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Drillmington: That Moon Show Money

Julisia holds down her man.

By Skyler SaundersPublished about a month ago 3 min read
Drillmington: That Moon Show Money
Photo by Pedro Lastra on Unsplash

In an age where there was no income tax or consumption tax on certain items in Delaware, TSL and Julisia lived their lives in close contact with accountants and lawyers.

“But this is what I’m talking about, goddamnit it!” Julisia screamed at the lawyers.

“I’m paying you to protect us in court. There are opps—opposition, opponents who want Top’s head. I’m not going to let that happen. If you wish to see a production in this courtroom, then you will see me go even louder until you all leave!” The attorneys exited without saying a word.

By Planet Volumes on Unsplash

Julisia reached a hand across the table at TSL.

“Damn, baby you lit a fire under them!”

TSL observed.

“We’re a business and I’ll be damned if we ever see any of this take shape in a way we don’t want it to,” she reassured.

No one else was in the room. Julisia set her phone on the table to check for bugs in the room. It was clear.

“Our snitching days are going to get more interesting. We’re going to have to be a bit more crafty to evade the scum we’re chasing. They’re going to try out different scenarios on us. They’re going to try to run us into the ground,” she said. Her voice didn’t tremble once she balanced a pen between her first and second fingers on her left hand.

“I like the snitch game. It pays off in dividends. I’m making more snitching than I am touring the state. I love to drill but that’s not all to it. We’ve gotta get paid on this snitching front, so whatever it is you can do to make this system smoother and more fluid, I’m all about it,” TSL retorted. He put his hands behind his head and put his left foot over the right. He looked at a portrait of a gun-metal gray skyscraper.

By Simone Hutsch on Unsplash

“We’re going to do this, baby. No matter how many ways we have seen this before splashed in tabloids on tablets. We’re supposed to be the invisible ambassadors. The .org is doing fine. I’m making you into something that you never thought you could be. If we continue down this way, we’ll still be in the black. There is no God but thank God there are no forced payments for governmental services. That’s a boon for us. The .org already covered that realm not now, what you get from streams you keep all of that and more. With you on multiple platforms and preparing to go national, that’s big.”

“But that’s the best part of being in a small state like this. You get respected from your home and you’re able to form a niche amount of supporters. And the money I’ve been making is something special in itself.”

“Yes, that’s why I’m saying that you should be able to confront your own special self.”

TSL looked at Julisia for a long time. He wanted to kiss her or grab her by the arm and take her in the Goulding to the Fish Doctor. He instead folded his hands.

“I’m so ready to take this thing global. I know the streams are from all over the world, but after this country I’m exploring Earth and gearing up for the Moon and Mars. Those ticket sales are going to be incredible.”

“Yes, we’ve got to deal with the human traffickers, pedophiles, fraudsters, and other scum on the planet first,” Julisia pointed out. She poured a glass of water for TSL and herself.

By Aaron Doucett on Unsplash

“You’re right. I’m just ready to get that Moon show money. And Mars, too. I may be ready but time hasn’t caught up to me yet.”

“Exactly,” Julisia agreed. “Once we continue our low profile and our ability to stay low and inform the various law enforcement agencies of the activity that has been going on, we should have a clearer vision of who we are and what we can do.”


About the Creator

Skyler Saunders

Cash App: $SkylerSaunders1


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