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Cutthroat Cocoa

Kate O’Sullivan

By K OPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Cutthroat Cocoa
Photo by Franzi Meyer on Unsplash

My kitchen was ruined. How my daughter can make such a mess every time she bakes astounds me. nevertheless the flour in her hazelnut colored hair and 10 year old toothy grin is worth the clean up and the sweets every time.

Before I start cleaning the kitchen, I sit down with my Lily for tea.

“Mom, can I have some sugar in my tea please?” my Lily asks with big eyes.

“Hmm, you could have another spoon of sugar in your tea, but the chocolate cake you baked might taste better with a more bitter tea darling.”

“AH MY CAKE” and just like that, the timer for the oven dings and I help her put on the hot mitts and take the cake out of the oven.

“Mom I’m cutting the cake, stand back,” Lily says with a sense of self righteousness. I see myself in her everyday.

“Here mom!”

Most nights, its just Lily and I gathering for tea, and I prefer it that way. I do my best to make that feel normal for her with music and lively, happy conversation. I try my best to make her feel loved.

“Do you like it mom?”

“I think this is your best cake yet Lily” I say while smiling sweetly.

“Thanks mom.”

“Thank YOU for the cake darling!”

I give her a kiss on her forehead and ruffle her hair. We eat our slices of cake and drink our tea in the living room while listening to some smooth jazz.

Soon enough, we will be at peace like this every night.

“Mom, do you think dad will want any cake?” Lily says very quietly.

“Yes, I will make sure he has a slice when he gets home” I say with a fake smile. My heart is already pounding.

“I hope he likes it.”

“I know he will. It will be the best cake he has ever had.”

We finish our cake and I tuck Lily into bed.

“Mom can you sing the sunshine song please.”

I proceed to sweetly sing you are my sunshine to my Lily and hold her cheek while she nods off. I play with a strand of her beautiful hair, wavy just like mine.

I kiss her forehead again, stand up, and turn towards the door. Its go time.

My poor Lily has no idea that her chocolate cake is going to solve a long overdue problem: her father, and my wretched husband.

I grab a chocolate beater to lick and walk over to the counter to start collecting slippery butter bowls and wipe down sugar coated counters.

Once the general cleanup is done, I set my sights on cake with razor focus, and its time to cut a slice for Dan. Only this time, I’m adding something a little special to his.

I cut the perfect slice, knowing he will get home and drunkenly indulge in whatever is on the counter. I place the slice in the perfect spot on the right side counter.

I hide the rest of the cake away, and head to my bedroom for the final component. I go to my closet, to a purple bag in the very back, unzip the inner pocket and pull out a very small bottle.

I have a friend who works in a forensic unit for homicides. Needless to say, he’s more than privy to what toxins and poisons regularly show up in a chemical analysis. The little bottle he gave me contains a lovely poison that simulates a heart attack, and does not show up in an autopsy.

It was the last night I let him abuse me. It was the last night I let him even think about abusing my Lily. It ends now.

I have been waiting for this for a long time.

I saunter back to the kitchen, clutching my little bottle. My piercing gaze makes contact with the slice of chocolate cake, and I’m ready.

The bottle is equipped with a dropper.

“2 drops in any meal will simulate a heart attack, just make sure he eats the whole thing” my friend said, handing me the bottle.

“Do what you must.”

This wasn’t his first rodeo. Of the thousands of people he has autopsied, he has helped send a fair few deserved souls to the afterlife. I am grateful to him.

We have a sort of agreement, if you will. I am an ace lawyer, and if he ever goes down, I have him covered.

I gracefully drip 3 drops on the cake for good measure, knowing that even one drop would probably do Dan in. His cholesterol is shit anyways.

I step into my bedroom and put on my favorite nightgown, and light a candle. Tonight, I celebrate my liberation, and reclaiming my divinity.


I hear the front door open and close, and quietly peer out my door. Dan stumbles into the kitchen, and splashes water from the sink on his face. I can smell the chew he just spat in this sink from here.

He turns to the right, and sees the slice of cake. Dan stumbles to the counter and in about 2 minutes, the entire slice is down his gullet.

He plops down on the couch and turns on the tv. After a quick commercial segment, I see his face contort and he slips down to the ground.

I shut my door, take a deep breath, and blow out the candle.

My Lily and I are free now. I hope he enjoyed his slice of chocolate cake.

I have never slept better.


About the Creator


Have a spot of tea, settle in somewhere cozy, and join me in my writings! Let my prose delight your mind or drown your sorrows in my words, for I promise they’ll make you feel something.

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