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“martyrs’ kindergartens”

One particularly heartbreaking consequence of this ongoing conflict is the extent of its impact on children in Gaza who are growing up amid violence every day – and have become known in some media as “martyrs’ kindergartens” because so many young lives have been taken from them. Due to war-related deaths or injuries sustained by their families during military operations carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinian targets within the Gaza borders. These children experience unimaginable trauma which often leads them to depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health problems later in life if not treated properly while they are still in their formative years. This tragedy could create generations full of individuals facing psychological problems stemming from war experiences that no child should ever have to endure.

By Mojeeb DehwaPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

The Gaza Strip is a small piece of land located on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and Palestinians have lived there since time immemorial. It is one of the most densely populated regions in the world, with more than two and a half million people living there.

The region has witnessed many wars that have left many innocent lives, as well as major destruction of infrastructure and resources. As a result, life for Gazans can be very difficult; Poverty levels are high, and access to basic services such as health care or education may be limited or non-existent at times due to the Israeli blockade on the Gaza border.

One particularly heartbreaking consequence of this ongoing conflict is the extent of its impact on children in Gaza who are growing up amid violence every day – and have become known in some media as “martyrs’ kindergartens” because so many young lives have been taken from them. Due to war-related deaths or injuries sustained by their families during military operations carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinian targets within the Gaza borders. These children experience unimaginable trauma which often leads them to depression, anxiety disorders and other mental health problems later in life if not treated properly while they are still in their formative years. This tragedy could create generations full of individuals facing psychological problems stemming from war experiences that no child should ever have to endure.

Fortunately, there are organizations working hard to provide much-needed psychological support to these vulnerable minors through various programs such as psychosocial counseling sessions, art therapy activities, play therapy initiatives, etc. Such interventions provide these children with the necessary tools that enable them to cope better under difficult circumstances and thus the circumstances allow them to build a brighter future despite all the difficulties they face. It also helps raise awareness about the plight faced by the youth of Gaza among the international community, and inspires more people around the world to take action in order to put an end to Israel’s injustice and persecution of the people of Gaza, especially children, and thus give hope to future generations that You can live without fear.

The ongoing violence against the children of Gaza is an issue that must be addressed and stopped. The people of Gaza have been subjected to perpetual suffering due to Israeli arrogance, which has led to countless human rights violations and casualties among innocent civilians, especially children. This has had a devastating impact on the lives of its residents, as they are forced to live in constant fear for their safety.

The latest statistics indicate that more than 2,360 Palestinian children have been killed since October 7th to the present day due to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. In addition, thousands of others suffered physical injuries or psychological trauma as a result of direct exposure to attacks launched by the Zionist entity. These atrocities affect not only the people directly affected, but also their families who are left with deep emotional scars due to the loss of their loved ones at a tragic young age.

All governments and people around the world must take action to end these senseless acts of violence against innocent civilians; Especially vulnerable groups like women and children who should never be subjected to such atrocities regardless of any political conflicts occurring within the borders of their country. It is essential that we continue the fight for justice so that every child feels safe in their home without fear of their lives being taken away prematurely by war or political unrest.

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About the Creator

Mojeeb Dehwa

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