” The man smirked with such pride as he entered the room.

I roll my eyes, but playfully. “Not really, we lucked out on him having catalepsy. Apparently, it runs in the family, but the medical collectors overlooked this underlying condition when he was admitted into the operation.” We both look over to see the body remaining still.

“You mean-you lucked out.” The man took a couple steps forward to crouch down to floor level to put on one of the surgical gloves he had buried in the breast pocket of his pea coat. He ran his fingers through the crimson blood and brought it up to his nose to give it a whiff. His eyes rolled to the back of his head in satisfaction. The smell of blood was sweet with this one. “So what about her?” He asked, waiting for a reasonable answer.

“She was collateral damage sir. In fact, the man’s lover.” I proclaimed.

“How interesting. For how long I may ask? Recruits aren’t allowed to be affiliated with a potential lover, it’s a policy to be followed-quite frowned upon actually.”

“I can’t give an affirmative answer, but I have an idea as to how long. She was his target, her entire family was, but he lost track of the goal. The woman came from a renowned family of buyers. Before you ask, I don’t know what. I’ve been trying to solve that mystery for an awful amount of years sir.” I proceeded to shut my mouth.

“Sounds like you were trying to crack the code first hand. Were you the home wrecker that arrived in Bellevue in ‘08?”

“Indeed I was.” I confirmed.

“Naughty girl,” he said, clicking his tongue, waving his index finger side to side.

The mysterious man violently coughed from his hospital bed, and the two perpetrators glanced in his direction. His eyes lazily scanned the room until they set on the warm hue splattered on the floor. Her slumped body caressed the floor. Oh no, he thought. “NILA, PLEASE NILA, WAKE UP,” he shouted trying to prop himself up but failing due to pain.

“Easy there, big guy. I generously kicked your kneecaps for you. We’re about to offer a proposition to you, a chance for redemption. Listen carefully or you’ll wind up like her,” she pointed at Nila.

Confined by the limitations of his body, he had no other option but to listen to the man and the woman.

“We want you to solve the device.”

The man rummaged through Nila’s backpack to see a brown, rectangular shaped package. He slipped it out of the bag and placed it into her hand.

“Everything is at stake if you don’t decode it. This is not a request, but rather, a demand.” She carefully placed the package onto his lap. “We’re only your friends if you want us to be.”

The crippled man looked down at the brown box, swiping a hand across the surface-it felt like rough sandpaper. He then looked back up at them with calculating eyes.

“I will do the work of humanity,” Elijah declared as he ripped open the unknown package.


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