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legend of Stanley dark

stories after dark

By jjPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
Stan’s house near big rapids mi

In Stanley's legend, Stanley DeGroot was once a chef at Springfield Elementary and all the kids made fun of him because he never graduated from college. One day, Stanley went insane and grabbed a cleaver amidst a crowd of those who mocked him, deciding to add a human-based entree on the menu. Stanley ran round the school butchering and brutally dismembering the children who had mocked him, until there were none of them left. While tasting his new soup known as Kids’ Head Soup, Stanley gleefully remarked "Needs more girl!" and threw in a girl's head. Stanley then presented the soup to the staff the next day for lunch, and they were horrified to discover that their lunch contained parts of their students.

Stanley was immediately arrested for murder, and but escaped the next several unmarked graves were dug up when the authorities came to check the dugup graves they found the entire cemetery destroyed bodies missing Stanley is out here some were with out a trace to this day no trace of S.T.A.N.L.E.Y and his day the case remains cold of the the dark Stanley mystery and his murder spree there has been several attempts to reopen the cold case some claim that he simply disappeared in to thin air after being transported to Ionia prison in Michigan there was a investigation on the day of the escape but none can come up with how he got out of Ionia maximum there was a speculation that his escape was aided by a guard or Stanley escaped during laundry detail to this day still being question how he could have escaped out of Ionia max to murder again Stanley had bad child hood he was often beaten by his dad while his mother worked Stan was pushed around by the other kids due to his funny but yet small stature soo skinny that a wind could hit him shatter him in to pieces kids would tease him about his wimpy body frame set him up for teasing when stanley entered high school torment gotten worse at home and school stan finally snapped he had murdered his whole graduation class one by one Stan whent as they were laughing at him during the graduation speech mocking him even throwing rotten watermelon at poor Stanley he had finally had a enough of his class mates taunting him and the teachers who never helped Stan not even when the local jocks beat him after a school play nor gym class when Stan was pushed off a diving board durning swim class caused him to break his other arm stan was out of school for a week only to mistreated by his dad calling him a weird funny looking disgusting Stan had enough of his dad that night finally shoved to geezer to the floor hitting his head on the coffee table Stan finally ran away from home that’s when then the murders started even more at the trial in big rapids Michigan is mother sat in the court room telling the court that her Stanley is a good boy he isn’t like that dark side of stan had came out slowly Stan’s mother also shared about Stan’s up brings wasn’t bad but they were stan father was a drunk who would often hit Stanley and his mother and steal money for horse bets Stanley college fund had been used to gamble stan and his mother would often go hungry or have no clean clothes to wear Stanley was given a Welshler test but he failed it later on he was given more test one was a iq test but mysterious passed it later on he was given a another test this revealed a troubling childhood past about stan and how he began his horrible murders came about


About the Creator


just average person who got used for a friendship and a heart ripped out lied to 😞 when all I wanted was a simple friend how hard is that world why me why guess I’m doomed Guess it was ment

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  • jj (Author)7 months ago

    Why won’t any my story I give up with vocal I’m done ? guess people rather read boring things on vocal that perfectly good story that deserves to be read

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