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Why Prisoners Wear Orange Jumpsuits

By Leighton GreenPublished 12 months ago 6 min read

if you think of a prisoner you probably

imagine them wearing an orange jumpsuit

this is true but it wasn't always like

this originally prisoners in the U.S

were wearing uniforms with black and

white stripes

in the early 20th century things started

to change and switching these colors to

something else was supposed to cut off

the association with gangs

orange jumpsuits appeared in the 70s

inmates don't always wear them only when

being transported or going outside why

for higher visibility

wearing striking orange an inmate can't

get away and get lost in the crowd


okay more uniforms for example

astronauts always wear white and there's

a good reason for it space isn't the

safest place and temperatures are very

extreme going from melting hot to

freezing cold

white is the color that reflects heat

the best and it's great for the

spacesuit's cooling and heating systems

and the last point in the darkness of

space white is the most visible color so

that's another bonus

okay it makes sense but why don't

firefighters wear white to reflect heat

well when you're surrounded by Flames

the color of the uniform doesn't make

much difference and the problem with

white is that it gets covered in Ash and

dust so it doesn't look white anymore

with black or brown there's no such

problem or at least it's not so visible

firefighters also have reflective

stripes on their uniforms which makes

them more visible

the next profession that comes to mind

is police officers and what color do

they wear yes dark blue so the first

police department appeared in the

beginning of the 19th century in the UK

the uniform was made blue so that it was

easy to distinguish between police

officers and soldiers who had already

been wearing white and red by then

when a police department was established

in the U.S a couple of decades later

they followed the tradition

interestingly the uniform Hue has never


turns out it's a very practical color

you can't see any stains on it and it's

also very helpful because at night a

police officer can track suspects down

while staying unnoticed

medical workers usually wear uniforms

that are a shade of blue or green

there's a reason for it before the 20th

century medical staff was simply wearing

their regular clothes even when

performing surgery with the development

of medicine people started to pay more

attention to how sterile everything was

so they started to wear a uniform at

first it was white to signify Purity but

the problem was that some stains were

very hard to wash off from the white

uniform the color white turned greenish

in no time so it made sense to make the

uniform green or blue

there's another reason too surgeons

mostly focus on red colors during work

blue and green are exactly on the

opposite side of the spectrum

so if everything else is greenish blue

red becomes even more distinctive

still it's a mistake to think that all

of them wear the exact same color in

many hospitals different departments are

color-coded you may say I mean that

different departments wear scrubs of

different colors so that people and

other doctors can easily understand who

the person is and differentiate between

nurses surgeons and Physicians right

away it helps address the correct person

with a specific request

the cutest detail about the doctor's

outfits though is probably the Crocs why

do they love this kind of Footwear well

it turns out they're the easiest to

clean and sterilize the foam they're

made of can be hand washed or washed in

the machine and there will be no damage

to the shoe whatsoever also they're

obviously soft comfy and breathable

which makes them the best shoes for

people who spend days standing

ever wondered why most doctors have

sloppy handwriting no there's no special

class in medical colleges the reason why

it's so common is that doctors are

always in a rush and they're right as

fast as possible

so there's no time to care about their

writing style also keep in mind that

you're not the only person they write a

prescription for that day doctors do a

lot of paperwork often for about 10

hours straight and they're just too

tired most of the time to deal with


in most countries wedding dresses are

typically white but this tradition isn't

as old as you might think until the 19th

century wedding dresses were any random

color basically a bride just wore the

best gown she owned often they weren't

white you see back in the day with no

running water white wasn't a very

practical color female members of royal

families typically got married wearing

red gowns

in 1840 Queen Victoria changed the

tradition when she got married in a

white gown

at first it was frowned upon because

white was associated with mourning so it

wasn't much of a festive color still

less than a decade later white became

widely accepted and started to be

associated with Purity and innocence


a bit more about weddings typically

engagement and wedding rings are worn on

the fourth finger and the tradition goes

back to ancient Egypt Rome and Greece

people were wearing their rings on that

finger because they believed that there

was a vein in this particular finger

that led straight to the heart

wearing a ring on this finger symbolized

that the heart of a person was taken

originally the ring was worn on the

right hand because people believed the

left hand to be unlucky some cultures

changed it to the left hand later in

some countries people wear their

engagement ring on their right hand

before the wedding and switch it to the

left after the wedding

but it's always the fourth finger we now

know there's no vein leading to the

heart but the tradition remained

almost everywhere in the world pink is

considered to be a girl color and blue

is traditionally a Boy Color

I was wondering why it was like that so

I did a bit of digging turns out that

originally it was vice versa as a

stronger color pink was associated with

boys and blue as a calmer color was

assigned to girls

later the colors were reassigned as pink

was seen as the shade of romantic red in

the 19th century the women's movement

almost put an end to assigning colors to

genders but then there were the 1960s

when people learned how to figure out

the gender of the future baby and

started throwing gender reveal parties

companies figured that they could make

money by selling pink and blue gendered

items and that's how they established

the rule blue is for boys and pink is

for girls

the blue raspberry flavor is more like

the regular raspberry because blue

raspberries just don't exist but for

some reason raspberry flavored ice pop

is blue

why is it so if the berry itself is pink

or red well for practical reasons and to

make it less confusing

imagine you're producing a pack of

popsicles and assigning colors to

Flavors an apple flavored one will

probably be green a lemon one will be

yellow that's easy then there's

strawberry so it should be red also

Cherry well red again watermelon red and

now raspberry red one more time wait

four Reds are too many Reds how will

people tell them apart

so raspberry ice pops were made blue and

got called a non-existent blue raspberry

okay now the egg mystery like why are

some of them white and some brown and

what does it depend on

apparently the color depends on the

breed of the hen typically white

chickens lay white eggs and dark

chickens lay brown eggs but even

chickens of the same breed can lay eggs

of different colors depending on the

genetics of the particular head

if you wonder if there's any difference

between brown and white eggs then the

answer is no it's just the color of the

shell nothing more

the yolk can look different too orange

or yellow its color depends on the food

the chicken eats if its diet has a big

amount of yellow orange pigments then

the yolk will be darker again there's no

difference here than the color.


About the Creator

Leighton Green

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