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Texas Megachurch Pastor Admits to Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Amid Abuse Allegations

Texas Pastor Admits Misconduct

By Sarah DanielPublished 9 days ago 3 min read

Texas megachurch pastor Robert Morris, founder of Gateway Church, has publicly admitted to "inappropriate sexual behavior" with a young woman in the 1980s. This revelation follows accusations from Cindy Clemishire, who claims that Morris molested her starting when she was just 12 years old. Morris, who established Gateway Church in 2000, addressed these allegations in a statement, although he did not directly admit to abusing Clemishire.

Details of the Admission

In a statement obtained by local ABC affiliate WFAA, Morris explained that his inappropriate behavior involved "kissing and petting" but did not include intercourse. He detailed that this behavior occurred several times during his early twenties in a home where he was staying. Morris admitted that by March 1987, the situation was exposed, leading him to confess and repent. He subsequently stepped out of ministry, received counseling, and claims to have maintained purity and accountability in this area since then.

The Allegations by Cindy Clemishire

Cindy Clemishire's allegations against Morris are severe. She told WFAA that the abuse began in 1982 and continued for five years until she disclosed the incidents to her parents in 1987. Despite forgiving Morris, Clemishire’s family opposed his return to ministry. In his statement, Morris did not mention Clemishire by name, nor did he specify the age of the young lady involved in his confession.

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Gateway Church's Response

In response to the allegations and Morris's admission, Gateway Church released a statement emphasizing the lengthy restoration process Morris underwent. The church noted that Morris had been "open and forthright about a moral failure he had over 35 years ago when he was in his twenties and prior to him starting Gateway Church." The church explained that the two-year restoration process was closely monitored by the Elders at Shady Grove Church, during which Morris stepped out of ministry and received professional counseling.

A Pattern of Misconduct in Religious Institutions

The case of Robert Morris is not an isolated incident. It is part of a broader issue of sexual misconduct within religious communities. For instance, Matt Chandler, another well-known pastor in Texas, took a leave of absence after admitting to inappropriate social media interactions with a woman who was not his wife. Similarly, Les Hughey of Highlands Church in Arizona confessed to past inappropriate relationships after multiple women accused him of sexual abuse during his time as a youth pastor.

These cases highlight a troubling pattern of abuse and misconduct among religious leaders. The common theme is a delayed admission of guilt, often prompted by public accusations, followed by a period of counseling and purported restoration. The recurrence of such incidents underscores the need for more stringent oversight and accountability within religious institutions to protect congregants, especially minors, from abuse.

Broader Implications and Community Reactions

The admission by Morris and the allegations against him have significant implications for the faith community. It raises questions about the vetting and accountability processes for religious leaders. The community's response to such allegations often reflects broader societal attitudes towards victims of abuse and the individuals accused.

In Morris's case, some members of the Gateway Church community have expressed support for him, citing his transparency and the steps he took towards restoration. However, others feel that his return to ministry was premature and that the impact on the victim was not sufficiently considered.

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The Importance of Accountability

The revelations about Morris and other religious leaders point to a critical need for accountability within religious organizations. While forgiveness and restoration are important aspects of faith, they must be balanced with justice and the protection of vulnerable individuals. Religious institutions need robust mechanisms to address allegations of misconduct transparently and effectively.

Organizations like the FaithTrust Institute and SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) offer resources and support for religious communities dealing with allegations of abuse. These organizations advocate for policies that prioritize the safety and well-being of congregants over the reputation of the institution or its leaders.


The case of Robert Morris serves as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse within positions of power, even within faith communities. It underscores the importance of vigilance, transparency, and accountability in addressing allegations of misconduct. As religious institutions continue to navigate these challenges, the focus must remain on protecting and supporting victims while ensuring that leaders are held to the highest ethical standards.

For those affected by sexual abuse, support is available through various hotlines and organizations dedicated to helping survivors navigate their healing journey. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse, text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to be connected to a certified crisis counselor.

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About the Creator

Sarah Daniel

Writer, blogger, activist. Blog, Researcher & Analyst and Content Creator at Self-Employment.

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    Sarah DanielWritten by Sarah Daniel

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