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The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Today I'm going to tell the story of a missing little boy coming home

By CatherinePublished 2 years ago 12 min read

It was supposed to be a happy event, but when the boy returned home, he saw his parents' reaction, his parents' attitude towards the boy and the appearance of a strange woman, which made the boy's true identity questioned. It was not revealed until a DNA test 90 years later. Open the corner of the truth.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

On Friday, August 23, 1912, four-year-old Bobby Dunbar, along with his father Percy, his mother Leslie, his younger brother Alonso, and several other relatives and friends, came to the lakeside of Thinking Lake in Louisiana. country house.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The holiday villa is located in a deep jungle, with some swamp areas nearby. That day, Bobby's father, Percy, had to leave for a while because of temporary work. Little Bobby didn't want his father to leave. He lost his temper and broke himself. Rope on straw hat.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Bobby's mother Leslie is preparing lunch. Bobby expresses that he wants to go fishing on the lake with his uncle Paul. Paul is an old friend of the Dunbars and he often plays with Bobby. Leslie agreed, and the others The little boy also joined them.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Soon it was lunchtime, Paul took the boys back, Paul sat Bobby's brother Alonso on his shoulders, and joked with Bobby who was walking ahead, get out of the way, chubby Son! I'm going to crush you! Bobby turned his head and responded, how is it possible, you are not much older than me! Those were Bobby's last words.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

When the group returned to the camp, Leslie found that Bobby was not among them, and hurriedly searched privately with Paul, and fainted for a while. Everyone followed the carriage road all the way to the north, thinking that maybe Bobby went to meet his father, but halfway On the way, they met Percy, who was returning from get off work. After learning that his son was missing, Percy quickly joined the search team. Bobby was nowhere to be found that night. The big iron hook searches the bottom of the lake.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Early the next morning, several divers dived into the bottom of the lake to check the places where the big iron hook could not reach, but these efforts did not return Bobby. Everyone began to think that Bobby might be taken away by the crocodile, and the search and rescue team even hunted a few. A crocodile, and cut open the belly of the crocodile, hoping to find clues, but all in vain.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

As many as 500 people joined the search and rescue team the next day. Someone found Bobby's same straw hat and cut the rope. They tested how long the straw hat could float on the lake. Bobby was really attacked by a crocodile at the lake. His straw hat should have been found in the early search and rescue. Bobby's mother Leslie became ill after Bobby disappeared and could only return with her husband. Township recuperates.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Paul, who was the last to see Bobby, and two other friends who stayed behind to continue searching for Bobby, they later found a string of barefoot footprints disappeared near a section of train tracks, because no body could ever be found, or any Bobby was killed. The evidence that the beast took away, they began to wonder if Bobby had been kidnapped, whether someone would use a boat to transport Bobby out of the camp, or take the child out along the railroad tracks, because they suspected that Bobby was kidnapped again. possible.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The local police contacted the New Orleans Police Department, which is 130 kilometers away, to assist in the investigation. Bobby's father, Pasey, also went to New Orleans to distribute leaflets with Bobby's news, interviewed reporters, and printed Bobby's information on postcards and sent them to New Orleans. To government agencies around the neighborhood, in addition to Bobby's photo, the postcard also detailed Bobby's personal characteristics, including a note that Bobby's left big toe was scalded as a baby, more than his right. The big toe is slightly smaller.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

People in Bobby's hometown always believed that Bobby was still alive, and everyone donated a thousand dollars as a reward for letting Bobby go home. The thousand dollars in 1912 was about twenty-two thousand dollars in today's dollars, but it was eight months. Now, there is still no trace of Bobby, and the bounty is returned to the donors, but within a week of returning the bounty, the unsolved case has made a breakthrough.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

In April 1913, someone claimed to have seen a tinker named William Worcester appear in a small Mississippi town with a boy who looked a lot like Bobby, but because the boy's feet were full It was mud, so I couldn't see the toes.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

When William was asked by the people around him who the child was, he sometimes said it was his own, and sometimes he said it was his sister's. Later, because William beat the little boy with a whip in the street, he finally gave the police enough reasons to detain William and verify the child. The identity of the boy, the police were convinced that the little boy was Bobby, and gave a photo of the Dunbar couple's child. The couple immediately set off for Mississippi after seeing the photo. The little boy had a scar on his left foot, the location of the mole on his neck and the location of Bob Than exactly the same.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

But the boy didn't respond to the name Bobby, and when Leslie wanted to hug the boy he refused. Leslie saw the boy again the next day and gave him a bath, at which point he finally It was determined that the boy in front of him was his son Bobby, but William, who had been carrying the boy before, insisted that the boy was not Bobby.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

It was Bruce Anderson, the child of William's brother and a maid named Julia Anderson, who is now caring for William's elderly parents at William's home in North Carolina. William claims to have Julia's permission when he took the boy, Julia also confirmed his statement.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

But later Julia told reporters that she only agreed to William to take Bruce away for a few days, but since Bruce was taken away in February 1912, she had not seen her son for more than a year.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Everyone suspected that the reason why William claimed that he had Julia's permission was because he was afraid of being prosecuted for kidnapping. Kidnapping was in Louisiana at the time and might be sentenced to death. William also wrote a letter to the Dunbars, in which Say: I know you've made a decision, but you got it wrong, and I may have lost my life because of it, and God will hold you accountable if I die.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

A New Orleans newspaper arranged for Julia to come to Mississippi to determine the boy's identity. Julia arrived at the Dunbars' hometown on May 1, 1913, but the city did not welcome him because everyone had identified the boy as Bobby. , When the boy saw Julia, he was indifferent to Julia, just as he had seen Leslie in the first place.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Julia hadn't seen her son for 15 months at this point, longer than the Dunbars lost their child. Like Leslie, Julia wasn't sure if the boy in front of her was her son at first, but it didn't take long. , In Julia's own words, the heart of being a mother made him recognize his son, but Julia's initial uncertainty was caught by the public.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

A reporter dug up that his three children were born to two different men, and suggested that Julia was abstinent. The media reported that Julia lost three children in a row within a year.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The eldest daughter was given to others for adoption, the younger son died suddenly in the swaddle "qiǎng bǎo Wrapping the Newborn Child", and Bruce was taken away.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Julia had no money, no lawyers, no relatives in the local area, and was hostile to everyone. The court finally ruled that the little boy was the child of the Dunbars and Julia had to leave. The little boy was officially certified Bobby Dunbar from now on. Down on William's trial which lasted two weeks and despite Julia's policy and the testimony of others who had seen William with the little boy before Bobby disappeared, he was eventually convicted of kidnapping and sentenced to life in prison .

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The boy grew up as Bobby Dunbar, married a girl named Maggieri in 1935 and had four children, and until his death in 1966, he believed he was Bobby Dunbar, but the story didn't end there.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

In 1999, Bobby's granddaughter Margaret began to delve into her family history. She was interested in the story of her grandfather's kidnapping since she was a child. The news scrapbook of Bobby's kidnapping was handed over to Margaret, and Margaret's latest research since then. This scrapbook of family secrets, including a cartoon drawn in 1913, has a great shock to him. , the title of the comic is 50 years later, it draws an old grandfather and his little grandson, and then read the old news of the Bobby Dunbar kidnapping case, the little grandson asks the grandfather, can we still figure out what our last names are?

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Margaret sniffed at the discrepancy in the news reports that there were at least two different versions of Leslie and Bobby's reunion, with one report saying that Leslie immediately recognized Bobby, the other. The article said that Leslie was not sure, and one article pointed out that the Dunbars said in an interview with the media at the beginning that the little boy did not look like their son, the boy's eyes were too small, and some media had reported that the little boy could not. Recognized his parents and younger brother, and the media stigmatized Julie Anderson so badly at the time, he didn't believe his words.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

But Julia insisted that the Dunbars had taken her son, and Margaret was obsessed with finding clues, rummaging through the news archives of the local library, and finally he thought of DNA testing, Margaret's father Bobby Jr. Dunbar agreed, comparing his own DNA to that of his uncle Alonso Dunbar's descendants, a practice that caused much controversy in the family.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Everyone thought that Margaret had gone crazy, and the DNA test results came out. The two people who were tested were not related. That is to say, the little boy who was found back then was not Bobby Dunbar.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Margaret's father was surprised, saying: "My original intention was to prove that we were part of the Dunbar family, but it turned out to be quite the opposite.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Now, although it has been proved that the little boy is not Bobby, the DNA test has not been done to prove that he is Bruce Anderson. Julia Anderson's youngest son is still alive, and expressed his willingness to do DNA comparison, although there is no DNA evidence to support it, many people are I believe that the little boy should be Bruce Anderson.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Bobby Dunbar Jr. recalled a conversation he had with his father when he was young. He once asked his father how he was sure he was Bobby Dunbar. The father replied: I know who I am, and I know who you are, and the rest is not important.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The story of the boy who was found has been roughly figured out, but where did the real Bobby Dunbar who disappeared, some people think that the real Bobby was taken away by wild animals, such as crocodiles or bears.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

But Bobby's clothing was not found to support this theory, and some people thought that Bobby might have been kidnapped. Bobby Dunbar, or Bruce Anderson, recalled in a 1932 interview that when he followed William, next to There was also a little boy, but then the boy fell off the carriage and fell to his death, and was buried on the spot by William.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

Some believe his recollection was influenced by William's trial at the time, in which prosecutors accused William of possibly kidnapping both Bobby Dunbar and Bruce Anderson.

The 4-year-old boy disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know his biological parents after he was found? A hundred years later, part of the truth is revealed

The boy who came back took him subconsciously, arranged a reasonable ending for Bruce psychologically, and found a way out for his life as Bobby. One hundred years later, part of the truth was revealed. But where the real Bobby Dunbar went is still a mystery.


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I'm a Certified Nutritionist 🌱 who loves to write ✒️

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〰️ Fiction (Horror/Thriller)

〰️ True Crime Articles

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    CatherineWritten by Catherine

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